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Reaching Out

Posted on Tue Feb 5th, 2019 @ 7:17pm by Commander Jacob Bannerman & Petty Officer 3rd Class Leo Carpenter & Cadet Freshman Grade Jondar Sito
Edited on on Tue Feb 5th, 2019 @ 7:18pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Flight Hangar
Timeline: 2388/08/29 0700 (Fri. August 29 2388 7:00am)

"Seriously boss...don't go near Jaime, she's gonna freak out on you." Leo said as he chased after Jake, "Your engine was a total mess when you brought her home last time." he added, his stride lengthening to keep up with Bannerman.

"The ship can handle it." Jake replied, "And besides fixing her after I'm done is what you're here for." he turned and winked at the other man, "I wouldn't be much of an instructor if I wasn't capable of taking things to the limit now would I?"

"Well you tell that to Jaime because I'm not gonna." Leo crossed his arms as they arrived by Jake's fighter.

"How long until whatisface turns up?" Jake asked.

Leo checked his chronometer then turned at the sound of approaching footsteps, "Uh now..." he replied before nodding respectfully and backing away.

Jondar Sito came to some facisimile of attention and focused on the only slightly shorter Bannerman. "Sir Sito Jondar reporting for flight eval."

"Sito!" Jake clicked his fingers as he remembered the name, "I knew I knew it." he chastised himself before asking "So ready to have some fun? Have you flown before?"

Sito nodded, "A little with atmospheric hovercraft, mostly I was the one being hauled around..." He didn't mention that driving the "Get away" vehicle for a couple of smaller ground missions against Orion Syndicate operations by the Corporate Security force he used to work with was the extent of that 'atmospheric craft' experience beyond driving the Bajoran Militia insane by ignoring every traffic rule they had.

"Ah...newbie." Jake scratched his chin before leading the way towards a standard Federation shuttle, "Then we'd best start with a tame beast." he turned to face Jondar and asked "Any aspirations to fly a fighter?"

Jondar looked at the sleek fighter in front of him and smiled a small smile, "Sir, I would like to learn but I'm not sure how much of a chance I'll get in the Security track." Still his eyes skimmed it with great attention.

" fodder huh?" Jake wasted no time in telling it how it was because let's face it, life as a Starfleet security officer was often brief and brutal, "Well if you ever need a few tips on survival come see me...I can tell you a thing or two that'll save your ass." he added as they walked past his fighter towards the shuttle.

Jondar shrugged, "Its sort of a family trade, though my brother said he always survived as much by luck as training..." He turned to Bannerman, "And I'll take whatever I can get, it can get messy.." He said distracted by examining the craft so he didn't watch his words as carefully. He always loved the idea of flight but most of his family were ground troops or security, it was sort of natural he fell into the usual order of things. He spoke like one who had some idea. Though he himself hadn't done much in combat yet his duties with the Corporate Security for Vetta Industries, the Dendarii Division shown him more than one could easily process. Mostly just a helper but he didn't want to die for a paycheck so here he was.

Opening up the door of the shuttle, Jake stood back to allow Jondar on board, "No such thing as luck." he shook his head, "Surviving is all about learn how to handle yourself and train hard and the rest follows." he continued, one of the deep scars in his hip suddenly starting to throb almost as a reminder of what happened if you let your guard down.

Jondar disagreed with that, he'd been on an escort mission and they had gotten jumped on the way to the space port with some medical supplies the Orion Syndicate wanted. The only reason he wasn't dead was he happened to be carrying some of the supplies and they took a hit. Then he slipped on some condensation and hit the floor, completely missing the other shot aimed at his head. But he said nothing because training would be damned useful too. "Sometimes though things just happen. Thank you Sir I'll remember that. He headed into the shuttle to take his place. He caught the look Bannerman had, he'd seen it in experienced corporate security who had seen combat. He was young but it wasn't like he didn't notice things. He wasn't sure but he thought Bannerman had seen things. He let it go though, not his place to ask an instructor personal questions. "So what kind of craft is this Sir?" He asked just as much because he really wanted to know as to change the topic.

"She's a type fifteen, two seater." Jake replied, "Perfect for training and ideal to learn the basics." he explained, "The larger crafts and the starships come when you're more experienced." he explained.

"Understood Sir." He replied and focused on the controls, his eyes skimmed them a little like a drowning man looked at a life preserver. He was unaware that he was doing so. "Shame the g-forces are too much open cockpit must be amazing..." He said unguarded.

"I flew an old Earth plane once." Jake smiled, "Open top and you're right, it was like nothing I've ever experienced before." he added, thinking back to simpler times, "If you ever get the chance then take it."

"Yes Sir." He said, "Most definitely.". That was one of the things he didn't like about space, no wind through your hair. He wondered if the systems could be tweaked so he could feel at least a bit of the speed they'd traveling. "Sir, can we change the systems so we can feel a bit of the speed?" he asked openly.

"Sorry kiddo, not in this shuttle but after your trip, if you're still interested you can come out in the fighter and I'll show you fast." Jake grinned as he gestured over his shoulder to where his beloved fighter sat.

"Yes Sir, Thanks." He looked very pleased. Then seemed to recall something as he looked at the controls of the craft then back at Bannerman, "Shall we get started Sir?" He asked eager to fly.

"Well we don't want to be here all day do we?" Jake smiled and then gestured to the pilot's seat.

Jondar nodded and made sure he was secure. He began the pre-flight check, that his girlfriend Phoebe and another fellow cadet helped grill him on, carefully. Ah what would he do if not surrounded by smart,beautiful women who who didn't mind helping him study?

"Been studying huh?" Jake sounded impressed as he watched Jondar go through the check list.

"A bit." He had a grin as he remembered how Phoebe helped him to remember the checklist. "It helps to um have friends..."

"Ah...." Jake replied knowingly, "Smart girlfriend huh?"

"And then some..." Jondar said proudly.

"Just don't get too committed...a young man needs to sow his wild oats and all that you know?" Jake grinned cockily thinking that he was still sowing them even at his age.

"I'm just trying not to screw up day by day..." He said honestly, "Checklist complete..." He said checking.

"Then let's get this hunk of junk out of here." Jake commented as he sat back in his seat, ready to see what Jondar could do with the bird and making a silent bet with himself over how long it would be before he had to intervene.

Cadet Freshman Sito Jondar
Security Cadet

Commander Jake Bannerman
Chief Flight Instructor
Magellan Campus

PO3 Leo Carpenter
Shuttle Technician


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