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After The Ceremony

Posted on Mon Jan 21st, 2019 @ 11:46pm by Mackenzie Bergman & Commander Jacob Bannerman
Edited on on Mon Jan 21st, 2019 @ 11:46pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Banquet Hall Patio
Timeline: 2388/08/26 1840 (August 26 2388 6:40pm)

Once the ceremony portion of the night concluded, Mackenzie made her way outside so she could get a bit of fresh air before going into the banquet hall. Thankfully, she was able to get Kelly's attention and let her know that's where she was currently headed. Having a moment to herself was exactly what she needed after the day she'd already had. It wasn't necessarily the worst ever, but it wasn't exactly the best, either.

Opting to hang around like a bad smell, it didn't take Jake long to locate Mackenzie and step outside the banquet hall, a glass of scotch in his hand. "Is this a private party or can anyone join in?" he asked as he walked across the patio area outside towards her.

Mackenzie closed her eyes and counted to ten before she opened them again and looked toward the man approaching her. She suddenly felt like she contracted a bad case of Orion herpes. Was there even such a thing? She honestly didn't know, but even she had to admit Jake was more attractive than something like that could be. "You're welcome to go anywhere you want to, Commander. I don't make the rules around here." Her eyes flicked to the drink his hand. She could do with about twelve of them at the moment.

"Well in that case..." he replied as he sat on the low wall surrounding the area right beside her and took a sip of his drink. "Nice evening." he commented as he looked around and unbuttoned his jacket with his free hand.

"It is a nice evening." She agreed, feeling a bit more at ease even when him near. Maybe it was because he wasn't going out of his way to push her buttons this time. Perhaps... there was hope for him yet.

Kelly came out of the banquet hall with a veritable glow surrounding her. I am officially a cadet of Starfleet! she thought, doing a twirl in her happiness. Spotting Mack with a staff member, she went up to them. "Mack! I'm so glad that you attended. Not that you wouldn't. Did you get any holo-images?" She nodded to the man that she didn't know. "Commander."

"Of course, I'd be here and take a ton of holo-images." Mack said, embracing Kelly with a bright smile. She leaned back to get a good look at her. "You look amazing in your dress uniform." Just like the Commander here. Though she shook those thoughts from her mind rather quickly, then decided to make introductions. "Kelly Khan, Commander Jake Bannerman. He'll be your Flight Instructor."

Returning the hug, Kelly beamed. "Thank you, Mack. I wish that Papa and Mom could have been here." She started to say something, but the words in her mouth ground to a halt. My cousin is hanging out with my Instructor? A very unladylike thought went through her head before she managed a smile. "Commander Bannerman. I'm looking forward to your classes."

"So you should." Jake smiled at her, "All the cool kids will go to them." he added with a wink before finishing undoing the last button on his jacket then moving on to the top few buttons of his undershirt. "Damn monkey suit." he muttered under his breath.

Arrogant much? Kelly thought at his words and lack of decorum. "Oh, I'm not taking your class because I'm cool, Commander. I'm taking it because I plan on being the best pilot in Starfleet."

Mackenzie cracked a grin. Their family was full of spitfires. Jake was definitely going to have his hands full, but if he liked a challenge as much as she thought he did... She made her way toward Jake and settled down. "Kel's ambitious, and as determined as you are, I think you just might be able to turn her into the best pilot Starfleet has to offer."

"Sorry kid." Jake replied with a shake of his head, "But the only way that's gonna happen is when you're firing my cold dead body into space in a torpedo casing." he added before tossing the rest of the whiskey back his throat then shuddering as he remembered that mission where they had done just that....

"Never underestimate the desire of the next generation, Commander Bannerman," Kelly said. "You have to retire to that great torpedo tube in the sky some day, just like everyone else. When that day comes, I'll honor you with a fly by. Sir."

