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What the...

Posted on Mon Jan 21st, 2019 @ 11:49pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Phoebe Cavendish & Cadet Freshman Grade Jondar Sito & Cadet Freshman Grade Gwen Morgan
Edited on on Mon Jan 21st, 2019 @ 11:50pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Banquet Hall
Timeline: 2388/08/26 1855 (August 26 2388 6:55pm)

After leaving Bannerman outside to do whatever, Kelly forced herself to walk calmly, but her expression was cloudy. She couldn't believe what her cousin was doing with her Instructor and wondered if this was going to cause her to drop Flight Control as her major. She had no idea how Butthole would react if Mack laid a game on him and left him hanging.

Looking around in a sea of bodies wasn't easy when you're short Kelly mused as she walked around cadets that were much taller than her. Finally she spotted her target and took a breath before heading over to her.

"Congratulations, Starfleet!" she said to her roommate.

Gwen turned at Kelly's voice. She'd been staring at a reflective surface, she didn't look any more competent or brave than before. She thought she should considering how she felt but she looked the same. At least a few more inches in height, something. She smiled her soft, shy smile. "You too."

"It'll take a while to get used to, but we have time," Kelly said. "I haven't been able to eat a thing. My stomach has butterflies in it...and I'm a bit too annoyed."

"Did James do something?" She asked confused since she'd seen the way they looked at each other.

"No," Kelly said. "I went out for some air and my cousin and Commander Bannerman were outside. They started sniping at each other and I sort of got ignored. He's an arrogant ass and my cousin ended up walking away without saying a word to me." She shrugged. "I really hope that they aren't going to get together. I'd have to drop Flight Control if they do."

"Well if they are fighting I think its a safe bet she doesn't like him..." Trying to be supportive while not really wanting to think of her professors that way. "Maybe we could go find your cousin?"

"I don't know," Kelly said. "I'm kind of annoyed that she acted like I wasn't there much, and the way that Bannerman...Commander Bannerman spoke to her and left a bad taste in my mouth. Do you really think I should talk to her tonight?"

Gwen thought about it for a few moments. She only saw her extended family here and there but it was always nice even if it wasn't smooth. "Family is family, maybe not right now but shouldn't wait long. If you still have a problem later..." She trailed off seeing that Kelly got the idea.

"Yeah," Kelly sighed. "I should probably talk to my counselor, too. This is annoying and freaking me out. If she does get with him...I'm really not going to be happy with either of them."

"But why would they? I mean it sounded like she was not interested. I think you're safe." She said trying to be practical and helpful.

"I don't know," Kelly said. "Just seeing them together. It weirds me out. I really need to talk to my counselor. A shame I can't get a drink right now."

Gwen glanced around, "We're not supposed to drink until the Banquet..." She looked thoughtful, "Let's not borrow trouble, my mom always said. We'll worry about it if we need to but until then whats up with you and James?" She asked partly because she wanted to know and partly to distract her.

"Nothing," Kel said. "He's cute, but this is only the second time I talked to him. I wouldn't mind getting to know him a little better, but things are going to be very busy from here on out." She looked around. "Technically, we're at the banquet, and we're allowed to have beer and wine, right? One glass wouldn't hurt."

"No I guess it wouldn't, wanna go?" She said a little disappointed there wasn't more to the story. "Well hopefully you could talk to him again, he seemed nice." She said as they walked back to the banquet area, at Kelly's look she amended, "And cute..." a small sigh and joking eye roll.

"Then again, so are you," Kelly said, watching her from the corner of her eye as she walked beside of Gwen to the tables. There, she looked over the selection and asked for a Chateau Picard twenty-two sixty-seven wine while watching her roommate.

Gwen totally missed the connection to the current conversation, "Yes like someones little sister, I get that a lot. My Grandma's still try to pinch my cheeks..." She said in fond exasperation, shaking her head. As she looked over the table and deciding how brave she was feeling.

"Not at all," Kelly said as she took the glass of wine that she asked for. "I mean, family might see you that way, but it's true. I think you're cute. Everyone here is a sea of clones at the moment in our uniforms, but you make it look sexy."

