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Well, it WAS a test

Posted on Fri Jan 11th, 2019 @ 6:23pm by Commander Lilly Cavallo MD
Edited on on Fri Jan 11th, 2019 @ 6:31pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Phlox Medical, Magellan Campus
Timeline: 2388/08/26 1223 (August 26 2388 12:23pm)

Lilly stared at the PADD that listed her newest addition to her staff, a Dr. Miach Tinsha. A Vulcan with an impressive set of accomplishments in the field of Psychiatry, and an active MD license. His record was impressive, but there was something that was nagging at her, the fact that he had gotten his continuing education on paper only. He hadn't set foot in an operating suite for almost 2 standard years.

An idea struck her with the force of meteorite and she snorted. "Computer, please set up the student practice bay with a patient and equipment. "

"Specify parameters of simulation?" chimed the computer voice.

"Trauma, decompression accident with blunt force injury. Physician grade."

"Simulation complete...Assessment parameters?"

Lilly grinned and then walked into the bay. "Provide me with a scrub nurses' gown and I will grade manually." The gown materialized and she donned it, along with the gloves and the mask that very effectively covered her rank. Then she tapped her comm badge. "Cavallo to Tinsha"

Miach was wiping his lips, just beginning lunch with his daughter. The picnic they shared by the lake was looked lovely. The sounds of the water slapping against the beach and Morrigan splashing around in the lake it's self made him laugh. His commbadge went off and he heard the woman on the other end. "Tinsha here."

"I need you in trauma bay 7 Immediately. There's been an accident on one of the weather satelite repair crews. I have 3 patients, and only 2 doctors in medbay. Your nurses and support staff are already scrubbed in, so haul ass as humans would say."

He nodded and disconnected the link. "Tinsha to transporter room. Emergency transport to trauma med bay 7. Medical Emergency." As he spoke he pushed himself up to a standing position as the column of light took him and then dropped him squarely in the center of the scrub room. He disrobed quickly and put on the scrubs that were there, then scrubbed his hands arms and fingers.

"Computer begin simulation." Lilly yelped in proper form as the veni-repair the simulated patient had, blew and blood sprayed the front of her scrubs. Instinctively she slipped her hand over the bleed, and pinched.

Placing the mask over his face he walked into the trauma bay and looked at the nurse. His eyes took in the scene as he walked over to her and picked up a re-generator before closing the artery. "Computer, West's symphony number 10, 10% volume. Status?" he asked as he halted the bleed.

"Until he ruptured the emergency repair of the brachial artery sir, he was relatively stable.." she responded quietly as she withdrew her hand from his patient. "I have the primary scan on that screen there, but he was hit by some debris which happened to hit a flaw in his personal shield generator, ruptured his suit, the force of which launched him into a bulkhead." The readout showed blinking spots over the area's of damage, left sided hemothorax, which had already collapsed the lung and was beginning to put pressure on his heart., lacerated liver, and bruised right kidney, Multiple right sided rib fractures, as well as T9 and T10 transverse process fractures.

"Hmmmm..." he said softly as his eyes took in the damage and he began to prioritize. He made sure the arterial bleed was halted and then blinked. "I need hypo set up to remove blood." he moved to the side of the patient and placed a gloved hand upon the sternum lightly and his eyes flicked upwards to the scan of the patient.

Lilly immediately pressed the required hypo into his outstretched hand. Pulling the blood out of the chest cavity and releasing pressure on the lungs and heart took only a moment and thick vial of scarlet liquid clattered to the tray. They would be cleansed and placed back into the patient.

Grinning under his mask Miach muttered a quick "Gotcha." Finding the cause for the hemothorax, a swipe of a fingertip highlighted the bleed on the overhead display. "Scalpel." his hand came up open ready for the hypo to be removed and the scalpel to be placed in.

Lilly smiled behind her mask He's quite competent. Smooth and sure of himself. Not bad for not having set foot in a surgical suite in 2 years. Clearly you didn't need to worry and at the same moment that she took the Hypo, she set a laser scalpel into his hand, with the button on the thumb-side the way she herself preferred it. Glancing at the readout she noticed immediately that his heart rate had stabilized.

He made a small incision just below the sternum, turned off the scalpel and called for a regenerator to seal the bleed. After such his eyes went back up to the display. Heart rate was stabilized, the lung was beginning to return to a proper inflation. His eyes floated to the liver as it was the more important of the liver and kidney that were injured. He would need to go in and repair the lacerations and stop there bleeding as well then set the ribs place spine in traction and the body would do the rest. He started mixing a tea compound in his mind that would help with pain management and stimulate healing. He used the regenerator on the incision he had made and then turned to the liver.

