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If You Have A Moment, I Would Like To Apply For A Job?

Posted on Thu Jan 31st, 2019 @ 8:56pm by Lieutenant Jaime Mallory

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Offices in the shuttle hangar
Timeline: 2388/08/27 0810 (August 27 2388 08:10am)


Braden knew where the office area was already so he moved swiftly through the building. He liked Petty officer Carpenter, the guy seemed like a decent sort to work with. He hoped this Lieutenant Mallory would take him seriously. At the office door he stopped and knocked. As he waited he wondered if she was even there?

"Cadet..." Having come from the hangar bay, Jaime was there in the hallway walking up to him and she asked, "Can I help you?" as she keyed in a code and unlocked the door.

Braden turned at the footsteps and came to attention when she spoke. He moved to parade rest to reply, in a sort of dance like smoothness. He had not expected her to be so pretty! He hesitated a moment as he recovered his senses. Before speaking he made eye contact schooling his expression with difficulty, she had really beautiful eyes. "Yes Ma'am, I hope so. I am here seeking a part time job in the shuttle bay here. I spoke to PO Carpenter yesterday and he said to speak to you."

Jaime had noticed his reaction to her, but chose not to show it. He was cute but way too young. "Oh yes, Leo told me about you, Cadet." she glanced back at him and gave him a pleasant, "Come on in." Setting her coffee mug down, and going behind a desk, she turned on a desktop monitor before pointed over to a chair that sat in front of it, "Have a seat."

"Thanks Lieutenant." Braden sat down with near perfect posture. "If Petty Officer Carpenter already mentioned me then you already probably know I worked at my Dad's shuttleport since I could read just about. With a few hours instruction on Starfleet paperwork and methods I can free PO Carpenter up for real repairs. Once I know the layout here you might be surprised how much I get done." Braden's smile grew bold, "I would not turn down a chance to fly a courier run either."

Jaime smiled at him knowingly as she took her own seat. "I appreciate your enthusiasm, Cadet, but let's take this a step at a time" she tapped on the keypad, bringing up information on her screen. "While I have your documented work record, as well as your test scores in the area of shuttle mechanics, which..." she smiled," are 'very' good, there's no record of a certification." She folded her hands together and looked at him, "We'll definitely need to test you out in those areas."

Braden cocked his head, his expression calm but his response was delayed a few seconds as he noticed her eyes and how energetic they appeared. "That is all I ask Ma'am. I just am looking for a chance to learn more. I am sure PO Carpenter can teach me a great deal just by being around him." His expression grew bold as he continued "I do have a pilot's certificate though and any stick time I can get would be great." He smiled warmly and then became serious once more "My piloting and navigation skills already displayed helped get me in here I was told."

"They did," Jaime replied, returning the warm smile she got a moment ago. Her hands still folded together, she leaned forward, her eyes catching the time. "Come back..." Damn, no time this morning...nor tonight... "tomorrow late afternoon, oh around 1630 hours. We'll do some hands on testing, it will give me a chance to talk to Commander Bannerman, and him a chance to test just what you're made of. Then," her smile returned, "we can decide just how much stick time you'll get."

Braden's eyes lit up when he heard tested and maybe stick time. He wasn't worried much who tested him, his Dad had been rougher then he expected any instructor to be. Besides having this Jaime see him perform his stuff would be fun. The idiot grin came and went as he thought of impressing her. He snapped back to reality quickly though. "Excuse me Ma'am, I appreciate the chance for stick time but.. "Ma'am did I get the job assisting Pl Carpenter?'

"With Bannerman's approval, yeah." she smiled, and then placing her hands flat on the desk, pushed herself to stand, "I'll see you later at one of the orientations, cadet." and extended out a hand to shake his.

Braden stood in one fluid motion and shook her hand firmly but not squeezing. "I will be here or if detained by some other function I will report my inability to be there to you Ma'am. Thank you the chance to prove myself Ma'am." Braden took two steps to the rear came to attention, saluted, and left the office.

Jaime lifted one eyebrow as she watched him walk out of there. Then retook her seat as her mind went back to her first time in the pilots seat. Sassy, eager, and needing to be reigned in. Looking at the monitor, wanting her coffee, her mug out reach, she extended out her hand, and it came floating over to her. Content as she took a drink, she leaned back in her chair to look over Braden's file again.


He was sort of floating on cloud-9 as he left the hangar area.


Lieutenant Jaime Mallory
Pilot/Flight Deck Supervisor
Magellan Campus


Cadet Freshman Grade Braden MacCloud
Flight cadet
SF: Magellan Campus


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