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Posted on Mon Jan 7th, 2019 @ 1:56pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Jondar Sito
Edited on on Mon Jan 7th, 2019 @ 1:58pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Dorm-room James T. Kirk building
Timeline: 2388/08/25 1603 (August 25 2388 4:03pm)


Jondar checked the PADD he held in one hand as the other hefted his duffle bag. This was the place, he walked in the the unlocked door and was immediately prompted to ID himself so the room would know one of the two legal persons. He did so then looked around. It was clean except for two piles of boxes and other gear that had arrived ahead of himself and..he checked the PADD someone named Braden MacCloud. He dumped his bag on the bed on the right side of the spartan looking room. He knew he would get along well with his roommate or ignore him, Jondar was fairly hard to rattle.

From his time on Bajor and working with the corporate security guys he had gotten into the habit of setting up quickly. The faster you made something home the longer it was so even if you had to leave quickly. He began to unpack eager to get settled as he hoped to see Phoebe later that day. He tossed his jacket over his desk chair and rolled up his sleeves getting to work. He locked his door in an open position which he was told would clearly tell people he didn't mind drop ins.

After walking around the campus like a tourist for a couple hours he had gotten signed in. Now armed with a room number and his ID he set off to see his new home for the next few years. The door was open when Braden arrived so he knocked on the frame "Hello, anyone home?"

Jondar poked his head out his closet with a smile. The big, bajoran took a look at his new roommate. Somewhat surprised he could look at him eye to eye. Not many humans were as tall as he was. "Names Jondar, friends call me Jon. I claimed the left side, there's room in my fridge if you need. Your newbie packet's on your desk..." He spoke rapid fire in his typical outgoing fashion and pointed at a picture of a very pretty female cadet on his desk, "That's my girlfriend so be cool, need a hand?" He poked his head out of the room to check for more luggage.

"Braden here and no just the one bag. They provide uniforms and all we need here, so just a few essentials in the bag." He tossed his bag on the bunk indicated then offered his hand "So do I call you Jon or Jondar? Or do we wait and see. I would not want to take anything for granted after all." Braden hoped they would get along, he wanted to be able to concentrate on his studies and not get caught up in some drama.

Jondar laughed, "You'd an odd one, Jon is fine." He took the proffered hand and shook it briefly, "We can always meet at Dawn if we annoy each other too bad." He folded his arms and leaned against the door, "Since we're asking you Braden or Brad?" then he looked thoughtful, "Hey since I got here first does that mean I outrank you until one of us hits Jg first?" He asked with the joking attitude of someone who really didn't care.

"Braden, no one ever called me Brad. As to rank I have no idea, I want to fly fighters is all. Whatever rank I get is fine as long as I get to fly. Makes you feel better to outrank me go for it." Braden began putting what little he brought away. He pulled a painting of a chiseled face in camo paint and wearing a campaign hat. he sat it on his desk, Next he pulled a painting of a Hawk diving claws first toward a raven. He placed it on the other side of his desk. Then he folded his bag and put it away before sitting down and looking out the window.

Jondar shook his head, this guy was way to serious, "Ok...Brad.." he threw up his hands to ward off any looks, "Braden, it was a joke. You know jokes?" He quipped plopping down on his bunk.

Braden shrugged "So that was considered funny where you come from?" Braden finished putting his few belongings away, the last was a set of artist brushes, paints, and a roll of canvas material to stretch for painting. Braden sat down on his chair and spun it to face Jondar. "I hope you are not going to be offended if i do not laugh at your bad jokes." His expression was mostly neutral with a tinge of smirk.

Jondar made a face, "Hey its funny all over, I'm a funny guy just ask half the campus. He said his eyes skimming the artists tools. Thought of the poetry and philosophy books hidden in a box in his closet. Said nothing. The rough mercenary group he traveled with would have had a field day with a guy who read poetry. "Not my fault you're humor detector is busted, you sure you don't need a doc?" He joked a smirk of his own in his eyes.

Braden propped his feet up on the corner of his bunk, "Nope, Doctors can not fix sick humor. Maybe I should stop by Operations and get a set of earplugs. Would not help you any but I would feel better. So Jon between horrid jokes mind telling me what your field is? Because if I ever met anyone who needed a day-job it is you."

Jondar laughed, impressed by the quick responses, "I see what you mean the universe could not handle my undeluded awesomeness..." He replied undaunted. "I'm in the security track..." Just because he was privately wondering if that was the right choice that was his business.

"I can see you as a brig officer. A captive audience would be the perfect ticket for that.. Awesomeness?" Braden smiled "honestly I wish you well. Myself I do not believe in luck but if you do I wish you good luck as well. I won't be here a lot to bother you, but I will be here at lights out. You will need to find another place if you want privacy for the night." He switched gears but his friendly tone never changed at all. He made eye contact "Then again if you don't pretend to be a comedian I might take mercy on you once in a while."

"You may have a point there..." Jondar grinned back, "And that's fine, only rules I got are if you have a problem with me, you tell me. And if you touch my stuff make sure there's a good reason otherwise I will tie you to a chair and make you listen to my collection of Klingon Opera or my jokes, I'll let you choose.". He said perfectly willing to roll with it.

Braden nodded "makes sense. No worries I have a problem with you and you will know it. As to your stuff, keep it off my bed and desk and leave me a clear path and we are good there." Braden's tone changed to quiet, serious quiet. "However you try to tie me to anything and you best kill me. I would have a problem with that." His easy smile returned as he added "See I told you that if I had a problem you would know it. We should get along just fine."

Jondar caught the tone, he'd heard it before. When guys laid down their 'do not cross this' lines and meant it. He just nodded once, message received, "Want to go check out the arcade? I hear they got just about everything...." He asked his new friend.

Braden shrugged "Sure, I am done here." Braden noticed this Jon was willing to understand boundaries. He seemed an honest sort. This was going to workout, bad jokes and all.

Jondar hopped off the bed, "I better go first so you're not blinded by the looks from my many adoring fans.." and with a grin headed out.


Cadet Freshman Grade Braden MacCloud
Flight cadet
SF: Magellan Campus


Cadet Freshman Sito Jondar
Security Cadet
SF: Magellan Campus


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