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Three Musketeers

Posted on Fri Jan 11th, 2019 @ 6:07pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Jondar Sito & Cadet Freshman Grade Gwen Morgan & Cadet Freshman Grade James Corrigan
Edited on on Fri Jan 11th, 2019 @ 6:09pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Various locations on Campus
Timeline: 2388/08/26 0930 (August 26 2388 9:30am)

"No really pink toenails..." Sito Jondar was saying as he walked next to Gwen Morgan. They'd become friends and the feeling between the two was more like sister/brother than anything else.

"You painted your older brothers toenails pink?". She said, "Isn't he bigger than you? Brave man..."

He laughed "Easy to be brave when he's passed out drunk because he was celebrating getting into Starfleet...." They walked along the path chatting in the bright, early fall sun.

James Corrigan was not so much a loner by choice as he was by circumstance. Or maybe he was, but that was he fault of those Klingon boys back on the colony... and his dad.

His dad, now there was a case for a psychiatrist! Maybe that's why he had married Rachel in the first place, some deep-seated need for therapy. Likely not, but it was fun to think it. In a way, Jack Corrigan was why his son was here now. More to avoid the man really, but that was a reason, wasn't it?

Hearing voices ahead of him on the path, James stopped and stepped to the side. He had no idea who they belonged to and had no desire to get the crap beat out of him so soon into the semester. As they neared, he smiled and waved but didn't say anything immediately so as not to interrupt whatever conversation they were having.

James was not overly tall, standing at 6 feet even, a couple of inches shorter than the guy and a few taller than the girl. Whereas they both had brown hair, James had sandy blonde, what his dad called dirty dishwater blonde. He suspected Jack did it just to annoy him or demean him, but whatever. Not overly muscular but not overly skinny either, James could be classed as trim and athletic. His ice blue eyes showed intelligence but caution, and something else under the surface for any who cared to look deep enough.

Gwen of course was the first one to spot him. Jondar, while just friends with Gwen and loyal to his girlfriend Phoebe, couldn't seem to tune into the outside world enough when a pretty girl was talking to him. Gwen however, was observant and fast learning to be more so. She caught the look James threw, "You must be new as well." She said politely.

Jondar piped in, "That means you've got the, what do the Earthers say...deer in the headlights look?" He shrugged as if to say he didn't get the term but was sort of funny. "Sito Jondar." Said the 6'2 Bajoran, using his last name first as was traditional with his people. "And this stink on the wind..." he started to say but Gwen hit him.

"... Is the sister he wishes he had, Gwen Morgan... Don't pay attention to Jondar he thinks he's funny just because his girlfriend is amused by him...". Jondar and other friends were good for Gwen, she found the more she was around them the more comfortable it became and she was much more willing to talk than she used to be.

James blinked at Jondar. Deer in the headlights? Had he really been looking at them like that? Jeez, if so, he needed to stop that immediately! He chuckled though at their antics. They kind of did remind him of himself and Kat... when dad wasn't making them so freaky that they ended up in a fight. "Hey, you two." he offered in a friendly manner, though that sense of wariness was still present. It was just something he'd learned was necessary. "James Corrigan. And did I really look like that?" he asked, ice blue eyes fixing on Gwen with the question since she would know better than the Bajoran beside her.

He kind of felt sorry for the aliens. Humans couldn't say anything clearly. They had to make everything colloquial, colorful. It had to confuse the hell out of the aliens, he guessed.

Gwen smiled reassuringly, as they both nodded a greeting at his introduction, "Only a little. Very little.." She tried to reassure, "I think we all look a bit pole-axed..." Ignoring Jondar who mouthed the word "Pole-axed" with a puzzled expression. Jondar glanced at Gwen wondering if she sometimes made up words just to mess with him, Gwen continued, "We can shorten the learning curve by learning fast but its still there...."

James relaxed a bit, glad he hadn't looked like a complete dumbass. "Thanks..." he offered with a smile. "So... where were you two headed?" He hoped he wasn't intruding, but they seemed nice enough so far.

