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Don't Cry Kitty Cat

Posted on Mon Jan 7th, 2019 @ 2:22pm by Cadet Freshman Grade R'Maia & Cadet Freshman Grade Talia Varen
Edited on on Mon Jan 7th, 2019 @ 2:26pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Cadet Dormatories
Timeline: 2388/08/25 1605 (August 25 2388 4:05pm)

Cadet Freshman Talia Varen had been having the most interesting day of her young life, exploring and getting to know the basics of the complex on the planet that she would spend at very least her next 4 years on. The strangest part for her was being so far from Tarik. Though they were bonded so tightly that, with a thought she would be in his mind and he in hers. Her amber eyes traced the numbers of the cabins as she passed them, looking for number she'd been assigned. I need a better map.

"Ah, there it is." Bending slightly to get the keychip from her pocket, she slightly unbalanced the pile of uniforms she was carrying from the Cadet Stores. Not noticing this fact she waved the key in front of the panel, and heard it unlock with an obedient click. Entering, she noticed that the room was dimly lit, and there was an odd sound coming from the corner. A column of light extended into the room, and then vanished when the Vulcan hybrid stepped fully into the chamber. Talia only had to wait for her eyes to adjust before she would be fine in this lighting, for clearly her roommate was already here. "Whoops," she exclaimed as the uniform on top slipped from the pile to fall with a soft plop to the ground.

R'Maia jumped at the sound of someone entering the room. She had come straight here after orientation to be alone. The Caitian had been overcome with loneliness as she had arrived, a combination of homesickness and rejection being too much. And so at the first opportunity she had headed off to her dorm where she had spent the last half hour crying on her bed. Sitting up hurriedly, she swiped at her eyes to wipe away the tears before the new arrival saw them but the fact that the fur on her face was sodden was still a give away. "Hi." she said in a wavering voice her tail flicking slightly as her feline instincts reacted to the unknown person.

"Hello" Talia responded, her eyes acclimated to the darkness she could tell that her roommate was weeping. Placing the' pile of uniforms on the unoccupied side of the room in order to free her hands. The waves of black' loneliness and despair from that side of the room were almost unbearable to Talia, who was not used to being in a place where people didn't shield their surface emotions. Absently rubbing her temples, she asked quietly "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'm sorry." R'Maia sniffed, "I didn't mean you to catch me like this." she added, grateful that her thick golden fur hid her blush.

"I don't doubt you meant not to be caught at all. It happens to the best of us. What's bothering you so much that you must be caught like this?" Making small talk, especially this sort was something her brother was better at than she.

"Am I rreally rrepulsive and scarrry?" R'Maia looked at Talia, her amber eyes filled with sadness.

"Of course not!" Talia answered instantly as she approached her bed and sat down beside the Caitian, resting one pale hand on her furry hand "You don't see many Caitians in Starfleet, so some of the others have never seen a member of your species before. I know what you are, but I've never actually SEEN one of your race before."

R'Maia purred softly in response to the contact, and whilst she wasn't telepathic, she could tell that Talia was being sincere. "I miss my family too." she sighed, "So farr I haven't seen anyone else of my rrace and it feels lonely to be the only one."

"We all miss our families, kitten. Whats your name anyway? My name is Talia." she answered quietly, with a smile on her lips, hoping that the Caitian wouldn't object to the name she'd just used. She continued to gently stroke the golden fur of her hand. Her roommate had quite soft fur and touching it was quite enjoyable.

"Rrrr'Maia." the Caitian replied smiling at Talia and grateful that at least one person around here seemed to like her, "Thanks for understanding."

Talia's giggle was a soft but vibrant counterpoint to her delicately pointed ears as she remarked "Your name is half purr. I like that."

"It's difficult to prrronounce worrrrds in otherrrr languages." R'Maia blushed slightly and looked down at the floor.

"I can imagine. No need to be embarrassed, it's not like its something you do on purpose after all." Talia grinned at her feline roommate, feeling contented about the situation. The cacaphony of her emotions had faded to a bearable level, leaving Talia with only a vague headache.

"Thank you." R'Maia smiled at Talia gratefully, "So where are you frrrom?" she asked, trying to take her mind of her loneliness.

"I'm from Vulcan, and from Betazed. We lived equally long on both planets, but we were born on Vulcan Our parents are a fairly odd couple if you can imagine. It's not every day that a Vulcan and a Betazoid form a romantic liason after all. At least I look like mother so that when we lived in ShiKhar, I wasn't nearly as unseemly as my poor twin who resembles our father." Winding one scarlet tipped curl around her finger she grinned absently at the memories of the planet.

"Sounds like it must have been difficult to fit in at times." R'Maia noted as she watched Talia then smiled, "Guess you do underrrstand how I feel."

"I do." Talia shrugged and then rubbed her forehead lightly as if she was in pain. "At least here in Starfleet we'll both fit in because here noone cares that we're different, we're just part of a greater whole. We just have to make it through."

"Trrrue." R'Maia noted before frowning and asking "Arrre you okay?" The Caitian had noticed Talia's action and her ears twitched with concern.

A smile hovered at her lips "I am well. I merely have a headache."

"So long as you'rre surre." R'Maia smiled at her new room mate and stood up. "Well I'm going to go out for a run and clear my head. I'll leave you in peace to unpack."

"Have fun" the Vulcan girl called at her retreating form as she spread out her belongings on the bed in order to sort them and put them away.

Cadet Freshman Grade R'Maia
Magellan Academy

Cadet Freshman Grade Talia Varen
Magellan Academy


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