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You want me to do what? Go Where?

Posted on Sat Oct 15th, 2016 @ 11:08pm by Commander Sonia Dalca
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:41pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Deep Space Station
Timeline: 2388/07/04 (July 4, 2388 ????)

Lt. Commander Sonia Dalca Chief Security/Tactical Officer of the deep space exploration vessel, USS Pathfinder, stared intently at the cause of her frustration. Then her eyes narrowed at her opponent. "I hawe you checkmated in four mowes." She said victory in her Romanian accented voice, her grey eyes triumphant.

Her opponent grinned. "But I have you checkmated in four." Said the stocky human from the Northern Continent on Earth. Lt. Commander Billy Pierce worked with Starfleet HQ, presently in the personnel department.

Her eyes narrowed again as she checked the 3D Chess set. It was only a few seconds later that she muttered "Damn" and knocked over her King in the age old symbol.

His eyebrows went up briefly, "I figured you would fight to the bitter end." He said his kind, open face puzzled and his green eyes curious.

Sonia shrugged, "Perhaps I hawe grown up?"

She offered and Billy laughed, "Yeah right the day you back down from a fight is the day I can hit the broad side of a barn with a phaser...".

Sonia cracked a smile too, "Well perhaps I am eager to know what brings 'Mr. I lowe being in the center of things at HQ why would I ever leave' out to a border station?"

He sighed theatrically "Can't it be just to see my old Academy buddy?"

She narrowed her gaze on his, "Might I remind you I read people for a liwing?" She didn't mean as a book but that she was very astute at watching body language, tone, and other subtle cues to figure out what a prisoner, or junior officer, might be hiding from her.

He put up his hands as they sat in his guest quarters, as the USS Pathfinder was under repair. It had been a rough last few missions. It was his gesture of surrender, "Fine. Maybe because Starfleet would like you to reconsider their offer and I wanted to see an old Academy buddy."

This time her eyes narrowed again in annoyance. She'd gotten the request but it had been a request not an order to take up the position of Chief Tactical Officer in their Tactical Education Department. She stood and crossed her arms, "I'll tell you what I told them, I am a field officer, not a teacher.."

In response Billy stood too and gestured to a nearby conversation area, "I came all this way at least hear me out." Finally he talked her into sitting back down and began as he too, sat. "Listen first you are a teacher. It comes naturally to you. You forget you're the one who got me through several classes and I'm not the only one you helped..."

She shifted uncomfortably. "A study buddy does not a teacher make, Billy." She replied.

"And those simulations you're always running to keep your people in top form, the ones you design, the after briefings..."

She finally held up a hand, "Alright, alright so I might be able to impart information without fallingk on my face, it doesn't make me a teacher.."

"It also doesn't make you any less a field officer. Starfleet wants you because of your combat experience. Your recent innovations with using shuttles as remote weapons platforms, cross training personnel, and training your own officers in the engineering aspects of their weapons so they can better know how to repair slash push them are known to Starfleet. In addition to other items from your internal reports to Captain Mathers." Captain Mathers was a hub in the Starfleet Security/Tactical world. He worked at Starfleet HQ and constantly sought to improve Security/Tactical across Starfleet. Knowing they would be at the for front of any attack.

Sonia frowned. She didn't know what to do with praise. She simply had been reporting things as she was required in case others found what she'd done as useful as she had.

Billy didn't let her speak but rushed forward afraid she wouldn't listen. "They want that experience teaching the next generation how to survive, if possible things are getting even more chaotic out there. You've seen the reports."

She nodded reluctantly. It seemed the universe had gotten a collective bug up its butt. New spacial phenomenon, mini wars and new life forms seemed to be popping out of the woodwork, all with their own challenges.

He continued, "They know that and want to prepare the new officers as best they can."

At this she broke in, "I am still a better Security Officer then I am Tactical, there must be others..." She ran a hand through her short, black hair in a long used gesture of thoughtful frustration.

Billy shook his head, "You're still one of the better Tactical Officers, they've noted the extra training you've taken on yourself to improve your skills in tactical and the creativity of your solutions to the various attacks over the years. And.." At his he looked somber, "Don't think I don't know how hard being on a Starship is for you. Even with the holodecks."

Sonia straightened as if slapped, "I joined Starfleet to do my duty I am not goingk to shirk it because it is hard.." She was half an allsomorph. She couldn't shape change like others of her fathers species but had one form. A wolf. And that wolf made her already active nature even more so.

He raised his hands placatingly, "I know, I know. But this is on a planet with beautiful nature all around it. Jungles and forests, acres and acres. Wildlife everywhere. They have a ship for extended training missions. And who knows someone may be shooting at you soon if that would make you happy but Sonia." He looked into her eyes with his own version of an intent gaze, "You don't have to be shot at to be serving Starfleet. There are many ways to serve. You think less of your teachers from the Academy?"

She thought of her instructors and shook her head. They had more knowledge in their pinky then she would ever have in her whole body.

Billy pushed his point sensing she was actually thinking about it now. "How many people did they help by giving us the skills we needed? Hmm? And that's another point. These are the elite in their fields. All that brain power in one place, think of the new weapons ideas, training possibilities, brains to pick. You could use the time there to make yourself even more knowledgeable in things relating to your field even while you help Starfleet. There are many ways to serve." He repeated, then fell silent.

Sonia looked deep in thought.

"I'll make tea.." he said leaving her to it.

He got up and went to make the tea and Sonia rested her elbows on her knees with her hands under her chin and thought. Her friends words roamed around her brain. She had been getting antsy. Even with the safety valves she used it had been getting harder and harder to deal with the small spaces on a Starship. She was almost constantly restless and even mediation only helped somewhat. She would never say anything though but Billy was an old friend and knew her other form. So he well knew how hard it was for her.

And just because he was a Starfleet HQ lifer didn't mean he wasn't astute in his own way. He may work in Starfleet Personnel now but he had been an analyst for Starfleet Intel. Random bits of the conversation came back to her as she considered the offer. The last few missions had been filled with bloodshed, they'd tried to avoid it but it hadn't been possible. Maybe this was a chance to serve and take a step back, to find herself again. And she couldn't completely ignore the thrill that went up her spine at his words of jungles and forests, a part of her in the back of her mind almost whimpered with eagerness at the thought.

When he sat back down with the tea she looked into his curious gaze, "Tell me what my duties would be and more about these...forests.."

With a broad smile, her friend complied. He wouldn't tell her it came with a promotion or that this meant Starfleet was grooming her for bigger and better things for he knew she wouldn't care so he focused on answering her questions, pleased he'd been able to help Starfleet and a dear friend in one fell swoop.

Lt. Commander William "Billy" Pierce, NPC
Starfleet HQ, Personnel

Lt. Commander Sonia E. Dalca
USS Pathfinder
soon to be Academy Minion


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