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Ceremony Arrival part 4

Posted on Sat Jan 19th, 2019 @ 9:08pm by Commander Sonia Dalca & Senior Chief Petty Officer Teri Lane & Mackenzie Bergman & Cadet Freshman Grade Gwen Morgan & Attaché Elizabeth Walshingham & Cadet Freshman Grade James Corrigan
Edited on on Sat Jan 19th, 2019 @ 9:16pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Banquet and Conference Building
Timeline: 2388/08/26 1736 (August 26 2388 5:36pm)


Commander Sonia Dalca, Chief of the Tactical Education Department, walked in with her normal graceful movements. She wore a dress uniform with its rarely seen medals, she hated wearing them but was told it was needed for events like these so here she was. She immediately scanned the room for threats, a habit she could never completely break, and made a path to a side room for the buffet. She noted most of the cadets here so far did not even try it. She smiled softly remembering how nervous she'd been. She grabbed a couple of cupcakes and downed one quick as a snake then more slowly ate the other as her eyes skimmed around. Best part about her DNA makeup was her metabolism ran hot so she was usually in the need for calories.

Elizabeth Walshingham, in civilian dress, entered and immediately ran into people she knew. The downside to diplomatic corps is you tended to know alot of people.

Commander Devin McCall came into the auditorium from the back entrance wearing his dress uniform. His brown eyes slid of the sea of cadets and guests, wondering how many of them would make it and how many would not. He didn't see any of the cadets that were going to be on his roster, but that wasn't surprising with all the bodies. Taking a position off to the side, he waited for more staff to show up.

That day was a whirlwind for Teri. Lots to do and to be done right. It all going well didn't mean, however, that she didn't feel a bit like that whirlwind herself when she came into the auditorium.

Unsurprisingly she realized it was the wrong entrance. Well in the sense it wasn't the one she had intended on coming through, but by the time she had stopped being waylay-ed she hadn't realized she had managed to disorient herself. Inwardly annoyed for being at the back of the auditorium Teri gave all the outward appearance that she was exactly where she wanted to be. Glancing at the time she allowed herself a breath and a reminder that she had a few minutes spare to just, be.

Seeing Commander McCall she came to stand next to him. Opting to say nothing and just have her break from racing around. After a moment, Teri glanced over/up at Devin, a smile teased at her lips while one brow lifted slightly in greeting.

Devin looked down at Teri and returned her smile with one of his own; she was the one person that he wanted to see after the day of getting things organized and he felt himself relax. "Don't tell the Dean, but I think things are going to turn out okay today."

Teri figured it would be something he could actually do with hearing but since Devin had said it in jest and it wasn't really public knowledge what Connor was going through she played along. "Ah yes. Can't ruin the feel of terror for him. " She chuckled. "Placed any bets yet?" referring to the betting pool she (secretly) started on various issues that may arise with cadets.

"I have an algorithm running back in my office," Devin said. "I'm Intel..we cheat. Are you taking bets?"

"Maaaaaaybe" She drawled slowly as if trying to be innocent. "If I was, I'd say meet me after for an exchange. " Barely managing to keep a straight face.

"It's a date," Devin said.

Lieutenant Reign, the Interim Chief of Security, finished checking with all the Security officers that were placed strategically around the banquet hall and auditorium. Each of them wore their dress uniforms, their phasers well concealed but within easy reach if the need arose. She wore her own dress uniform, choosing pants over the skirt and took a position near the head of the hall.

Julianna made her way into the hall, dressed in her own dress uniform, stopping for a moment to look around the room. She noticed Lieutenant Reign near the front of the hall and waved before making her way to an empty seat near the front of the hall herself to take her seat.

Busy coordinating her personnel, the Chief of Security missed the wave as she directed several Security people to take up other positions.

Mackenzie made her way into the auditorium and took a second to look around at the many bodies that were already gathered around. The majority of those present seemed to be wearing uniforms, but there were a few that were not. She was among those few dressed in a strapless black dress that came to rest just below mid-thigh and a pair of heels that added at least five inches to her mere five foot height. A delicate strand of pearls graced her neck with a matching pair of earrings and bracelet completed the set. It was formal enough that she wouldn't stand out, but casual enough that she would be comfortable. There was no chance of her locating Kelly among the masses, so she opted to find a seat close enough where she could see.

"Geez man I'm gonna get you thrown out of this place for stalking!" Liam Pardot grumbled as he was 'guided' into the auditorium by Jacob Bannerman.

