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Meeting El Hefe

Posted on Sun Feb 3rd, 2019 @ 11:24pm by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Deans Office
Timeline: 2388/08/27 1301 (August 27 2388 1:01pm)

Miach walked down the corridor towards the offices of the Dean. His sehlat Morrigan trailed behind him. His uniform was freshly pressed, his eyes had slight rings around them.

~Lucky forr you Vulcans dont need as much sleep as humans. Otherrrwise, Prrriest, you would be dead on yourr feet. You've allowed yourrrself to get complacent in your sleeping habits and accustomed to human cirrrcadian rrrhythms.~ Morrigan said as she teased him.

~Do you want me to see if I cant get the Captain to allow you free roam around the campus, like you had at San Francisco or not?~ Miach asked back.

~See, Prriest, you are touchy, makes one wonderr if a nerrve I have strruck.~

He sighed as they turned and entered the anteroom where a desk was currently vacant. Miach nodded to himself. "The Chief must be away from her desk for a moment. You, go over there and be a nice sehlat." he said pointing. He followed her over and flipped the PADD he carried and hung it around her neck. On the PADD's display was the phrase, "Ask and I shall answer, yes or no questions please."

~I still think your silly for wanting to conduct such an 'experiment'.~ she said to her referring to having the PADD around her neck and seeing how many people actually stopped to ask her a question.

~We shall see Prriest, I hypothesize that 1 in 5 will stop. That is taking into account that we arre at a place of buisness and several, 4 out of the 5, will likely not stop due to prressing matterrs. Outside of said place of business I think that 3 out of 5 will stop, depending.~

He shook his head and grinned ~You are nothing if not entertaining Morrigan. Remember if he wishes to meet you be on your best behavior.~

She tilted her head ~I'm always on my best behaviorr Prriest, after all I am a goddess.~

He laughed audibly and turned to step towards the door that would alert the Captain someone was outside.

That's when the door opened, and Connor, looking strained and rushed, stepped out into the doorway. His eyes immediately took in the sehlat, and his brows furrowed, "This must be Morrigan..?"

Miach came to attention "Yes sir. I was reporting as per the appointment on my calendar today. I would have preferred meeting you when I arrived on planet but the situation has been fluid." Miach took the Captain's appearance in at once and continued. "Unless you would like to reschedule sir."

Connor looked over at him, and not feeling the need to explain why they hadn't met sooner, he shook his head and swallowed. "That won't be necessary...'n' you're on time, Commander, I appreciate it." He stood aside and directed them both to come into his office.

Miach eyed the Captain and nodded sending a quick ~Experiment over, follow~ down the link that bound Morrigan to him. She padded behind on soft paw and stood beside Miach eyeing the Captain with wise sight before saying.

~It looks as if your not the only one who has had a sleepless night.~

~Gods below Morrigan dont say that out loud.~

"Thank you Captain, I've heard a good bit about you while I was stationed at the Academy. It is a honor sir."

His jaw tensing slightly, Connor nodded as he replied, "Thank you." He wasn't sure why the Lieutenant Commander's statement bothered him, as it did. They had stopped near his desk, and noting Miach's gloved hands, he extended out one of his for them to shake, "That goes both ways, Commander. I've read your file 'n' you come highly recommended."

Miach took his hand and shook it as was custom. "It is pleasing to know that my work has earned me a good recommendation." He watched the Captain and caught the slight twitch of his jaw muscles.

"I had originally intended to have Morrigan wait out with the Petty Officer, in case you wished to meet her sir." There was something going on, changing the meeting time, and the trouble that Miach picked up on at the ceremony caused his 'shrink' self to pay close attention to the Captain. Unlike most Vulcans Miach listened to his gut. He plastered an attentive look on his face but didn't belie that he was watching for triggers.

Connor looked over at Morrigan, "It's fine, I want her here." He directed Miach to one of the two chairs that sat before his desk, while he sat down in the other one, "Take a seat, Commander." while keeping his eyes on the sehlat.

Miach nodded and moved to sit down instructing Morrigan to sit beside him. "Thank you Captain. Might I ask a question sir?" Micha asked with calmness in his voice.

"You may." Connor nodded back over at him, leaning back in his seat and crossing one leg over the other.

"Is this meeting anything other than a subordinate performing the proper customs for the commanding officer, or did you want to see me about something specific, sir?"

