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Commander Hot vs. Commander Sexy

Posted on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 3:08pm by Commander Jacob Bannerman & Lieutenant JG Joey Corwin
Edited on on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 3:10pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Dev's Place
Timeline: 2388/08/26 2130 (August 26 2388 9:30pm)

After she and BJ parted ways, Joey grabbed her drink from the bar and grinned, moving in the direction of the two men she'd deemed Commander Hot and Commander Sexy. She was a woman on the prowl, and her current eye candy was well within her sights. And who was she to leave them there sitting alone like they were? It was only right she grace them with her presence and unbelievable rack, which she made sure looked as good now as it did when she first arrived. Running her hand through her hair, she came to a halt just a couple feet away and cleared her throat, pulling a cherry from her drink and placing it into her mouth.

Sensing a presence near him, Devin looked up and saw the brown haired woman with extremely large breasts standing near him and Jake. He raised his glass and gave a smile. "Good evening," he said.

"Hi, there." Joey said, plucking the cherry from the stem in a way that was more suited for the bedroom than a bar, she smiled. "I don't suppose you two gentlemen would be up for a little company, would you?"

"Have a seat." Jake replied, his eyes immediately surveying her before staying on her ample bosom and adding "We'd love you and your...uh...friends to join us."

"Well, thank you." Joey said, settling herself down on one of the stools and crossing her long legs. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." She smiled and looked between them both, then took a sip of the drink her hand.

"No...we were just talking shop." Jake smiled at her his eyes wandering from her feet all the way up her shapely legs.

"Mmm... can't you both think of something more pleasing to do than talk shop?" Corwin asked, finishing off her drink and gesturing to the bartender to line up a few shots on the bar in front of him. If she was going to get what she wanted, it would do well for her to get them both nice a liquored up first. "Let's see who has staying power, gentlemen." She was already feeling the effects of the alcohol coursing through her system as she took her shot, but she was far from being intoxicated.

"That's a dangerous game you're playing there." Jake grinned as he tossed back the shot and set the glass down upside down.

Accepting the shot, Devin nodded his thanks. "I have nothing to prove, but you're welcome to join us. I'm Devin."

Joey grinned and picked her shot up to toss it back, then set the glass on the bar top upside down. "I'm Joey." She said, gesturing for another round. "It's not about proving anything, Commander Hot. It's about throwing caution to the wind and having a little fun. I think Commander Sexy over here knows what he's doing." She gestured in Jake's direction with her head.

"Hot and Sexy?" Jake raised an eyebrow before collecting another shot, "Sounds like a cop show from the past." he grinned at her before raising the glass and adding "I'm a great believer in 'when in Rome'..." He tossed back the shot and put his glass down to join his other empty one.

Devin laughed and drank his shot. "Here's to not proving anything," he said as he looked her up and down before glancing at Jake with a grin. "Didn't Rome fall?"

"Bring us a bottle and put it on my tab." She said to the bartender, taking her shot as well with a grin. "Tonight, we live like the Romans before Rome fell."

"And I hear it was one hell of a fall so let's make it a good one." Jake grinned at her, the look on his face showing that he was up for whatever she had in mind.

By the look on Bannerman's face, Devin knew there'd be no more talk about shop. Taking his Black Hole in hand, he smiled. "After all, who wants to live forever?" He briefly thought about Teri, but he wasn't dating her and had no idea where he stood with her in that regard. Abandoning that line of thought, he gave Joey his full attention. "Shall we find a more private table?"

"Or... we can find somewhere much more private than a table." Joey countered, grabbing the tequila bottle and three shot glasses. "Who is feeling adventurous tonight?"

"Is there any other way to be?" Jake retorted, figuring that his evening wasn't going to be a total loss after all.

"The evening is still young enough that we can have a few more drinks here before taking the party somewhere else," Devin said as he took a drink of his Black Hole.

"Well... I don't know about you gentlemen, but I'm taking this party to a nice, quiet corner. You're both welcome to join me." With the bottle and three shot glasses in hand, Joey slid from her stool and began to saunter her way away from the bar and toward one of the booths tucked away in the corner. With her eyes one both of them, she slid into the booth, giving them both a glimpse of her super long legs in the process.

"Well I was never one to keep a lady waiting." Jake commented as he stood up and then turned to Devin, "Coming? I suspect we won't regret it." he grinned devilishly.

Coming to his feet, Devin grinned as well. "If she keeps on the path she's on right now, I have a feeling you're right." With that, he took his Black Hole and headed towards the table where Joey was, sliding in on one side of her.

