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Five and A Half Month Check-up

Posted on Fri Jan 11th, 2019 @ 6:04pm by Samantha Fraiser-Odar & Commander Lilly Cavallo MD
Edited on on Fri Jan 11th, 2019 @ 6:05pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Phlox Medical
Timeline: 2388/08/26 0900 (August 26 2388 9:00am)

Sam looked round for the new CMO as she was due for her weekly check. She wished Gem had been able to come with her but she was sure she could keep out of mischief for the length of the check up.

Lilly lounged in the platform seat in front of her aquarium which had just been filled with water. Her alabaster curls cascaded over her shoulder as sapphire blue eyes traced over a PADD in her hand. When the entry chime rang, she rose in a fluid motion to make herself available.

Seeing the woman come out, Sam smiled, "Dr Cavallo?"

"That's me!" Lilly answered cheerfully as she tucked the PADD into the pocket of her jacket "What can I do you for?"

Smiling, Sam held out her hand "I'm Admiral Fraiser ... I have an appointment for my five and a half month check up?"

"Welcome Admiral." Lilly gestured to a bed. "Best seat in the house."

Sitting on it with a smile, Sam looked at Lilly making small talk, "How are you settling in?"

"Oh, I'm sure I'll find something I don't like here eventually. Right now though," she gave a blissful sigh that expressed everything she felt about being here.

A flick of her silvery fingers had the monitor up and running. A twist of the image and she was looking at the child in real time, on a 3D viewer. She turned the screen so that the Admiral could see as well.

Sam gave a goofy grin seeing the baby she and Gem had made. "It's so tiny."

"It is at that, one tiny heartbeat to go along with the portrait." a smile touched her silver lips as she tapped on the screen and a sound began to play over the speakers, the woosh of the tiny heart that beat inside her.

Sam's smile widened "Wow ... its really real."

"Yes indeed and just as healthy as a Betazoid Trill hybrid ought to be. It is measuring a bit larger than I would expect at 22 weeks of growth. I suspect this is due to your uncontrolled blood sugar." Lilly's eyes were grey, showing her concern for the health of the admiral.

Giving a sheepish look, Sam admitted "Gem's been trying to limit my sugar intake ... and I have been checking it ... but its hard to keep it controlled and I haven't had much chance to slow down til now. That's part of why we're here, so that I'm not under constant stress during the pregnancy. Zulu wasn't as safe as we would have liked and I hated being stuck behind a desk."

"Well I can get you fixed up pretty quickly. Last thing I want is for this to cause problems during the delivery." Tapping the PADD a couple of times, she saw there was nothing on file as far as her wishes. Something to ask her about next visit.

Sam looked curious, "What would need to be done to fix the diabetes, Doc?"

"Depends on if the diabetes is Gestational only or not. For now, we'll manage the symptoms. We'll do some more testing after the child is born. It's a fairly easy procedure to replace a pancreas these days if the diabetes does not resolve itself. You might just want to do that anyway to prevent recurrence if you decide to have more children."

Nodding, Sam relaxed. "What do you need me to take?"

"For now, I'm going to set you up with a continuous monitor implant. It will send a warning to your PADD if your sugars are getting too high or too low." She wandered to her storeroom and came back with a small petri dish. Running a tricorder over it, she programmed in the settings with ease.

Watching Lilly Sam asked "Could you link it to the ambassadors PADD too? He will want to keep an eye on it, I promised him I wouldnt over work especially as i am doing my doctorate with him as well."

"That's easy enough done." Lilly responded as she queued the tiny chip into an isoinjector and raised it to her upper arm. Pressing the button there was a hiss, and that was that. "Now to see if it's configured properly...Will you turn on your PADD please?"

Nodding, Sam turned on her PADD watching her.

A swipe of her tricorder and the PADD Sam was carrying lit up and beeped obediently. A tiny box had appeared in the corner of the display with numbers inside it that currently read 155. "That seems to be working correctly."

Sam smiled, "Thanks ... Gem will get the same message?"

"He sure will. It will alarm, if your blood sugars get too high or too low." Lilly smiled widely and then asked, "Tell me, are you following a diet."

Giving a sheepish look, Sam shook her head no. "To be honest I don't even know what's a good blood sugar level and what isn't ... The CMO on Zulu did mention diet changes but we didn't get that far."

"Ah. Well, in that case. There is a wide range of normal for blood sugars. Generally between 70 and 140 is considered normal. I am not concerned generally unless you're hitting 200 regularly. I would like to see what your levels do with diet modification to see if we need to get you on an insulin regimen."

Sam nodded, making mental notes "What sort of diet are we looking at, Lilly?"

"Well balanced for a start. Take me through a normal day of food for you." Lilly tapped a stylus against her silvery lips waiting the answer, pleased that the Admiral was calling her by her given name and not her title.

Relaxing fully and smiling at Lilly, Sam thought, "Well Gem and I try to have some sort of protein for breakfast ... scrambled eggs with cheese and a bagel, or fruit and yogurt, something that doesn't make me feel as nauseous. Then I have something like nuts or a muffin if I'm hungry mid morning. Lunch is generally protein of some sort with vegetables or a salad .. same with dinner." Her grin turned mischievious, "I will admit if I have to that I have a sweet tooth and drive Gem to distraction with trying to sneak hot chocolate or something sweet into the diet as much as possible."

"That's pretty common." Lilly responded with a chuckle at the mention of a sweet tooth. "Well for starters, I would like you to eat the mid morning and mid afternoon snack every day. That will help you to keep your blood sugar at a more even level throughout the day. Any unusual cravings? How much liquid do you drink and how much of that is water?"

"I have a weird craving for pickles at times ... about 3 and a half litres of liquid ... at least two of that being water ... Im always thirsty for some reason."

"That's the diabetes talking, we'll get control of that. Don't worry. " Lilly answered as she rubbed her forehead ridge, contemplating the diet changes. She would have to carefully modulate it over the course of the next few days as she set a tracker to see what the Admiral ordered in the replicator and returned.

"Thanks Doc .... I'll see you in a week ..." Sam got off the bed and headed out the door.


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