Connor stared back hard at him as he considered his feelings earlier when he had come close to canceling this meeting altogether. "I haven't decided," he replied.

Miach nodded "Of course sir. What can I do for you today?" he asked in the tone he had taken as a counselor. The one he employed when wanting to put someone at ease.

Having had a feeling the man was going to be able to read him, Connor looked away before running a hand over his mouth and chin. He gestured over at Morrigan, "She's not of a domesticated breed, Commander. How did you end up with her?"

"It was a long story, and as you're a man who is busy I'll give you the short version. Her mother saved me, and I saved Morrigan. Then she saved me again." He smiled softly and raised an eyebrow at Connor.

~He's intentionally not looking at you Prriest. He's hiding something.~

~Peace Morrigan, I can tell.~

Connor happened to look over at him then, and studying the Vulcan, picked up on what he had meant. He nodded, and then returned to Morrigan, "Accordin' to Morrigan's file, she is not a typical Sehlat. So what happens if somethin' severs your bond with her?"

"She will retain her personality which is one of a protector and friend. She is mild and well mannered so long as no one threatens her family, that being my 'cub' as she puts it or the Prrriest." he exaggerated the 'r's to mimic her speech before continuing. "All in all she has the same qualities as a Star Fleet Officer, loyalty, fidelity, honor, truthfulness," at this he added ~To a fault some times Morrigan~ before continuing "and dedication to duty. Though if you wish you could ask her that as she is capable of answering on her own."

"Has this been tested?" Connor asked, his blue-grey eyes studying Morrigan a little intensely, his mind having gone back to his last assignment at a starbase in another quadrant. One where he had the experience of dealing with a tarantula spider who had become suddenly sentient and intelligent due to a burst of psionic energy from a Tholian crystal. At least that had been the theory. While the Starbase's Command staff had no issues with it, granted her free run of the station, Connor was never among them. He could never let go of the fact that they had no real understanding of the crystal, and it had caused so much harm in other ways. He had always wondered what was really behind the intelligence of the spider everyone else had become so very fond of. "Has the bond between the two of you ever been...disconnected?

Before Miach could answer, Connor continued, "I have read her file, 'n' I...still find myself hesitant in grantin' the freedom allowed to her in San Francisco. While I understand there are unusual 'n' unique circumstances contributin' to why Morrigan is the way that she is, I also understand 'n' have experience with the natural extincts of exotic animals. This...may take some time."

Miach nodded "Yes the bond has been disconnected before. I wanted to see how she would react alone with her own thoughts. The longest we have been 'separated' was a month while I was on my cadet cruise, they did not allow pets on the ship. The surveillance of my home, where she was staying can be provided to you should you require it. While she did show signs of separation anxiety roughly two and a half weeks into the disconnect she returned to her normal routine. Ran with the neighborhood kids, ate, watched old holo-vids, and protected the house. I fear I was the one that took the brunt of the separation however. We have developed a rather symbiotic relationship, my bonding to her has allowed part of my emotions to be 'bled' away. While I'm not a blind lunatic when we're not bonded I do find it more difficult to retain my emotional balance. And have found that I need to meditate and exert myself more often than when we share a mind. This is something that, myself, am researching as it unusual and I can only find the most passing mentions of it in the oldest of tomes on Vulcan history."

"So the disconnect was not from your bein' offworld, but the time you chose to be?" Connor wanted to know, making sure he understood.

"Correct, distance doesn't break the bond per say but it does strain it a great deal. Imagine a rubber band be pulled taunt, the people on both ends know the other is still there but they cant communicate through the band as well as they could. Distance has that effect on the bond she and I share. And I wanted to see how she would react for an extended period of time if the bond was broken. Logically the cadet cruise was the proper time to do so."

Connor nodded, and he continued to stare thoughtfully at Morrigan. And then his eyesbrows raised as he realized, "My dad would really like you."

Morrigan let loose with a soft growl that was her version of a laugh as she nodded.

~His dad has good taste.~ she told Miach and he smirked.

"Apparently she approves of your father's taste." Miach said passing on the message.

Connor half smiled as he continued to stare at her. "He'll be asking to borrow her..." he added as he thought about his father's obsession with exotic animals.

