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Ceremony Arrival part 3

Posted on Sat Jan 19th, 2019 @ 9:06pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Gwen Morgan
Edited on on Sat Jan 19th, 2019 @ 9:17pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Banquet and Conference Building
Timeline: 2388/08/26 1735 (August 26 2388 5:35pm)


Gwen walked in, wearing her uniform. Looking as nervous as everyone felt. She'd never seen so many people in one place before. She tried to keep her head up as she made her way quickly to her assigned row, too nervous to eat anything. With relief she spotted her roommate one of the few people she'd met so far and made her way over, "Hi". She said and gestured to the empty seat questioningly.

"Gwen!" Kelly exclaimed, grateful that her roomie and friend had found her. "I should have waited on you, but I got too excited. Sure. Sit! Isn't this amazing?"

"Its alright, took me a bit to make sure I had my uniform on right." To be fair she had spend the last hour reading uniform regs and shining her shoes to make sure everything was just so. Some people panicked when they got nervous. Gwen did research. "It is, I think it feels real now you know?" She said looking over.

"Without a doubt," Kelly said. "We're going to be Starfleet at the end of the night! Oh! My cousin is here in Serene and starting a salon, too!"

Gwen latched on to that news like a drowning person with a life preserver. Anything to avoid thinking about the enormity of the life change coming up. "A salon? that's great to have family here, my parents are traveling but hope to swing by mid semester."

"That's great news, too," Kelly said before she saw the young man in front of them turn and start speaking to Gwen.

Braden noticed a familiar voice behind him and turned to see Gwen of all people. His smile grew reflecting a sort of relief that he knew somebody here. He stood and bowed slightly "Gwen. Is nice to see you again. I hope the rest of your exploration went well." His laugh was soft and light, "I am also happy to report the garbage was properly disposed of. I even got a new bag to replace yours but.. I do not have it on me." He raised an eyebrow in a sort of silly expression "Once again I was not prepared."

She smiled at him relieved to see someone else she knew but her smile was bit more cautious they had parted on an awkward note and she had no real idea of the impression she had left. Then he reminded her of the bag incident and she blushed again. "Yes um well this is Kelly my roommate. Kelly, this is Braden. We met on while hiking separately" She said unsure how to respond to his gentle teasing.

"Hi Braden," Kelly said, offering a smile, but not her hand. "Nice to meet you."

Braden felt stupid for coming on so strong, his smile faded somewhat. "Hello Kelly nice to meet you." He made eye contact with Gwen and bowed slightly "I apologize Gwen, I overstepped myself." He faced Kelly briefly "She is absolutely correct Kelly we just passed on the trail." He turned with a smooth grace that did not show his embarrassment and sat back down wishing he could disappear under the floor.

Gwen shrugged at Kelly, she wasn't sure what she'd done this time but Braden seemed as uncomfortable as she felt, least that was some sense she got. She dithered for a few moments trying to figure out just what had happened. He seemed happy to see her then, he just cut off the conversation. Finally she leaned forward and unsure what she thought she was doing, whispered, "I't's ok." She said trying to let him know the apology was unneeded. Her voice sounded concerned, puzzled, and a little embarrassed all at the same time. She wasn't even entirely sure what all he might be apologizing for, she had the thought it was for his joke but could be wrong.

Braden turned in his seat, his smile was meek. "Thanks, I understand, really. I had that feeling you were a nice person, but you don't have to ease me down or anything. It was like you said we were hiking separately. I should not have assumed we could be friends." Braden leaned toward Gwen a little trying to emphasize the next bit. "You are a a nice person Gwen, you probably have to deal with chuckle-heads like me often." His head tilted and his smile brighten a little, "you change your mind though, I would like to be friends."

Kelly looked at the young man and a feeling swept over her. He's trying too hard she mentally noted. Still, Gwen can handle herself. I'm keeping an eye on him, though. Outwardly, she turned her gaze away and looked out over the assembly.

With the inane thought that he had a nice smile, Gwen leaned back and nudged Kelly with an obvious 'Well what do I do now?' expression because to be honest she didn't have to deal with people like him often, chuckle-headed or otherwise.

"Don't sweat the small stuff," Kelly said. "There's too many big things to focus on. Let something small distract you and the big picture gets sent to the background. Look at the whole picture and see yourself in the grand scheme. The now isn't as important as what's to come. Where you see yourself next is the important thing. If something or someone isn't important in that outlook, move on. If they are," she said, turning to look at Gwen directly. "You stay with them, no matter what."

Gwen blinked a little confused as she tried to translate her friends advice, "You know a simple yes or no would of done, have you been hanging out with Professor McCall...." She muttered half to herself as she leaned forward and said to Braden, "Friends would be ok." with one of her quiet smiles then she sat back and let out a breath. She looked around the huge room, filling with students. She wondered if she would ever get used to so many people in one place.

Braden felt the presence near his shoulder before he heard the words, His spirits raised dramatically when she said they could be friends. He tried to think of something to say, all he could think of was to say 'thank you'. When he turned his head he noticed Gwen was already talking with Kelly so he faced back forward. He had a small victory here and there was no sense in ruining it by putting his foot in his mouth again.

Kelly started to say something, but stopped when she heard Gwen say that friends would be okay. She took a moment to compose herself. "A yes or no wouldn't have sufficed, and no, I haven't been hanging out with Professor McCall. If you wanted a direct answer to something I don't know enough about...tell me later. If I had to answer to something that I don't know about at the moment...I'd say no."

Gwen looked over at Kelly with a pained expression, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything..." She muttered then proceeded to stare at her shoes.

"Gwen," Kelly said softly, her expression chagrined. "I'm sorry. I have a case of nerves that's exceeding my personal integrity. I can barely figure out what I want, let alone what anyone else wants. Just know that I'm here for you in any way you want me to be."

Gwen beamed at her roommate, happy she didn't screw up this friendship. "It's ok" She said sincerely. Then seeking to change the subject, "Do you think they will have a 'repeat after me' bit or will we have to recite the oath? I memorized it just in case, do you need a copy? I have a mini PADD in my pocket."

"We got this," Kelly said. "Repeat after me...recite it...we're golden."

"Golden..." Gwen muttered trying not to be nervous, you could cut the sense of occasion with a knife it was think. She felt she was the tip of something life changing and it was a little scary, not gonna lie.

To Be Continued...


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