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Needing Help of the Betazoid-Kind

Posted on Thu Jan 31st, 2019 @ 6:57pm by Ambassador Geminik Odar & Samantha Fraiser-Odar & Saxon McKinney & Specialist Aleysha Xerix
Edited on on Thu Jan 31st, 2019 @ 7:11pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Sam and Gem's Apartment
Timeline: 2388/08/27 0800 (August 27 2388 08:00am)


Gem had headed out for an early meeting, and Sam was having a slower morning sitting in the sun enjoying the chance to just relax. Well, to the outside world it would look like she was relaxing, in actual fact it was a technique Gem had taught her when she had driven him to distraction pacing in a small space while thinking through a problem.

The emotions coming from some people after the news of the loss of the ship [not pointing any fingers at Connor *ahem*]. She had also heard rumours that Alex's son and his ex wife were on the station and she knew that his ex wife Aleysha was full Betazoid like her.

Frowning she wondered how Saxon, half Betazoid and likely to be empathic was dealing with his mother's emotions. Something like this could cause a child to come online too quick and be damaging especially if he didn't understand the emotions around him.

She wasn't unused to looking after young telepaths and empaths that came online before their time but usually it was in better circumstances than this. Sighing she sent off a text to Gem asking him if he knew anything about Saxon's situation on the station knowing he had some *interesting* contacts just like she did on other stations.

Coming back to the real world she felt presences outside the door and snorted softly to herself *looks like the mountain came to Mohammed*, the very two she had been thinking about were right outside her door. Standing she made her way over just as it chimed. Opening it she smiled at the two dropping down to Saxon's level to greet him. "Hello ... I'm Sam ... Can I help you and your mom?"

Saxon smiled back at her, but it was Aleysha who replied, "Admiral Fraiser... Ma'am, I am really sorry for not calling ahead of time. I hope this isn't an inconvenience. My name is Aleysha Xerix. I'm a civilian specialist at Magellan Station, and this here," she placed her hand on the back of Saxon's head, "is my son, Saxon McKinney. I was hoping I could have a moment of your time."

The young woman gave the appearance of being fine, but internally she was very stressed. She sent to Sam telepathically, ~Ma'am, you were recommended to me by my brother, Commander Jae-Hwa Kwan. My son has no idea why we're here, but I really need your help...~

~I remember Commander Kwan... Gem and I have a bit to do with him.~ "Come in both of you." Sam stepped back "Can I get either of you a drink and a snack? Only healthy I'm afraid my sneak of a fiancee locked me out of the junk food until 4 pm." Sam grinned letting Aleysha know she wasn't really annoyed.

Sam was working the whole time on relaxing Aleysha ~It's ok ... I don't mind you dropping in ... How about we get Saxon set up with some old Earth Road Runner cartoons and a snack and then you can tell me what has you feeling like a cat on a hot tin roof.~

Looking really appreciative and holding Saxon's hand, Aleysha followed her into the livingroom. Saxon looked up at Sam and his eyes got really big, "Do you have any strawberries?!"

"We do ... and mango ... pineapple ... an old type of Terran Apple ... Would you like a plate o mixed fruit sweetheart?" Sam smiled down at him.

"Yeah!" he grinned from ear to ear, really liking the nice lady.

"Thank you, Admiral," Aleysha smiled, as she caressed a hand over one side of Saxon's head.

"Call me Sam ... and you are both really welcome." Going to the replicator Sam grabbed a fruit plate for Saxon and then decided to grab another one for her and Aleysha as well.

Taking Saxon's over she snuck a couple of marshmallows on his plate and winked at him before turning to sit with Aleysha while he sat riveted by the cartoons.

Sitting down on the balcony in a position she could keep an eye on Saxon, Sam smiled at his mom soothingly "So ... Whats wrong Aleysha? I can feel you vibrating all the way over here."

Frowning, Aleysha shook her head as she looked over at her son. "He's precocious, and I'm tired. I've been trying to protect him from the news about his father for the past day and a half..." Unable to help it, her eyes starting tearing up, and she looked over to Sam, "It's getting harder. I need a break. I need to get back to work, and see if there is anyway I can help in the search."

Sam nodded in understanding "I'm guessing you need someone who can shield a precocious little one, take him for a while so that you can focus on finding his dad?"

Aleysha nodded as she replied in an emotional whisper, "Yes. I just want to protect him while no one has given up on the search. He's very attached to his father, and I don't want him frightened. I also think it would be best..." she hesitated, uncertain if she should continue, "if he stays away from the Dean, for the time being."

Thinking about Gem and the Gem feeling in her head Sam pondered ~How would Gem feel if we offered to take Saxon for however long Aleysha needs?~

~He would feel that would be a good idea.~ returned Gem's thoughts to her, for he was very near by.

Aleysha had continued, uncomfortably, "He keeps asking to spend some time with his Uncle Connor, and I just know that wouldn't be good for either one of them right now."

Suddenly there were voices coming from inside the apartment, and Aleysha turned her head to see Saxon running to greet the Ambassador as he walked through the door. She watched as Gem placed a hand on Saxon's head, exchanged a few words, and then lead them both over to the couch where they sat down together. A moment later Gem had directed Saxon's attention back to the cartoon. And then they both started laughing.

"Saxon really likes him", Aleysha managed to smile, looking fondly at the scenario as she referred to Gem, "He's always really happy to see him whenever he gets the opportunity."

Sam smiled "He's really good with children." She looked sideways at Aleysha and then suggested "How would you feel if we took Saxon for as long as you need?" Sam wasn't sure how Aleysha would feel with leaving him with them.

Aleysha nodded, "Appreciative. I think that would be perfect." The tears that she had been struggling to hold back leaked from the corners of her eyes, "I know I'll have to explain everything to him soon if his father's not found, but for now I think this would be best."

Nodding in understanding, Sam hugged Aleysha gently, she could hear giggles inside and smiled, "Lets go let the boys know and see what the cartoon is. Gem has an awesome collection of them."

"Okay." Aleysha managed to smile.

Then Sam gently led Aleysha inside to where it was bright and happy so she could spend a little time with Saxon and explain to him about staying with Gem and Sam.


Adm Samantha Frasier Retired
Diplomatic detachment/advisor
Magellan Academy

Aleysha Xerix
Diplomatic Translation Specialist
Magellan Station

Saxon McKinney
Precocious Child
Magellan Station

Ambassador Geminik Odar
Dept. Head - Diplomatic Corps
Magellan Academy


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