"I wouldn't mind as I'm sure she wouldnt either. She loves having her ego stroked. " Miach laughed and Morrigan locked eyes with him before saying her mental voice rich.

~As rrright a Goddess should have herr ego strroked Prriest.~

Connor smiled fully, "Aye 'n' that he would. My dad's...a total eccentric. I grew up with experiencin' his love for the erotic: animals, plants, 'n'...friends. My bro 'n' I..." and then he stopped himself, his smile lessoning as he thought about Alex.

Miach noted the smile lessen as he watched the Captain and raised an eyebrow. There was something going on with the Captain's brother, perhaps old wounds reopened by a memory or perhaps a new one not yet healed.

"Yes sir." Miach said and then tilted his head pausing before speaking. "Sir, if I may speak freely?"

Caught off guard, Connor nodded, having adverted his gaze, and running a hand over his mouth and chin. "You may," he replied and then looked back to him.

"I'm new here and a new variable in your command structure. I'm far enough removed that I wont be able to interfere in your day to day operations and high enough that it would be acceptable. Having said that if you need someone to have a beer with and talk, or not let me know. I get the feeling your slightly insulated as most Commanding Officers are. As such my arrival on the Campus offers a unique opportunity to have as much of a friend as you need, close by. 'Nother upside, while I'm not a counselor here, I still hold my licence and as such anything said would be vouch safe to my lips. If I go to far it was not my intention, just a lone soul recognizing another I think." Miach stopped and tilted his head as he watched the man.

For a moment Connor only silently stared back at the man. He was thrown off, and it really showed. He thought he could make it through the day doing his job, not allow his personal issues to interfere. But he was failing, that much was obvious. Taking in a deep breath, he sat back in his seat, before pressing his hands on the chair's arms as he was tempted to get out of it, instead opting to sit up straighter as he wrestled with himself. No one had ever broached him like this before, besides his family similarly, and it had been a very long time. Finally he nodded, "I'll think about it."

Miach almost flinched as Morrigan reacted to Connor's reaction and her voice slithered into his head.

~Stop you fool, hitting a nerrrve like that will get me locked away forrr ages.~

~Calm yourself Morrigan, a little vinegar now, I think, is what he needs. He's wound up tight and doesn't have anyone to talk to from the looks of it or he would have talked to them already.~ Miach responded quietly as both he and Morrigan tilted their heads to the side in a creepy simultaneous movement as they watched Connor.

"That's all one can ask Captain, now that my point of personal privilege has passed shall we continue?"

Having caught the creepy simultaneous movement, Connor just nodded slightly, acknowledging him. "In regards to Morrigan..." he said quietly, while feeling the need to control his breathing, "we'll have to take this step by step. There is over a thousand people on this campus, many more on the station and colony, that are not privy to her records, nor have the understandin' of what makes her unique from other Sehlats. Personally," he looked at her thoughtfully, again, "I need to get to know her better 'n' that's goin' to have to happen over time."

"I'm certain that she will understand. It did take a bit to get the lee way she had at San Francisco." Miach looked at her and then returned his gaze to Connor. "Was there anything else Captain?"

There had been, but Connor decided to let it go for now. "No." he shook his head, "Not at this time." He seemed distracted, and he was. He rose out of his seat, giving the impression that their meeting was over.

Miach nodded "Of course Captain, may you have a better day today, than you had yesterday. And may your tomorrows be better than your todays."

Miach rose to his feet and so did Morrigan, he took two steps back as did Morrigan and they turned in sync and exited in pace with each other.

~Your going to freak him out Morrigan.~ Miach said softly down their link.

~Yes, but he wants to get to know my perrrsoanility, my sense of humorr is a larrge parrt of it.~ Miach shook his head as the doors closed on them.

~You're an idiot Morrigan.~

Connor watched them go, and then closed his eyes as he thought about what Miach had said, and what had just transpired between them. Going behind his desk, he pressed the comm button and canceled the rest of his afternoon appointments. Then leaned with both hands onto the desk surface as he hung his head. Miach was right and he knew it; he was too insulated. Making a decision not to put it off any longer, he made an appointment with his new counselor.


Miach Ap Tinsha
Lieutenant Commander
Philosophy Professor/Surgeon
Magellan Campus

Unusual Sehlat
Magellan Campus

Doctor Connor McKinney
Magellan Campus


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