"Okay... we're supposed to be celebrating." She looked to Jake. "Are you not among the first set of instructors to ever teach here? Don't you have an obligation to be encouraging your students? Seeing to it that they exceed what you're capable of and them some?" Mack then turned her attention to Kelly. "And you... you're part of the first class of cadets. This is a huge deal. You're both part of history. Can't you both enjoy it without the unnecessary talk about death and being shot out into space?"

"I'm up for celebrating," Kelly said. "It's been an amazing day and I'm looking forward to all the challenges," she looked at Bannerman. "That are ahead, big or small."

"Only the big ones count kid." Jake grinned widely at her before saying "Seriously though, impress me and I might just let you take a ride in the sweetest bird you'll ever fly." he added, referring to the one thing he loved in this life...his fighter.

"All challenges count, Commander," Kelly said. "You're on. Mack, you're my witness to what the good Commander just offered."

"I'm a witness." Mack said with a nod, then looked over at Jake. "I think she accepts, Commander Jake." Since she wasn't exactly a student, she could get away with more. And aside from that, she liked to push his buttons, too.

"Commander Jake?" Bannerman raised an eyebrow, "It took a lot of blood and guts to get these three pips you know, a little respect is appreciated." he added, pretending to be deadly serious in an effort to make her feel bad.

"Forgive me, Commander." Mackenzie said, bowing her head as if ashamed. It was incredibly difficult to tell if she was being sincere or sarcastic, though. "I was under the impression I was being respectful." I didn't call you Commander Jerk in front of the cadets. "I'll know my place next time."

"Well now, maybe it would be if we were on first name terms." Jake replied, "But you've made it pretty clear that you don't want to be friends." he added, keeping his tone flippant as if he didn't care just to see how she'd react, uncaring that Kelly was standing right there.

Kelly really wanted to say something because Mack was her cousin, but he was her instructor. She bit her lip instead and turned away from both of them. Whatever was going on was between them and she refused to intervene on a personal level unless the situation warranted it. There was no way she was going to lose her spot in the Academy and ruin her chance to become an officer in Starfleet.

Straightening her shoulders, she walked away from both of them and headed for a different area where she could get away from the smell of bullshit and snarky behavior. This was her day and she would be damned if any buttholes were going to ruin it for her, even if it meant enjoying the moment by herself. Stepping up to a ledge, she stopped and looked out over the campus, at her future.

"That's not even a little true, Commander Bannerman." Red stated, turning her attention to him once more. "I offered friendship to you earlier today, but you didn't acknowledge it. So, you see... the ball was always in your court. Excuse me." She got to get feet and moved into the banquet hall. She needed a drink in the worst way. Of course, she'd be coming back out once she'd acquired the hardest liquor the bar had to offer.

Catching a glimpse of Mack leaving, Kelly blinked. Way to leave me hanging, cousin, she thought. Shaking her head, she headed back into the banquet hall herself, leaving Commander Bannerman out there by himself. Maybe if she was lucky, she could find Gwen in the chaos.

As the two women disappeared, Jake grinned widely and shook his head as he said to himself "She so wants into my pants." Setting his glass down on the wall, he hopped down and headed off into the Academy grounds, his mind filled with thoughts of how to wear a certain redhead down.

After a couple shots of tequila, and now armed with a drink in hand, Mack returned to her spot outside, retaking her seat. Everyone seemed to have disappeared while she was gone, but it left her able to gather her thoughts. What was she going to do with Jake? Barely knew the man twelve hours, and he already knew how to push her buttons. That way okay, though... she knew how to push them right back. Then, there was Kelly. It was clear her Flight Instructor rubbed the young cadet the wrong way, but Mack found herself hoping she'd be able to overlook that and focus on what she needed to do to achieve her goal of becoming the best pilot Starfleet had to offer. And, as determined as Kelly had always been, it was very likely that she would be able to obtain the goal she'd set out for herself.

Cadet Freshman Kelly Khan
Flight Control
Magellan Campus


Commander Jake Bannerman
Chief Flight Instructor
Magellan Campus


Mackenzie Bergman
Owner: White Lotus Salon and Spa
Magellan Campus


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