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Inquisitive minds, even at lunch

Posted on Fri Jan 11th, 2019 @ 6:17pm by Cadet Freshman Grade R'Maia
Edited on on Fri Jan 11th, 2019 @ 6:20pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: messhall, near Library
Timeline: 2388/08/26 1130 (August 26 2388 11:30am)


Braden went through the line collecting his food, He was heavy into meat and potatoes, and he loved bread. He fully expected a belly by the time he retired. He picked up an apple and some mixed veggie dish as well. No sense in getting unbalanced and getting the medical types on his case. He was looking for a place to sit when he saw a Caitian? He had never seen one before. He was captivated by her feminine grace and gentle eyes. He had expected them to be fierce, or at least appear so. His curiosity overcame his good sense, something he was sometimes susceptible to.

He walked to where she sat "Excuse me? I am Cadet Braden MacCloud. I do not wish to offend you, but I have never met a Caitian before. Would you let me sit here and talk to you as we eat?" Braden made no move to sit, "If you say no I understand." He shrugged his shoulders, "I mean I understand it is an intrusion, but then again I know almost no one here. So seeking friends is not a bad thing?"

Internally R'Maia groaned. What was it with these cadets that they hadn't met her kind before? She was starting to feel like a freak. Managing a polite smile she said "Surrre...feel frree."

"Thanks." Braden sat across from her. I would like to hear about who you are if you would not mind talking about yourself? As I said I am Braden MacCloud, I was born on Earth but my Dad moved to a colony planet when I was very young. I grew up in sort of a wilderness. According to my Dad I am an above average pilot and according to my Uncle I am a natural athlete. I like math and plotting nav-courses. I think I am a decent dance partner, but I know almost nothing about music." he finished the whirlwind introduction with a bite of his burger. Obviously thinking it was her turn, the calm anticipation clear in his eyes.

The way the words virtually fell out of Braden's mouth made R'Maia smile and she said "Well I was borrrn on Cait, my parrents arre doctorrrs so that's why I want to be one." she shrugged, "I have thrree brrotherrs and a sisterr and I like to rrun, play sporrts and cook." she sent a sheepish smile his way and said "Prretty borring rrreally."

Braden smiled "My Uncle says everyone has a story, and no one living is boring." Braden had been arranging his food absently a little as he listened. "I now know we might have something in common. I run mornings, one to five miles depending on the time available. There is another cadet medical student who runs with me, Rachel Gallagher, maybe you have met her?"

With a shake of her head, R'Maia said "No I don't think that I have but then everyone has blurred into one...there's too much to process here." she smiled.

Braden nodded his head, "There is, but the way I handle it is to focus on just my piece. I sort of separate myself from it all and concentrate on a small part. So like today I visited the shuttle hangar and met Petty Officer Carpenter and saw some of the shuttles here. Now I saw you and found you interesting, yesterday I was walking and met Cadet Gallaghar, and we ran together this morning. Of course I met my room-mate yesterday, A fiesty Bajoran." Braden smiled "I never encountered a Bajoran before either."

Braden laughed at this feeling of conspiracy he had. "Almost everything here is new to me, so I break off parts and make them mine, like bits of a puzzle. In time it should all come together and then I will have the bigger picture in focus." Braden laughed again, "Any of what I said make any sense?"

"I think so." R'Maia nodded, thinking that it was a strange way of thinking about it yet understanding the logic behind it nevertheless. "I guess I just trry and soak it up and hope that some of it sticks." she smiled.

Braden had begun eating and finished the present bite before answering, "To each their own. I figure you were intelligent enough to be here, so you will get it sorted out in your own way." Braden took another bite and chewed it thoughtfully. "Say have you met anyone here from basic boot or even our stay at Zulu? I was only on Zulu a day before we shipped here, but seems I might have seen a familiar face?"

"I rrrecognise people." R'Maia replied, "But I've only rrreally properrly met you, my rrroom mate and the guy that I sat with on the trransport herre." then her eyes brightened and she said "I'm looking forrward to meeting all of the medical cadets."

His face lit up, "Cool." That sort of blurted out. His expression became a bit shy "What I meant was.. Well it is cool we are properly met, you understand. You are the fifth person I spoke to, well really had a conversation with." He was rambling again.

"I underrstand." R'Maia giggled, "So you'rre gonna be a helmsman huh?"

"Me? Fighters or shuttles for me. I was never a big ship sort of guy. I suppose if I do not make the grade I might end up there? Or in tactical?" He smiled a conspiratory expression "I hope to be assigned a carrier though, so I like big ships, as a ride to where I might be needed."

"Fighterr pilot." R'Maia looked impressed, "That's a prretty dangerrous job too you know."

"True, survival chance to retirement is even lower then being a marine. Then life is in how you live it." Braden's smile grew wider "and there is nothing quite like being in a small boat out among the stars. I would not see me being anywhere else." His smile became more of a smirk "now I just have to make the grade."

"Don't we all." R'Maia replied, hoping that she had it in her to become a doctor and achieve her dream.

Braden was finished with his lunch and began gathering everything onto his tray. "Was nice to meet you R'Maia, I am sure we will see each other around. I run most every morning at about 0600hrs. Be glad to have company on the run if your of a mind to join me." Braden stood "Thanks for having lunch with me, have a great day."

"You too." R'Maia replied, still slowly getting through her own lunch, "And I'll be sure to find you for a run one morning." she smiled warmly at him before going back to her meal.


Cadet Freshman Grade R'Maia
Magellan Campus


Cadet Freshman Grade Braden MacCloud
Flight cadet
SF: Magellan Campus


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