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Quality Time part 1

Posted on Sun Feb 3rd, 2019 @ 11:32pm by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Captain Madeline Sanchez & Specialist Ivy McKinney
Edited on on Sun Feb 3rd, 2019 @ 11:44pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Dean's Outer Office
Timeline: 2388/08/27 1400 (August 27 2388 2:00pm)

Ivy made her way toward the Kathryn Janeway building... the main administrative building... and allowed her mind the chance to roam a bit. She hadn't been on Sapientia more than a few hours, but the young woman already loved it. There was so much for her to explore, so much for her to see, and there was a lot going on that would keep her occupied. Not to mention the people she'd met already. So far, they all proved to be pretty sweet. If she played her cards right, she'd be able to hang around and make a name for herself here... if her brother was okay with that.

She moved inside and stopped for a moment to take a look around. Her first visit didn't leave much time to stop and smell the roses, as it were, because she was too busy running away. It seemed she'd been doing a lot of that lately, but the first time was so much different. Something she hoped would never come back to haunt her.

Realizing she'd gotten distracted, Ivy shook her head and moved forward again only stopping when she'd finally gotten just outside of the double doors she knew led into her brother's office. A case of nerves crept its way into the pit of her stomach as memories of their first meeting came to mind, causing her to block out everything around her. Would this go much the same way?

She was alone there in the Deans' outer office as Teri was running an errand for Connor. Suddenly both the double doors opened and there he was. Although he had been expecting her, he stared for a moment with uncertainty. "Ivy...?"

Having just stepped through the doors of her own office with PADD in hand, Maddie heard Connor say the name and froze, wondering if she'd be noticed if she stepped back inside as her insecurities began to rise at the thought of meeting a member of Connor's family.

"Hi." Ivy said a bit awkwardly, but with a smile on her face at the sight of her brother. "I told you I would come." Instead of moving toward him, though, the young woman stayed right where she was.

"Yeah," he nodded in total agreement, and then returned her smile just as his eyes caught Maddie's office door closing. His eyebrows furrowed, and he grabbed Ivy's hand and lead her over there. "There's someone I would like you to meet." he said to her, giving the door a light tap, "Maddie?!". Looking perplexed as he discovered it was locked, he shook his head as he pounded on it once. "Maddie..?" What the hell... he thought.

Leaning against the door on the other side, Maddie was muttering to herself to get a grip but instead of opening the door and facing her guests she replied with a tiny "Yes?"

Ivy allowed herself to be led over to the other office, the smile never wavering. This beautiful woman had a name, but she hadn't had a chance to see her yet. Was this her brother's other half? She'd know soon enough. Of course, she still remained silent so her brother could make the proper introductions for the two of them.

"Maddie," he glanced over at Ivy, not knowing what to say or how to explain what was happening, "will you open the door please?"

Closing her eyes and counting to three, Maddie pushed herself off the door and turned to open it, looking at the two of them as she forced herself to smile and said "Found it!" She held the PADD up that she was originally going to be taking across to Connor's office up in her hand as evidence that she hadn't really been hiding in her office.

Connor stared at her. He looked stressed and his expression was intense. He wasn't falling for it, and breathing deep through his nose, he forced himself to nod as if he had. "Maddie..." he said quietly, "I'd like you to meet my sister, Ivy McKinney. Ivy," he turned to her and gestured a hand at Maddie, "this is Captain Madeline Sanchez, the Assistant Dean, 'n' my girlfriend."

"So, you ah Maddie, huh?" The young Australian woman asked. Now, she had a face to go with the name, and even she had to admit that her brother's girlfriend was actually quite beautiful. Thankfully, though, the fact that the Assistant Dean had made an attempt to hide from them was totally overlooked. That... or it just flew over Ivy's head. "It's nice to meet you, Captain Sanchez." She felt a bit awkward still as she extended a hand toward the other woman, but she tried to hide it the best she could, and her smile was still ever present on her lips.

"Pleased to meet you too." Maddie took Ivy's hand and shook it, smiling warmly at the woman as she tried valiantly to hide her insecurities about whether Connor's sister would approve of her, "And please, call me Maddie."

"Call me Ivy." The young woman said, shaking Maddie's hand before lowering it back to her side. "I'm lookin' forward to gettin' to know you."

"Really?" Maddie had uttered before she'd even thought about it then cleared her throat and said "I mean, I'm looking forward to getting to know you too."

"Ah you okay, Maddie?" Ivy asked, concern clear in her voice. "Do you need some watah? Maybe sit down?"

"No....thanks." Maddie replied, "I'm fine. Really. Just....fine." she smiled, appalled that she suddenly seemed to have turned into some kind of blithering idiot. " two have a lot to catch up on huh?" she opted for a change of topic to direct the attention away from herself.

"Yeah we do," Connor agreed, watching the two of them, "Ivy, will you wait for me in my office? I have to wrap up things here with Maddie, it'll only take a minute."

"Okay." Ivy said, giving her brother a smile before smiling at Maddie once more. With that, she turned and made her way back to Connor's office. She was just a little disappointed because she wasn't going to have a chance to talk to Maddie anymore after their brief meeting, but she hid it well. There would be more time for that in the future.

Following her, he grabbed hold of the double doors, "Ivy, there's a bevie and dessert replicator," he nodded towards it, "it makes a pretty bonzer jelly slice. Oh 'n' that's real melon water on the side table near my desk, help yourself."

The young Australian woman turned toward her brother once she was inside the office and canted her head. "Thank you. Go wrap things up with Maddie." She offered him a smile. "I will be heah when you get back."

"Okay...", Connor looked drained and worried, yet somehow he managed to smile back. He closed the door and then closed his eyes. He could feel his anxiety levels rising, and swallowing hard, he turned back to Maddie, running a hand over his mouth as he walked back over towards her and stopped halfway. "Do you want to tell me what just happened?"

"W-What do you mean?" Maddie asked tentatively, still kicking herself for being such an idiot.

He felt he knew, "Your avoidin' meeting Ivy."

"I..." Maddie was about to protest but then she sighed as she realised that lying to him would serve no purpose and so said "But what if she doesn't approve?"

He came over to her, and leaning in, placed his hand on the side of her office door frame. "It won't happen." he whispered strongly. Angling his head downwards at her until his eyes locked with hers, he searched them, "We will talk about this tonight, promise me."

Closing her eyes for a moment, Maddie finally nodded and said "I promise."

Feeling thankful she had been honest with him, he kissed her on the forehead and said quietly, "Thank you Maddie." before slowly pulling away. "Right now I need some time alone with my sis, so I'll talk to you later. Okay?"

"Okay." Maddie replied, quite happy to retreat into her office and hide.

To be continued...


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