Lilly looked on approvingly as she played the role of scrub nurse. It wasn't something she was accustomed to, and she hoped that her deception of him would not be taken badly. His movements were expert and precise and she even for a moment found herself admiring his technique.

He frowned and took the regenerator away from the patient as several things fell together at once. He turned to the woman beside him and grinned, she was far to pale to be out in the sun often. Then he laughed loudly. "Computer end program, but keep my scrubs please."

"You caught me! What gave me away?" Lilly asked laughingly as she drew her mask from her face.

He snorted and pulled his mask away as the regenerator dissipated from his hand. "Several things, but the nail in the coffin was the regenerator. A real one has a harmonic just a touch higher than this. I remember it from my trials as a fresh faced Ensign. That along with his heartbeat, once stabilized never deviated from 75 bpm. Lilly Cavallo I presume?" he asked with eyebrow raised.

"Going to have to tweak THAT in the simulator protocols, can't have any of the students figuring out this isn't real." Lilly muttered as she watched the bloodstained gown disappear. "And you would presume correctly..."

He bowed deeply with a flourish at the end. "Lieutenant Commander Miach Ap Tinsha, formerly of the Vulcan Monestary of Tinsha at your service."

"Quite right you are. Oh, right before I forget. Computer please instate Lt. Commander Miach ap Tinsha with full medical privileges. Come Lt. Commander, lets have some coffee and get acquainted on a more...calm...scenario"

He snorted "It was quite the diversion from my normal duties. I will admit that I was overjoyed to be able to practice medicine again." He looked down at the scrubs he had on and the grinned mischievously "If you will give me a moment to switch back into uniform I'd greatly appreciate it. Then I'll give you my arm and we can go where you like."

"Fair enough, but don't keep me waiting too long" Lilly teased back, her smile widening. Now I have two surgeons with that delightful sense of humor. I love this place.

He nodded "Computer changing area please." a few walls appeared and he walked behind them gathering his uniform which was now on the floor. He started to disrobe from it then thought better. "Computer discontinue scrubs." they disappeared and he donned his uniform. Running the toes of his boots along the back of his trouser legs to make sure they were shiny before stepping back out and offering his arm to the lady Commander. "Shall we?"

"Lead on Commander" the doctor answered with a grand flourish of her arm to indicate the direction they were going to head in. Laughter bubbled up inside her at the courtly gesture, but she slipped her hand into the offered crook of his arm. Noticing the gloves that he'd donned so carefully that no skin was showing at the sleeve end she was compelled to ask, "The gloves are part of your uniform?"

"Yes and no." he answered as they walked. Then grinned, "As you can tell I'm not your typical Vulcan. The gloves are as much a precaution as your parasol." his grin widened "Your skin was another indication that you were not a simple nurse. I've looked over the dossiers of all the nurses with whom I might work. None have such delicate pigmentation as yourself."

A snort of surprise was his answer to that statement as she gazed up at him, "Ah your wife must get all kinds of delight bantering with you." Lilly's tone was clearly of a complimentary nature, as she found a seat in a shaded area of the lounge at the end of the hall.

That comment gave him pause. "If I got the opportunity to banter with her I'm sure she would. But it has been close to five years since I've seen mo Cuishle." The tone in his voice was one of sadness mixed with Irish lilt. Then just as suddenly he brightened if but slightly "My daughter and Morrigan get to enjoy my banter as I enjoy theirs."

"You are not accustomed to being away from her, I apologize for causing you pain." A whispered apology as she could smell the need in him for her as clearly as he could feel it. "I forget sometimes that relationships don't always work the way Denobulan ones do. Although my mother did try to get a working understanding of human interaction into me before I left the Continent."

"You couldn't have known. No apology is necessary. For when the day comes that I see her again it will be sweeter for the longing. And cause the lonely nights to pass away into nothingness." He raised an eyebrow as he finished and grinned "I fear you see the other side of the Vulcan heart and I'm waxing poetic."

"Oh aye, you'll see her again and we'll not see either of you for the week, better make sure you have leave in place!" Queuing in a coffee order, with sugar and cinnamon, the Denobulan turned the menu to Miach.

He typed in an order for almost boiling water and pulled the pouch with his tea defuser out of his pocket and grinned. "I'm always ready for tea."

"My, we do come prepared don't we?"

He smirked "I typically have a touch of tea after lunch. It helps the digestion, one of my own blend."

"It smells...intriguing. Do tell, whats in it? Where do you grow your herbs? Would you like a garden plot?" Her rapid fire questions were just in her nature but at least in this instance they stayed on the same general topic.

