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Studying Really We Are...

Posted on Fri Jan 11th, 2019 @ 6:33pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Phoebe Cavendish & Cadet Freshman Grade Jondar Sito
Edited on on Fri Jan 11th, 2019 @ 6:34pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Dormatories
Timeline: 2388/08/26 1300 (August 26 2388 1:00pm)

Jondar sat at his desk in his quarters, bent over a PADD that was covering the information he'd need for his flight test with Commander Bannerman in a few days. Somethings like this he did take seriously. His part of the room was a bit messy with random sports gear, PADD's, and even a small Bajoran Altar. As he stared at the information he thought there seemed to be a lot more to it than he would of thought, just as he was getting a little frustrated a chime went off, "Enter" he said. He wore shorts and a t-shirt since he didn't expect to be going anywhere. His hair hung loose as he glanced curiously at the door.

"Hey." Phoebe said softly as she stepped inside, "Is it convenient?" she asked, shifting from foot to foot awkwardly. As close as they had become, for some reason she felt nervous being in his room.

Slightly flustered, "Yes sec." He held his hand over her eyes, "Close them.." Then he ran to his side of the room and started pulling random clothes and PADD's from the bed as well as other places. He looked around then tossed them into a closet and shut the door. Well shut it after he pushed it closed. "Ok it's safe". He said a little nervous himself as he tried not to look at the rumpled bed. He gestured to the desk chair for her to sit down.

Phoebe giggled and opened her eyes as she said "You realise that I just saw what it looked like when I walked in right?" She moved over towards him as she talked, her eyes taking in every inch of him. Damn the man for looking so gorgeous, he was very distracting.

Jondar smiled innocently, "A trick of the light I'm sure." His own eyes did a fair amount of roaming themselves. And he lost a few seconds merely enjoying the view then he mentally kicked himself, "Something to drink?" He pulled the question from the deep part back storage in his mind as he tried to get his smooth back.

"Chocolate milk please." Phoebe replied as she sat down on the edge of Jondar's bed.

"Right..." He looked around spotting the small, fridge unit he shared with his roommate. Opening it he saw water and a few bottles of something blue. He stood up, "one second..." He ran out in his shorts and knocked on another door. A human male with messy hair poked his nose out, "Listen I need favor do you have something called 'Chocolate Milk?'"

"Seriously, Jon?" Said the other cadet, Jondar was pleading,
"Come on man help me out, its girl related..." With a sigh but like a true friend he poked his nose back in his room and came out with a small bottle of Chocolate Milk. "You owe me!" his friend yelled even as he gave him a thumbs up. Jondar ran back into the room and presented the bottle with a flourish, "The mighty hunter has returned My Lady..." He grinned as he bowed, holding out the bottle.

"Thanks." Phoebe said as she took the milk, her hand deliberately keeping contact with his for a moment longer than she needed to. "Why do I get the impression you owe someone bigtime for this? You know you could have just offered me what you have here instead."

He pretended to look offended, "Please My Lady I have standards you know, if you want Chocolate Milk than that is what you shall have..." He enjoyed the contact and despite his better intentions to sit at his desk, he sat next to her on the bed. His tone was a bit like he wasn't entirely sure what chocolate milk was but didn't want to ask. His Bajoran family earring glittered in the light as he smiled.

Phoebe grinned and unscrewed the bottle top before taking a sip. "Well it's much appreciated." she smiled up at him, her breath catching in her throat. What was it about him that seemed to melt her insides with one look?

Jondar leaned against the wall and put his arm around her shoulders, she fit under his arm like the perfect puzzle piece. It was definitely getting warmer in here, "The mighty hunter never fails..." he quipped then as a thought occurred, "Settling in well?"

"Slowly." Phoebe replied, "To be honest I'm feeling a bit homesick." she added as she cuddled close to Jondar, her one hand idly wandering over his firm and muscular chest.

He rested his chin carefully on the top of her head, "That's great..." He said, she pulled away for a moment and looked at him confused, "That you had a happy childhood..." He explained, "No one misses a place they hate." He smiled a gentle smile and put his hands up in a 'no harm meant' gesture.

"You didn't have a happy childhood?" Phoebe looked distressed at the thought that this wonderful man that she was falling for could have grown up in less than ideal conditions.

Jondar had an odd reaction, he smiled. She worried about him, that meant something. He wiped the suddenly goofy grin on his face and hugged her. "Oh you are something..." He said, "No it was happy enough, I mean stuff was tight but my family was tighter, my older brother always made sure to look out for me if I really needed it..." He said remembering the lack of food, supplies, and fights sometimes but they always made do. He kissed the top of her head unable to help himself.

"Well that's a good thing." Phoebe smiled as she cuddled closer to him, "Being close to family is important." she added as she lifted her head again and pressed her lips tenderly against his cheek before adding softly "But I'm sorry to hear that you had it so tough."

Jondar shrugged he rarely thought about it, "It was what it was, it took awhile to rebuild after the Cardies left..." The way he said 'Cardies' was with a somewhat automatic disgust. Then he figured things were getting entirely too serious and after a few moments of quiet, shifted then nibbled on her ear, "Here however is not tough at all...."

"That tickles!" Phoebe giggled and squirmed to get away from him.

"Does it? How about this?" He asked playfully moving to her neck.

That however was a different matter and Phoebe sighed happily as he paid attention to the creamy skin of her neck, "Oh no...that feels really good." she breathed.

Jondar smiled to himself as he filled his arms with her. She smelled like a garden and was soft in all the right places so he lost himself for a few moments as he thoroughly gave her neck and lips the full focus of his attentions.

"You know, if you keep that up, we won't be studying." Phoebe sighed happily, half hoping that he would decide that it was the better option even though the sensible side of her told her that it would end up being a really bad idea.

Jondar gave a long suffering sigh and tried to reign in his hormones. Looking a bit less then pleased but trying to be a man about it he moved away a bit. "There's some wonderful woods around here, on a completely unrelated note..." He said with a promising grin then moved on, "Well I do have this pilot exam coming up soon, lend me a hand? I can fly but never a Feddie...Federation craft..." It was hard how even now to remember the Bajorans were part of the Federation. He'd been on his own so long.

"Okay, so where are your books?" Phoebe asked as she rolled off the bed.

Jondar nodded at his desk where they sat with a mental sigh. This was not how he wanted to spend his afternoon but he expected now that he was here he'd be doing alot of things he'd rather not. As Phoebe's hair was caught by the sun coming in from the window, his brooding thoughts fled as he considered it may not be so bad after all.

Cadet Sito Jondar
Magellan Campus
Starfleet Academy

Cadet Freshman Grade Phoebe Cavendish
Magellan Campus


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