"Commander Hot has made his way in... how about you Commander Sexy?" Corwin asked, opening the bottle of tequila and lining up three shots. There was still plenty of room on the other side of her. So far... things were going better than she could have hoped. Now, she wanted the evening to go out with a proper bang.

"Oh Commander Sexy is along for the ride." Jake replied as he slid into the seat beside her.

"What brings such a nice lady like yourself to a quadrant like this?" Devin asked her, knowing he was being corny but not caring at the moment.

Joey gave a slow, cat that ate the canary smile. "I heard the men were extremely attractive and just couldn't help myself." Once Jake settled down, she took her shot, then passed the other two over to them. "You two have some catching up to do. I'm ahead by about three."

"Oh we've already downed a few before you came along." Jake replied, "But who am I to turn down free drinks?" he lifted his glass and drank it down before asking her "Better?"

Doing the same with his drink, Devin looked at her. "I don't know about attractive men, but I like what I see beside of me."

Joey grinned, pouring them each another shot. She was slightly buzzed and feeling no pain. "We're getting there, but I think this could be made even better if Commander Hot over here would throw away any inhibitions for one night of very hot, wild and gratifying debauchery."

"I think he might be a few drinks behind us on that front." Jake whispered in her ear before nipping her earlobe playfully.

"Maybe you're just providing to be too easy for a serious challenge," Devin said, not liking her insinuation that he was too stiff.

A slow smile spread on her lips from Jake's actions and Devin's words. It was extremely hard for her to be offended by what someone else had to say to her, and he wasn't really any different. "Come on now, Commander Hot. It wasn't supposed to be like that. I'm sorry if my words came out the wrong way." And to make up for it, both hands slid under the table going in opposite directions.

"Oh god...she's good." Jake groaned as he leaned back and looked over at Devin.

Devin had started to reach for his drink, but when her hand slid over his leg, he bumped his Black Hole and had to steady with his other hand before it spilled on the table. "Now that is something that I can truly consider an apology," he said. "I like someone who knows that actions speak louder than words."

Joey grinning, her hands creeping a bit more before she finally stopped them. "Anyone ready to find some place a bit more private now?"

"Oh I think that we could manage that." Jake replied, thinking they'd better get out of there fast before it became embarrassing to stand up from the cover of the table.

Again, Teri went through Devin's mind, but at the same time he knew they weren't a couple. He was under no obligation to be faithful to someone he wasn't even dating, but at the same time...He stopped and shook his head to clear his thoughts. It was clear to him that he had to get his thoughts straight and Joey wasn't making it easy on him. Jake was already on board and now it was his turn to make a decision. "Go ahead, you two," he said at last. "I've never liked sharing anything or anyone."

"That's too bad, Commander Hot. I think you would have had a good time." Corwin grinned, then leaned in a kissed him in a way that promised he would have had just that. "If you change your mind, this is where you can find us." She reached into her dress and produced a piece of paper, slipping it into his hand. "Commander Sexy... it looks like it's just me and you." Giving Devin a pat, Joey finally removed her hand.

Startled at the kiss, Devin knew he was going to regret missing out, but he made his mind up. It was too easy to get an itch scratched with no strings attached, but the challenge just wasn't there. "I'll keep that in mind," he said before looking over at Jake. "Enjoy the rest of your evening, Jake." Getting up, he swallowed as he looked at the view that he was about to leave, then headed out.

"Oh I intend to!" Jake called after Devin before turning his attention to the woman beside him, "Now...where were we?"

"I do believe we were just about to go find ourselves someplace a little more private than this booth." She cast a glance at Devin's retreating form out the corner of her eye. He wasn't going to get away so easily, but for now, she was going to focus on Commander Sexy. Leaning in, she pressed a kiss to his lips. "Your place or mine?"

"Oh I think we can be much more creative than that can't we?" Jake whispered into her ear.

She smiled. "Oh, I think we can, Commander Sexy." She grabbed hold of his hand and began to slide her way out of the booth they were sitting in. Joey was a woman on a mission, but so far, only the first half was going to be accomplished.

"I like the way you think." Jake grinned, exiting the booth with equal speed, eager to have some fun with her.

Commander Jacob Bannerman
Codename: Commander Sexy
Chief Flight Instructor
Magellan Campus


Commander Devin McCall
Codename: Commander Hot
Intel Instructor
Magellan Campus


Lieutenant JG Joey Corwin
Codename: Maneater
Interim Assistant Chief of Security
Magellan Campus


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