Gwen stopped and looked at her, "I um...what?" The image of herself and the word 'sexy' is so far from each she's more surprised by the comparison then anything else. "Yeah sure..." She said disbelievingly but like she was trying not to offend her friend. She stuck one hand in her pocket and looked over at the sea of drink choices and settled for a light Welsh Ale.

"You are," Kelly said. "You may not think it, but I think you're beautiful, Gwen." She took a sip of her wine. "Look at the pose you're in now. That hand in your pocket makes your hip jut a little and that look in your's perfect. You don't even have to work at it like a lot of females do."

Gwen pulled her hand out of her pocket, realized she couldn't cross her arms with the drink in her other hand and so put it back for lack of anything else to do with it. She opened her mouth to say something, closed it. Tried again, closed it. Caught sight of herself in a reflective surface and tried to see what others seemed too. Didn't see it. "If you say so..." she said uncertainly. She took a drink from the pint she held, her parents had let her drink a little when she got older. It was a Welsh thing so it tasted like home and she relaxed a little. Then she caught sight of someone, "Hey there's Jondar, he's like a brother. We grew up together, I should introduce you if you want?" She asked.

Kelly wondered if Gwen was deliberately putting her off or really didn't have a clue. She looked over where the guy was that Gwen pointed out and nodded. "We can do that," she said, her voice sounding a little disappointed.

Gwen frowned unsure, it was obvious she didn't want to meet her friend. "Or something else that's fine too.." She said trying to review the conversation to see what she missed. Kelly seemed fine until Gwen reacted to being told she was sexy. Different reasons for this flickered through her mind, "Oh crap was I being hit on?" never having happened before she wasn't entirely sure. Different cultures flittered through her mind
but nothing seemed helpful. "Thank you, for what you said.." going for just taking the compliment while her mind sorted out this new information.

"No," Kelly said. "I like meeting new people, and if he's like a brother to you, I'll all for it. You're welcome, by the way. It's totally true. I'd date you."

Not sure if she meant "date you, date you or date you if I was a guy", Gwen took another drink of her pint and nodded while waving to get Jondar's attention. Seeing them, he and a female cadet made their way over after he leaned down and whispered something to her.

Kelly decided not to say anything else and turned on a bright smile at the two new cadets that were approaching, one of them obviously Jondar. She gave a little wave. "Hi. I'm Kelly."

Jondar smiled a broad smile, "I'm.." then he realized with a girlfriend he couldn't give his usual spiel so he continued, "Sito Jondar, full of so much awesome I need a minder and so this is mine. Phoebe Cavendish..."

"A pleasure to meet you both," Kelly said. "Gwen was saying you're like a brother to her. I'm her room and band mate."

Phoebe looked at Jondar and raised an eyebrow. This was the first she'd heard about it and hadn't met Gwen before. She looked at him with interest and wondered what the story was.

Sensing he needed to explain quickly, "Her parents are archaeologists, they spent a lot of her childhood studying the ancient history of Bajor. My father is a professor and worked with them. Hence the sister I never wanted..."

Gwen stuck out her tongue from behind Kelly in a typical younger sister move.

Jondar rolled his eyes in a long suffering manner.

Kelly smiled. "Sounds a lot more interesting than just having been on Earth," she said. "But I never believe in turning down meeting someone new. What are you two here for? I'm taking Flight with a secondary in Engineering."

"Security and tactical." Phoebe smiled at Kelly, "I'm a tomboy at heart." she added with a sideways look at Jondar.

"What about you, Jondar?" Kelly asked.

"I'm a tomboy at heart too..." He joked.

"Better than being a tomgirl," Kelly retorted with a grin. "I meant your major, Mister Awesome."

"Security and Tactical as well..." He finally said with a grin.

"Ah, a wise guy, huh," Kelly said. "You didn't tell he's got mad jokes, Gwen."

"They're something. I don't think I'd call them 'mad' unless you mean as in crazy..."

"You're just jealous that I'm quick on my feet..." He quipped back as the group of four moved toward the food tables still talking...

Cadet Freshman Kelly Khan
Flight Control
Magellan Campus

Cadet Freshman Sito Jondar
Security And Tactical Cadet
Magellan Campus

Cadet Freshman Gwen Morgan
Intel Cadet
Magellan Campus


Cadet Freshman Phoebe Cavendish
Security and Tactical Cadet
Magellan Campus


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