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Ceremony Arrival part 2

Posted on Sat Jan 19th, 2019 @ 9:04pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Rachel Gallagher & Cadet Freshman Grade Ashley MacGyver
Edited on on Sat Jan 19th, 2019 @ 9:19pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Banquet and Conference Building
Timeline: 2388/08/26 1732 (August 26 2388 5:32pm)


Miach moved with grace as he escorted his daughter through the large doors that served as the auditorium entrance. He wore the white and gold dress uniform of the service with blue stripe and she wore a soft blue dress. He smiled at her as he saw her eyes flick to the food laid out in the banquet area across the way.

"Da' I see now why you said not to eat supper." Brighid said her eyes taking in the rest of the building after tearing them away from the food. "I think I'll take in the art, after I get something to eat. Want anything?"

"Enjoy the evening but before you do bring your old Da' something sweet will ye darlin'?"

She snorted at this and nodded it was a game they played, finding new foods for the other to try. The only rule was that the recipient could choose the over arcing genre of the food. He watched her move away as the blue dress danced around her ankles and her dark brown hair bobbed up and down in curls tied close to her head. This gave a appended view of her shoulders and suddenly Miach was struck with a thought.

"Your going to give me trouble and but alot lass as all pretty girls trouble their Fathers." He said to himself taking in the room.

This is it, Kelly thought as she approached Archer Auditorium via the garden path. The day that I officially become a member of Starfleet. I wish Papa and Mom could be here with me. A tear threatened to spill from her eyes, but she knew the broadcast would be sent back to the Alpha Quadrant for them and everyone else who couldn't attend the swearing in ceremony.

She wore her dress uniform with pride, her shoulders squared and lifted her chin. She refused to cry, despite the swell of emotions that swirled through her, knowing that she was going to make her family proud. She thought of Mackenzie, her cousin, and knew that she was going to be there to see her sworn in. Swallowing hard, she entered the hall and looked around. Did I get here too early? she wondered as she saw how few people was there, trying to see if James or Gwen was around yet.

Not spotting them, Kelly noted the buffet through the door on side, but knew that the butterflies in her stomach wouldn't allow her to eat until it was over, if then. Moving to a row of seats that had a few people in it, she sat near the aisle so she would have a chance to see others come in and maybe get them to sit next to her.

Adonai was just one person amongst a sea of people who were trying to get into Archer Auditorium. The Nygean teenager wasn't a huge fan of crowds. It didn't help that the dress uniform he was wearing made him feel restricted. He also felt a little overdressed considering that he wasn't actually a full cadet at the Academy yet. He'd been asked to attend the ceremony and so he was here. At the very least it would allow him to rest his brain a little bit from all the studying he'd been doing already.

Miach spotted someone he knew from the dossier Dr Dering had given him earlier in the day. Grinning to himself he thought that he should see just how well developed the young man's sense of humor was. Micha headed towards the Nygean and when he was close enough spoke.

"Mr Adonai I presume? Shouldn't you be studying for your exams? " Miach asked with a deadpan expression on his face. But as he continued his voice modulated towards that of good humour "Do I need to get my maul and chase you back to your PADDs?" The last sentence caused a grin to form on Miach's face.

Startled by the person who'd just spoken to him, Adonai turned and cowered slightly. If it was up to him, he would have stayed behind to study some more, but he'd been given direct orders that he needed to be at this social gathering. "I was told I had to be here, sir," he said to the man as he looked up at him.

Miach allowed the deadpan expression to slide into a bright smile. "I was just teasing, sorry." Miach said extending his hand to the man "Professor Miach Ap Tinsha. We are going to be spending some time together in the coming days. I'm one of your tutors. Enjoy the ceremony it's good to relax on occasion especially if you're going to be hiring the books hard later."

Adonai took the hand and shook it as he was aware of this custom in the Federation. "Thank you sir," he replied to the Professor. "I look forward to learning everything that I can from you. I'll also make sure to take in everything that's going on even if it can be a little overwhelming since it's all really new."

Miach nodded and grinned "Good, if you have any questions or just need to talk let me know. I remember what it was like to be thrown into alien cultures..." Miach paused as his daughter walked up and offered him a small brown truffle with what looked like blue icing on it. Miach looked back to Adonai and excused himself quickly "Enjoy the evenings events and may harmony find you." He stepped back from the other man and looked at his daughter then took a bite and grinned widely as he nodded and kissed the cheek of his daughter.

"Thank you Commander," Adonai replied and he bowed slightly out of respect for the older man. His eyes then fell upon the young girl beside him and Adonai smiled. "Is this your father?" he asked the girl.

Miach smirked as the young man spoke and Brighid answered.

"Aye he is, and right proud I am to say so." She smiled at Adonai and dipped her head causing the curls that were bound at the top of her head to bounce.

Rachel walked into the room, tugging at the collar of the cadet dress uniform. She hated these things already but still knew they were part of what she was signing up for by being here. She looked around to see if she could spot anyone that she knew, or at least someone she wish she didn't know....she wanted to avoid him at the very least...but didn't see him as yet....or anyone else ...yet.

Ashley walked in and came up behind her. "Rachel...?" she smiled, happy to see her again since they had walked together to the Orientation Center the day before.

Rachel looked over at Ashley and smiled, "Hi..." she replied, just happy someone other than Liam was talking to her.

Continuing to smile, Ashley looked all around them, and then had to take in a deep nervous breath. "Wow," she said, "I thought I was actually going to be nervous-free about all of this. Was I ever wrong..."

"I know... it be a little nerve wracking ta me as well." Rachel replied, her own voice shaking slightly as she tried to smile at Ashley again.

Ashley gave her a sympathetic look, and it seemed there was something more bothering Rachel. "Hey, I think this is going to go without a hitch. And I just have this feeling, not that I'm clairvoyant, but I think we're going to love it here."

Rachel nodded, "I sure be hopin so. Im not a clairvoyant either...just want ta make me parents and cousin proud. She's a medical officer here." she replied quietly.

"Oh, well that is wonderful," Ashley replied sincerely, and then took in another deep breath as her mind switched gears, "I think we should be finding our assigned rows. It's almost time for the ceremony to begin."

Rachel smiled a little, "Yeah... it be nice ta have me cousin here...having family makes me not as homesick." she said then nodded, "Aye...I think I be in me row.... I think." she said. "Talk ta you again later?" she asked.

"Yeah," Ashley smiled, and she started walking away, "I'll see you shortly at the banquet. Later Rachel." and turned around to start looking for her seat.

To Be Continued...


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