In contrast to Liam who looked as if his dress uniform had been rolled up behind a dresser somewhere for weeks, Bannerman was every inch the suave sophisticated officer who made the uniform look like everybody's fashion season 'must have'. "Trust me kid, I'd like nothing better." Jake grumbled as he shoved Liam along.

"Seriously though...what gives you the right to force me here?" Liam whined.

"If you weren't here you'd be up to no good so the only logical choice to quote our dear friends the Vulcans was to bring you along so that I can keep my eye on you." Jake replied, his eyes sweeping the room as he walked, his gaze lingering on pretty much every body of the female persuasion on the way by.

Rachel wasn't far from where Bannerman and Liam when she spotted Liam. She couldnt believe how Liam was behaving...but then again, after what she'd seen, maybe she could, she thought to herself.

Commander Dalca walked near Bannerman and Liam and barely suppressed a smile at the antics. With a nod to Bannerman she made her way to her position.

Seeing Sonia walk by, Jake finally let go of Liam, plonking him right alongside Rachel as he said "Hey, if it isn't your partner in crime!" he looked at them both and said "I'll be watching." before heading off in Sonia's direction.

Rachel glanced over just in time to see Jake plonk Liam in the seat next to her. Did he seriously just put him next to me?? she thought to herself. She just rolled her eyes and looked away from him, seeing if there was anyone else more worthwhile to see.

"How's it going honeybee?" Liam grinned as he looked at Rachel, well aware of the fact that she clearly wasn't impressed to be by his side.

Rachel rolled her eyes, doing her level best to ignore Liam, looking the other way as she waited for the ceremonies to begin. She was all too aware that she had to be in his company as part of their punishment but wouldn't be spending any more time than she had to around him.

"Awww not talking?" Liam grinned at her, "It was just sex...not like it was a big deal or anything." he added, having no idea just how much of a big deal it had been to Rachel and being too much of an eejit to care.

Rachel finally turned to look at Liam, but glared at him. "Dunnae be talkin ta me..." she said, feeling her dislike for the boy growing, finally causing her to revert to her native Irish, "Ba mhaith liom aon rud a dh?anamh le leat! C?n f?th nach bhfuil t? a fh?g?il d?reach dom a bheith!" translation: I want nothing to do with you! Why dont you just leave me be!

"Come again?" Liam raised an eyebrow, "What hell kind of a language is that?" he asked to add insult to injury.

"Leave.... me...alone!" Rachel said angrily, loud enough for Liam to surely get the message, but not so loud as to attract attention. She then scooted a few chairs down that were still empty in that row, hoping Liam would get the point at last.

"Who got her knickers in a twist?" Liam shrugged as he watched Rachel move then leaned back on his chair and checked out the rest of the people there.

James had stood outside for a bit, gathering the nerve to enter. It wasn't that he was afraid of crowds; it was far simpler than that. He was slightly daunted by the enormity of what was about to happen here. Whether his dad approved or not, he was about to become Starfleet. The old man would just have to get used to it.

Finally entering, he cast his gaze over the room and smiled when he saw Kelly and Gwen... though, if he were totally honest with himself, mostly Kelly. That smile bright now, he adjusted his uniform and moved through the room to stop beside Kelly. "Hey, Kelly! You look great!" he complimented.

Kelly smiled when she saw James. "Meh...everything is too white for my tastes, but thank you. That uniform fits you very well, however." She let her eyes travel over his body for a flickering moment before she met his eyes again.

Gwen smiled at James and nodded a greeting then glanced between the two as dawning clicked in her brain. "Ooooh" she thought. "Right, so that's how it is...". Happy for her friend she stayed out of it.

James looked down at himself then back up to her eyes. "Thanks. At least it's not too tight or too loose." he joked. "Mind if I sit beside you?" His eyes flicked past Kelly for a moment, and he gave Gwen a smile too. "Oh, hey, Gwen! You look great too! Excited?" he greeted.

"Sure," Kelly said, patting the chair on the other side of her since she was sitting beside of Gwen.

"Trying not to hyperventilate but yes. This is something else, nothing like it I would think. You?"

James grinned. "Oh, hell yeah!" he enthused. Maybe he was a bit too excited? He took the seat Kelly patted and smiled at her. "Thanks. You two ready for this?"

"It's wonderful!" Kelly said. "The birds of prey won't stop circling my stomach, though."

"Well a part of me wants to run out the back door but I'm still here so good that..." Gwen replied a little nervously.

To Be Continued...


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