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Eyeing the Meat Candy

Posted on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 3:22pm by Lieutenant JG Joey Corwin
Edited on on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 3:23pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Dev's Place
Timeline: 2388/08/26 2101 (August 26 2388 9:ishpm)

Once she'd finished running patrols during the ceremony/banquet, Joey found herself walking into Dev's Place, grateful to be in civilian clothes. Tonight, she was wearing a black mini dress that hugged her body like a second skin and plunged at the neckline with a pair of black sky high heels on her feet. She was dressed to kill and on the prowl. Making her way to the bar, she gestured to the bartender and ordered a couple shots of tequila to be followed by a mixed cocktail. When he disappeared to make those, she turned to look out over the gathering crowd and tapped her foot against the rung of a stool.

BJ came in a few minutes later wearing a white half shirt that exposed her smooth stomach, a black mini-skirt that came to mid thigh and a pair of heels that added three inches to her height. She made her way through the crowd until she spotted her Amazonian Assistant Chief sitting at the bar and headed over to where she was. "This seat taken?"

Corwin looked over to BJ and grinned, gesturing to the seat next to her. "Not at all. Pull up a seat, have a few drinks, then the table dancing will commence." Of course, she was only kidding.

Hopping up on the seat, BJ looked at the bartender. "An Andorian Ale, please," she said. Getting the pale blue liquid, she tossed half of it back and sighed. "Ahhh...I needed that. I thought those cadets were going to drive me crazy. I remember when I was a cadet first getting into Starfleet, though. Did the same thing and worse to the Security personnel who were riding herd."

Joey tossed back her first shot only wincing for a second before she cracked a grin. "It was the same way at mine, too. It's some kind of unspoken rule. I was grateful to be running patrol instead of handling ankle biter detail. I don't envy you." She cracked a second grin, then downed her second shot.

"I was lucky enough to be up on stage the entire time, and wearing pants so the cadets in the front row couldn't look up my skirt," BJ said as she took another drink of her ale. "If I had to wear a skirt, I planned on putting a picture of a Ferengi there."

"Oh, that's good." The taller woman laughed as she picked up her fruity cocktail and took a small sip from it. "You don't happen to have a Ferengi there now, do you?" She gestured to the short skirt she was wearing.

BJ laughed. "There's no way a Ferengi will ever get his ears between my legs or anything else."

Joey tossed her head back and laughed harder, her long locks brushing against the bare skin of her back that her dress left exposed. After a few seconds, she composed herself and dabbed at the corner of her eye with a napkin. "Oh, BJ, that was good. I'd be too afraid one would try to caress my thighs with those large ears. I was once propositioned by one some years back. Ten bars of latinum just to rub his ears."

BJ shuddered. "I would have taken the latinum and brained him with them, then bought a little island somewhere." She tossed back the rest of her drink and signaled for another. "So what made you come here of all places, Joey?"

The taller woman took another drink from the glass in her hand and crossed her long legs. "Honestly... the change of pace. I can't even tell you how many times I've been shot at and wondered if that was going to be the last time I'd take a breath." She said. "The offer was extended to me, so I jumped on it. I mean... how bad can these ankle biters really be?"

"Come on, Joey," BJ said. "You went to Academy just like I did. I remember doing my best to get away with everything and anything, and I did most of the time. Not saying that I got away with everything all the time....but now I know what to look for. In a setting like this? They're going to get extremely sneaky. Luckily, I'm fully trained in Search and Rescue and will use that to track their hidey holes down."

"That's what I'm saying." Corwin said, taking another sip of her drink with a grin. "There's nothing they can do that we haven't already done. Cadets before their time wrote the book."

"Don't forget, though," BJ said as she took another drink. "The book is always being re-written with every class. They adapt more than the Borg."

"Can we just assimilate the little bastards?" Joey asked, stirring her drink a bit. Of course, she was kidding, but it wasn't a half bad idea.

Laughing, BJ shook her head. "Unfortunately not, Joey. Why are we still talking about them? The night is young and they can't come in here." She took another drink. "I came here to get away from them. I met a rather nice young man here a few days ago, too." She waggled her eyebrows.

"You did, huh? Do tell... what's he like?" Joey realized she sounded like a man, but considering she was more badass than most of them, there was next to no problem with that.

"He has brown hair, blue eyes, very easy on the eyes, and he's something else in the sack," BJ said with a grin. She looked at the bartender. "Let me have a draft, please," she requested a beer instead of another ale. Taking it, she turned her attention back to Joey. "He's so innocent in some of the things he says and does, though. It made him more appealing."

"Sounds interesting. Perhaps, you should pay him another visit tonight." She gestured for another drink herself as she finished the one in her hand, then set the glass down. "I'm sure it would be much appreciated by him."

"We'll have to see," BJ said. "Or..." an evil gleam appeared in her eyes. "We could pay him a visit. I have override codes to his building, even thought I scaled outside his building to his apartment the last time."

Joey arched a brow. "Now, what exactly, would I do at your guy's apartment?"

"I never said he was my guy," BJ said. "We could go there and do whatever comes to mind, or not go and find some tasty morsels here."

"We could always do both... since we're here... find something... one, I really meant one... to occupy our time with."

BJ took a large drink of her beer before setting it down. Looking around, she smiled. "I know one thing, this place has a lot of nice looking eye candy. It's like being a kid in a real candy store."

"Did you miss the memo?" Corwin asked, downing half of her drink. "You have to be attractive to make it into Starfleet now." Yes, she was clearly joking, but there was a lot of eye candy around. "I'd like to wiggle my way between Commanders Hot and Sexy over there."

Laughing, she turned to look where Joey was. "Oh my...two slabs of prime beef just waiting to be devoured." She licked her lips. "Not a single thing replicated about those two, that's for certain." A part of her mind thought about Cole for a moment before she took another drink.

"Oh, and I fully plan on devouring." She watched them with a grin. "How I wouldn't love to be the cream filling in the middle of that double stuffed vanilla Oreo."

BJ laughed. "Oh, I'm pretty sure there'll be some cream filling somewhere," she said as she finished her beer. "I say go for it. One of them is sure to take you up, but the darker haired one looks like he's brooding a bit."

"Mmm... brooding makes things even better." Corwin grinned, glancing to her Chief. "Are you going to see your guy?"

"A few more drinks and I probably will," BJ said. "Good luck with the stuffing, Oreo."

Joey laughed and downed the rest of her drink, then grabbed a full one from the bar. "Thanks... and good luck with your night. Hopefully, one of us gets lucky. Either way, I'll see you later." She grinned again and made her way toward Commander Hot and Commander Sexy.

"See ya later," BJ said as she finished her drink and headed out of the bar with a goal in mind.


Lieutenant Billie Jean Reign


Lieutenant JG Joey Corwin


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