He grinned filing each question away to be answered in kind. "To your first question, it is a mixture of Mint, Chamomile, lavender and a few other herbs from Vulcan. Second, I grow them in my small hydroponic area. It used to be smaller when I served on ship but I let it grow when I was at the Academy. I absolutely refuse to cook with replicated herbs." he shuddered and continued. "I'd love a garden plot as well as to get out into the world and see if I cant find any herbs that would mix well. I prefer to let the body do as much of the healing as possible which is one reason why I prepare teas for my patients."

"Vulcan herbs...I do so like the way they smell. I think it's brilliant. A brilliant idea indeed. I'll have a plot labelled for you in the botany lab, so that no one disturbs it." Jotting down a quick note on her PADD so she wouldn't forget to request the space. "You're a cooking aficionado hey? A hobby we share, I love food. Nothing expresses culture and socialization better. Favorites?"

"I wooed my wife with Irish stew, corn bread cooked in an iron skillet and preserved pears with butter." he grinned "Simple is always better but there are good things to elaborate meals as well. But my adopted people are simple folk who enjoy simple fair. And yourself?" he asked as he took the defuser out of his cup and took a sip. "Hmmm..." he muttered to himself as he reached back into the pouch that had housed the defuser and pulled out a packet of honey he had brought from Ireland. He opened it and squeezed a little out into the liquid then sipped it again. The smile on his face was one of pleasure as the herbs in the tea and the honey danced across his toungue in ways that delighted him.

"Ooh my favorite food. There are so many that I could choose from. If you're adventurous I might share my table with you for my fathers Denobulan sausage. The spice palette is interesting for those not accustomed to it, but you might enjoy it."

He nodded "I'm sure I would but I would ask that I could take what was left over home, Morrigan would enjoy the sausage as much as anyone I know."

Then an idea hit him. "Shall we have a lunch some time? I cook one week you cook the next?"

"That sounds like it could be fun. Pledge to have something different at each meal to broaden our palettes?"

He nodded, "A new tradition for a new home. How lovely, and you have my word. Something new, though if we venture to far outside of my comfort zone I will be forced to confess the fair may not be as polished as some of my other dishes."

"Nor mine in truth, a risk we will have to take in pursuit of knowledge" Lilly laughed, setting her silver curls to trembling around her face. "My father would be proud."

He snorted "Why is that, because were courting gastrointestinal distress in the pursuit of new things?"

"No, because nothing is more important to him than the expansion of knowledge." Her smile this time was one of reminiscence. "He would cook for us different meals from different cultures, to advance our appreciation of all things non Denobulan"

Miach smirked "Don't let me old High Priest hear you talk like that. One's place is in tradition." Miach snorted

"Sorry, I floated away there didn't I?" smirking at herself she took a long sip of her coffee. Licking the sugar residue from her lips with evident pleasure in the depth of flavors the crystals brought to the dark liquid. "Coffee is a delightful invention of Earth, I quite enjoy it."

Miach nodded "As does my wife. I never really could develop a taste for it."

"Have you ever tried the Turkish variant? It is quite sweet and very different from drip brewed coffee's. You might find it more to your liking"

He shook his head. "No i haven't but id be willing to give it a try"

"That settles it then, the first of our weekly meals shall be Turkish food, complete with coffee. I wonder if I still have that recipe book.." Twisting a curl around her finger in a thoughtful gesture the doctor smiled brightly. "Even if not, what a delight."

He snorted "No cheating it has to be prepared by hand." he sipped his tea and then paused, he pressed the button combination required to order an empty cup and when it appeared he poured some of his tea into it and pushed it across the table to Lilly. "To our first sharing of cultures then?" he raised his cup up in a toast.

A puzzled expression briefly crossed her face and then realization dawned and she cradled the cup in her palm. Raising it in a similar gesture she sipped the tea that he'd shared with her. The flavors were lovely but one in particular, was flowery and it reached out and tickled her nose. She swallowed quickly, so that when she sneezed she wouldn't spray him with tea.

"Bless you, I hope your not allergic." he eyed her with a medical curiosity then dismissed the thought just as quickly as he saw no signs of reaction.

"My thanks. The flower variant in your tea is just interesting enough that I needed to sneeze. I find the reaction fascinating personally. Maybe I need to sniff the flower itself!"

He snorted "That can be arranged. I have two variants of the flower in my herb garden."

Lilly's rich laughter rolled around him "I eagerly await the sensation. I won't keep you any longer from your lunch..."

"Nor I from yours" Raising his hand in farewell he rose from his seat to return to where he'd left his daughter.


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