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It Only Gets Better From Here

Posted on Tue Jan 15th, 2019 @ 1:36am by Deveron Raziel & Mackenzie Bergman & Lieutenant Commander Maggie Hubbell
Edited on on Thu Sep 30th, 2021 @ 10:09pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Magellan Station Transportation Center
Timeline: 2388/08/26 1301 (August 26 2388 1:01pm)
Tags: Edited: to change the White Lotus' location.

The transporter beam dissipated, leaving Mackenzie Bergman, the three month old wolf hybrid puppy tucked under her arm, and their belongings behind in its wake. She looked around at her new surroundings and took them in. This was it... a new place to call home... a new business... but that wasn't the best part of all of this, though it was definitely special. The best part was being close to her cousin, Kelly, and the fact that their entire family was able to keep her arrival a secret from the young cadet was absolutely amazing.

Butterflies began to form in her stomach at the thought of the new chapter she was starting. The fear of the unknown... a place where she only knew one person when there were thousands around. It was definitely nerve-wracking, but what was life if one didn't take any chances? Nothing in life was ever guaranteed, and sadly, it could be over in the blink of an eye, and she wanted to be sure she had zero regrets. Keeping that in mind, Mackenzie looked around and took in her surroundings, completely in awe. This place was already amazing, and she hadn't even seen everything it had to offer outside of the transporter room.

"Mackenzie Bergman." A dark skinned woman in Operations gold walked out from behind a console, her usual cheerful smile widening at the expression on Mackenzie's face, "I'm Lieutenant Commander Maggie Hubbell, senior transporter operator. I would like to welcome you..." her eyes went to the puppy in Kenzie's arms, "and your little friend there to Magellan Station."

Mackenzie looked toward the woman who'd addressed her and smiled. "Thank you, Commander Hubbell. It's nice to be here." She looked down toward the puppy who was happily wagging his tail like most hyper puppies tend to. "Liekos is his name. I was told it would be okay to bring him."

"I was informed he would be with you," Maggie smiled, "and he is adorable," she added, placing a hand up to him. "He's tempting me to get one of my own."

"Definitely worth having. If you're really interested, let me know. I can make arrangements to get you one of your own." Kenzie said with a smile. Tucked under her arm, little Liekos gave her hand a lick after sniffing it.

"I just may take you up on that." Maggie nodded, sounding as if she meant it. "It's fortunate for us the Admiral loves animals. He has a pretty fair policy when it comes to pets." She then rubbed Liekos' head, and started heading towards the door, "Why don't I direct you to where you want to go." she said, glancing over at her. "Your personal belongings have been forwarded to your apartment, and those marked for the White Lotus have been forwarded to its location."

She lead her out to a large windowed rectangular lobby with a beautiful ocean view. About to say more, Maggie paused and smiled again instead. This time her eyes shined as well. "Mister Deveron Raziel, it's nice to see you."

"Maggie.." A man, dark haired and ruggedly handsome with blue eyes, raised an eyebrow and smiled as he continued to walk towards them. He looked around fiftyish, but his smile turned boyish at his approach. "as always, the pleasure is mine." He looked over to the younger woman. "Miss Bergman, I'm Deveron Raziel." he said, extending a hand over to shake hers, and he continued to smile, "Owner of one of the few civilian business establishments already here besides yours."

"I'm glad the Admiral loves animals. I would have hated to leave my little guy behind." She said, turning her attention to the newcomer. When the man extended his hand in her direction, Mackenzie didn't hesitate to reach out with her own and shake his hand. She smiled up at him, used to doing so where most people were concerned considering she was bordering little person status. "It's nice to meet you, Mister Raziel. Aside from Commander Hubbell, you are officially the second person I've met since I've arrived."

"Well that's wonderful and fortunate for me." he said smiling again. "May I have the pleasure of showing you around, where ever you would like to go?"

"That sounds perfect." She looked toward Maggie and smiled. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Commander Hubbell, and hopefully, I'll be seeing you around. If you decide you'd like a puppy, let me know."

"Oh I will," Maggie replied, "and enjoy yourself. Mister Raziel is great company."

Deveron smiled this time a bit modestly, "Thank you, Maggie."

Maggie nodded, smiling back as she excused herself before walking away. "I haven't forgotten that drink you owe me..." she shouted back to him.

He lightly chuckled before looking thoughtfully back to Mackenzie. "So, where would would you like to go first?" he asked in his usual pleasant voice.

"This place is enormous." She said, completely in awe of the view she was now seeing out of the windows. "I suppose I should leave that up to you, but... I can see getting lost in my future regardless of a tour." She smiled a friendly smile up at him.

Raising a knowing eyebrow, Dev started leading her away. "Ahh, I understand your concern, but the way I see it, from here, it can only get better."

Mackenzie Bergman
Owner: White Lotus Salon and Spa
Magellan Station


Deveron Raziel
Club & Cafe Owner
Magellan Station


Lt Cmdr Maggie Hubbell
Senior Transporter Operator
Magellan Station


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