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Nice to Meet You

Posted on Mon Jan 7th, 2019 @ 1:43pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Phoebe Cavendish & Cadet Freshman Grade Rachel Gallagher
Edited on on Mon Jan 7th, 2019 @ 1:45pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Cadet Dormatories
Timeline: 2388/08/25 1601 (August 25 2388 4:01pm)

Following orientation, Rachel walked into her dorm room to settle in. She wasn't exactly thrilled with the Starfleet issued underwear...they were....gray. Not exactly her color, but she shrugged, figuring it was something she' d have to get used to. She knew her roommate would most likely be arriving shortly, and she wondered who it was going to be. She assumed it was going to be a female at least....since there was to be no co-ed rooms.

At least I wont get stuck with Liam.. she thought to herself as she set her Starfleet issued items onto one of the beds.

After finally wrenching herself away from Jondar, Phoebe found her way to the dorm and opening the door, jumping a little in surprise as she discovered she wasn't alone. "Oh hi!" she smiled brightly as she watched the other girl, figuring that this was going to be the person that she would most likely be spending then next four years sharing with.

Rachel jumped a little herself and spun around to find that she too, wasn't alone. "Hi there." she said, returning the girl's bright smile with one of her own. "I'm Rachel...and you are?" she asked, extending a hand to Phoebe.

"Phoebe." the brunette replied as she took Rachel's hand and shook it, "Security and about you?"

Rachel smiled, "Medical and Science." she said then released Phoebe's hand. "Can you be believin this place? Incredible isn't it?" she said.

"It's paradise." Phoebe grinned, "I never thought that I'd see somewhere so gorgeous...I can't wait to go to the beach."

Rachel nodded, "It is paradise...compared to anywhere else most of us have lived." she said, wondering if after what happened on the base prior to their arrival here, if she'd be allowed to go to the beach...or anywhere else fun for awhile. "If the beaches are as beautiful as the rest of this place, Id be lovin ta see them." she added.

"I know what you mean, I can't wait to get out there and explore." Phoebe replied excitedly, "It's gonna be hard to get to work with all of this around us."

Rachel chuckled a little, "I know what you mean. I dunnae know how any of us will be gettin any work done with the beautiful landscape... not to mention the cute guys." she said with a smirk. Though there was still one guy she had no intention on dating.

"Yeah..." Phoebe replied dreamily, her thoughts immediately turning to Jondar and their brand new relationship, "They are cute alright."

Rachel smiled a little, "Most of them are yes...but stay away from Liam. He's trouble with a capital T." she told her new roommate. "So...where you be from?" she asked, curious.

"Northampton." Phoebe replied, "It's in England, on Earth." then she sighed and added "And I really miss it."

Rachel nodded, "I hear ya. I be from Dublin in Ireland." she said, sighing herself. "I miss my hometown too....guess that be makin us neighbors in a way...cross the pond anyway." she said with a slight smile.

"Guess it does." Phoebe smiled before asking "So what's up with this Liam person? I haven't met him yet, at least not to talk to."

Rachel looked at Phoebe, "You may not want ta meet him...hes a bit of a I only care about having fun and care about myself type person. I was briefly.....involved you could say, with him...worst mistake of me life. We got caught and he threw me under the bus so ta speak....just ta save his skin." she explained.

"That's terrible!" Phoebe looked appalled, "I'm so sorry, he sounds like an idiot."

Rachel nodded, "He's definitely not friend material, let alone boyfriend material. I think he be just out for a good time." she told Phoebe. "Not to mention he seems ta be rather cocky." she added.

"Well I'll certainly keep away from him then." Phoebe replied, "I can't stand people like that."

Rachel nodded, "Neither can I. If I could only go back in time I'd change that and avoid him."

"Oh well, they say that we learn by our mistakes." Phoebe shrugged, unaware of just how far things had gone between Rachel and Liam.

Rachel chewed lightly on her lower lip. It was clear her roommate had no idea just how far things had gone between her and Liam...and she wondered just how long it would stay that way...what with how she was going to be stuck around Liam thanks to their punishment. "Yeah....I be supposin. I hope I do." she said quietly.

"Cheer up. There's plenty of other much nicer people around here...I'm sure you'll find some really good friends." Phoebe smiled, seeing that clearly the subject of Liam seemed to be upsetting her new friend.

Rachel nodded, "You be right of course...thanks." she said, giving her new friend a small smile. "So.... what made you choose your major?" she asked, changing the subject to a slightly more pleasant one.

"Mainly because I'm a total tomboy." Phoebe grinned, "I like hand to hand combat, martial arts and all that kind of stuff and I figure that it would be sensible to use skills like that to help protect people." she shrugged.

Rachel smiled, "I'm a little bit of a tomboy but still have a fairly girlie side ta me...but I be goin inta medicine ta be takin after me mother. She was a doctor." she explained, feeling a little better now that they were on a different subject.

"Must be nice to be that smart." Phoebe smiled, putting herself down as she always seemed to do.

Now it was Rachel's turn to do the cheering up. "Oh come now...surely you must be smart ta be here...right?" she said, giving her new friend a comforting smile.

"Only because I work really hard." Phoebe shrugged, "It doesn't come easy to me."

Rachel smiled, "At least it be worth it in the end." she replied. "At least it should be." she said, hoping she was being at least a little encouraging.

"I hope so too." Phoebe smiled at Rachel then added "Well I guess my things aren't going to unpack themselves." she picked up her duffle bag and placed it on one of the beds.

Rachel nodded, "Aye... I be thinkin the same thing." she said as she looked at her own bag on the opposite bed and began to unpack her things, putting each item in either the dresser or closet.

Phoebe looked over at Rachel and smiled knowing that she no longer had to worry about being assigned a dodgy room mate. She liked her new friend and was pretty sure that they'd get along just fine.


Cadet Freshman Grade Rachel Gallagher
Medical Cadet
Starfleet Academy Magellan Campus

Cadet Freshman Grade Phoebe Cavendish
Magellan Campus


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