It was Jondar who answered, "They have this great Bajoran Springball court in the Gym. I was just going to show Gwen the wonders..."

"I lost a bet..." She said sliding in easily then made a face at Jondar's mock horror.

"It is the finest game in the galaxy, want in?" He asked James easily. He was generally a friendly and outgoing type so it didn't occur to him to not offer. Gwen nodded with a small smile indicating he was welcomed.

James chuckled at their interplay. He could tell they were good friends and wondered if they'd known each other before coming here or only met here. None of his business, of course, so he didn't ask. "Honestly... never played it." he admitted a bit sheepishly. "But I'm willing to learn." He grinned. "Thanks for the invite."

"No thank you for getting me out of it..." Gwen began as they started walking again with James in-between them.

Jondar snorted, "You still owe me a game you just get a reprieve..." Then he turned to James, "So it's played with two people as a sort of full contact handball. We have to hit the ball inside a clearly marked oval on the far wall without hitting the foul zones."

Gwen chimed in, "You gonna warn him about the body checking?"

He pretended to glare at her, "Of course its only fair..." He said long sufferingly. "Our parents are friends so she thinks she can tell me what to do..."

"I know I can..." She muttered and made a face familiar to older brothers throughout all centuries.

Jondar sighed and as they entered the gym area he continued his explanation. Gwen went to the girls locker room while he and James went to the guys.

The players could "body check" each other to disrupt a shot or to steal a shot of their own, but no punching or kicking was allowed. A player could also grab the ball out of the air with an ungloved hand, but then had to stand in place and throw the ball off the wall to set up a "shot" with the glove ? only a hit with the glove could score.

"Easy." Jondar said from his changing area as he put on his replicated practice suit. Fortunately there was limited replicating facilities in the gym but would be docked from their accounts.

James had watched them with something between amusement and recognition. They reminded him of himself and Kat when they were younger. They'd been tight but playful. As they'd grown up, though, dad had gotten... abusive, and James had gotten rebellious in an attempt yo make his father recognize that he was a person, not some faulty piece of equipment that he could abuse at his whim. It hadn't worked, of course. And Kat? She'd gotten quieter, walking on eggshells around their father to avoid drawing his attention and ire from his chosen target to herself. Not that James blamed her, but it had come between them, and it was yet one more thing he hated his father for. But that was for another time and place, he counseled himself as he replicated a duplicate of Jondar's outfit in his size and put it on the way he'd observed Jondar do.

"Sounds straightforward enough." he said finally. "Is movement free or confined to a specific part of the floor?" he asked. He had played racquetball, but this was a different game, even if it was similar.

"Free, within the room." Jondar said as a part of his mind considered the other guy. He seemed ok but this one looked like he had something on his mind.. Jondar shrugged it off, happens when you hung out with security types because of your older brother. Sometimes you did notice things. He let it go as not his business and focused on his new friend. "I'll let you go first, loser has to play Gwen. She's really not bad but don't tell her I told you so..." He picked up the standard equipment and handed one set to James and took the other for himself. He nodded at the door, quietly asking if James was ready to head out.

"Got it." James said with a smile, meaning both the rules of the game and the 'don't tell Gwen' thing. Taking the offered gear, he headed out into the game area. A moment taken to mentally prepare, and he began the match.

Gwen was dressed to play but happy to watch from the stands, "Go James!" which earned her an off handed rude gesture from Jondar as both men played hard. A part of Jondar approved of this new guy, you could tell a lot from a guy by how he played sports. This one played hard but reasonably fair. They bobbed and weaved hitting the ball and sometimes each other in their efforts to score points.

James was thoroughly enjoying himself! This guy played hard, kept him hopping, and he loved it! It was, oddly, relaxing for him. It let him burn off a lot of the excess tense energy he had been carrying around with him, energy that was not helping him but only making him feel heavy and irritable. This was awesome! Unfortunately for James, Jondar's experience won over his enthusiasm. But that was fine, he mused. He'd practice and get the other guy next time!

