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Do Something For Me

Posted on Tue Feb 5th, 2019 @ 1:49am by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Captain Madeline Sanchez
Edited on on Tue Feb 5th, 2019 @ 7:11pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Connor's bed
Timeline: 2388/08/29 0500 (Fri. August 29 2388 5:00am)

It was early morning at the campus, around an hour or so before most alarms went off for those who worked the Alpha shift. Connor woke with Maddie's arm across his bare chest and her leg across his thighs. Having looked at the time, and unable to move much more without waking her, he closed his eyes again and thought about the vivid dream he had just woken up from, to how there was still no news on his brother, and he had another day to get through not knowing how he was.

Stirring slightly, Maddie opened her eyes slowly and lifted her head, smiling sleepily at her lover as she said "Are you awake?"

"Yeah," he replied quietly and then slowly opened his eyes to look up at her. "How'd you sleep?"

"Really good." Maddie had to admit despite everything that was going on. The pair had spent a large proportion of the night learning more about how to pleasure each other and taking their time over it so when they eventually slept, she was exhausted. "You?" she asked softly, aware of his inner turmoil.

"I'm not sure," Connor replied, and then he looked downwards as he looked away from her, withdrawing as the dream came back to him.

Sitting up, Maddie asked "You wanna talk about it mi amor?"

Her voice bringing him back, he looked back up to her and swallowed hard as he realized what he had been doing. "No, not now. I'd rather think about somethin' else..." He lifted his hand to touch his fingers along her face, "Move in with me, Maddie."

The way he looked at her took her breath away as she said "Live together? Are you sure?" she looked away, a part of her wanting it more than anything whilst that uncertain part of her, the part that Thomas had destroyed was hesitant and scared of being hurt, was pushing her to say no. She remained silent as she looked at him, her own internal battle waging its own private little war.

His eyes searching hers, Connor's brows drew together, "It's too soon...of course it is. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked, it's just that I'm.." he stopped, hesitant to get the words out.

"You're what?" Maddie prompted him, needing to know what he was going to say.

Not wanting to tell her, but knowing he needed to, that if he kept it to himself, it would more likely happen, he admitted, "I'm scared...that I'm going to lose you, that I'm going to chase you away. That I'm going to push you away."

"That, mi amor could never happen." Maddie smiled as she reached out to caress his cheek, "I feel things about you that I've never felt before. Not with Thomas or with Drago." she whispered, "It's like you're a missing part of me." then she found herself taking a giant leap of faith as she forced herself to overcome her fears as she added "Which means that I'm in this for the long haul and that means that it's only logical that we move in together because let's face it, that's where this thing we've started is going isn't it?"

Connor wanted to tell her yes, but he felt himself doubting her every word as she spoke them. Telling him he was a missing part of her...added to his feelings of missing a part of himself. He pulled himself up to sit on the edge of the bed. "I can't do this..." he said quietly, shaking his head,

"You can't do what?" Maddie sat up, looking confused.

"Doubt you, doubt me..." he turned partly to look at her and then seeing her expression, reached out to grab her hand, "I'm really sorry."

His words only served to confuse her more and she said "So...what does that mean?"

"It means...I'm sorry for confusin' you." his voiced raised, he was feeling frustrated, "It's all the doubts in my head, Maddie. I'm doin' my best not to listen to them 'n' it's just 'really' hard right now."

"I know." Maddie shifted to hug him, "So does this mean we're going to live together or not?" she smiled softly as she kissed his shoulder.

He ended up closing his eyes at the feeling of her soft lips, and her warm breath, on his skin. He slowly nodded, whispering, "Live together," holding onto that feeling. As much as the OCD wanted to push her away, he needed her more. "Will you do something for me?" he asked.

"Anything." Maddie replied softly as she held onto him.

He looked over his shoulder at her, "Take my place 'n' have lunch with Ivy."

"But won't she want to have lunch with her big brother?" Maddie replied, "I don't want to get in the way of the two of you."

Connor started shaking his head, "That would never happen...'n' besides, she told me she wants to get to know you. She said she wanted to have lunch with you.." and then remembering Ivy's exact words, he exhaled strongly, pulling away to stand. He turned to face her, looking stressed, "Well she said as soon as she settled in. But today, I don't think I'm going to be able to have lunch with her..."

"Too much on?" Maddie asked softly, the nerves in her stomach starting up again as she thought of having dinner with Connor's sister.

"Yeah, my schedule is crazy today..." he replied while studying her face, although her lack of clothing kept bringing his gaze downwards, "Will you think about it?"

"I will." Maddie replied quietly, knowing that she would do anything for him.

"Thank you," he nodded, still feeling very concerned about her. He put out a hand, "Join me in the shower?"

A slow sexy smile spread over Maddie's face as she said "Only if you promise that we can start the day off like this whenever we can." She held out a hand to his, eager to spend more time with him.

"I promise." He found himself returning her smile before leading her into the bathroom.


Captain Madeline Sanchez
Assistant Dean
Magellan Campus


Doctor Connor McKinney
Magellan Campus


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