"Damn!" he grumbled as he missed the one that ended the match. But he was no sore looser. He took a moment to catch his breath, hands on knees, then stood to his full height again and held out a hand. "Great game!" He'd heard Gwen but had not been able to respond as his attention had to be extremely focused. Now, however, he turned his head and grinned at her. "Next time, though, I'm so going to kick his ass." He vowed with a grin before turning his attention back to Jondar in good humor. "You do realize it's on now, right?" he said.

Jondar laughed, "Bring it little man..." he said at James who was only two inches shorter than his own 6'2. Jondar could tell a lot from the way someone played a sport. All in all he would not be embarrassed to call this guy friend. He held out his hand, "Good game."

James shook the hand, trying not to react to the barb. Normally, some guy calling him names didn't bother him, but this name was too close to home. For a split second, he saw his dad sneering at him before he banished it and reminded himself of where he was and who was before him. He released the hand with a smile as Gwen approached them.

Gwen came down from the stands, "That was fun shall we go?"

She started to head out only to have Jondar block her path. "You forgetting something?" He asked and she pretended to look thoughtful.

"Not that I'm aware..." She said guilelessly.

"You have to play against James now..." She looked from one to the other then at the door. Jondar knew if she ran they'd never catch her so he said quickly, "A bet's a bet.".

She sighed and glanced at James with a questioning look.

James smiled at her, but it was a kind smile, then looked at Jondar. "Aw, man, she doesn't have to." he told Jondar, giving Gwen the out if she chose to take it. Looking back to her. "But look at it this way. You'll likely kick my ass, and that'll give you major bragging rights." he said with a chuckle. In truth, he wanted to see for himself how good she was, but he would not force her if she really didn't want to play.

She smiled and looked at Jondar, "See he's a gentleman unlike some people..." Jondar gestured as though to attack her with his racket and made a face. She returned the face gesture, then she looked back at James. And sighed, "No a promise is a promise, let's get this over..." She smiled gamely and headed for the room. Her honor would not allow to truly welch on a bet.

James shrugged. He'd given her the out, and she'd elected to continue. No one could say he hadn't tried to be a gentleman about it. He followed her in and set himself for the game.

She was not as aggressive as Jondar nor did she have the experience, however she was very adept at avoiding being hit and movement. She had a graceful style that was almost like a dance as she competed. The score was close but James edged her out, she really didn't have nearly the experience Jondar did. She tried to catch her breath afterward, "Good Game.." She offered politely fashion and put out her hand.

At first, James had been distracted by the flowing grace of her movements. It really was like watching a dancer move. Briefly, he wondered if she was a dancer. But that mental exercise vanished into his subconscious pretty quickly as his competitive nature kicked in and drove him to play hard. Girl or not, she had voluntarily entered this room, so he was not going to take it easy on her.

That initial distraction cost him, and he barely won. That and the fact that this was his second game in a row.

Panting, he took her hand and gave it a firm shake. "Yeah, you too." he complimented. "You're very graceful. Do you dance?" he asked. God, where was that internal censor when he needed it!

A quietly pleased smile came over her face as she blushed softly, it took her a moment to reply. "You would be amazed what adults will teach you while your parents dig for history. You pick up things quickly." She offered a little shyly while Jondar rolled his eyes behind her. She preemptively but subtly elbowed him.

He let out a little whoosh of air then shook his head amused, "Well now that we have fought on the field of honor we can be friends and in celebration we should go check out that cafe on campus."

"After a shower..." Gwen pipped up and with a nod headed for the girls showers.

James grinned at them, giving Gwen a slightly warmer smile. Then he headed off toward the guys' shower rooms.


James Corrigan
Starfleet Cadet
Engineering and Flight Control


Sito Jondar
Starfleet Cadet

Gwen Morgan
Starfleet Cadet


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