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Welcome To The Working Class

Posted on Wed Feb 6th, 2019 @ 1:04am by Nicolas "Nick" Giordano & Cadet Freshman Grade Phoebe Cavendish
Edited on on Wed Feb 6th, 2019 @ 1:05am

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Dev's Place
Timeline: 2388/08/29 1803 (Fri. August 29 2388 6:03pm)

Having settled into her dorm room, Phoebe turned to her next task. Finding work. She had always been a hard worker and came from a family where life hadn't been easy. She had worked during her senior years at school at the local store and it was second nature to her to continue that tradition. Upon arrival she had seen a flyer advertising for waiters and waitresses at the local restaurant and bar and so now she found herself outside Dev's place, with flyer in hand eager to submit an application.

Stepping inside she looked to see if anyone was around.

Wiping the top of the bar as she walked in, Nick looked up and smiled his nice smile, "Is there something I can do for you?"

"Um...are there any jobs still available?" Phoebe asked as she waved the flyer at Nick.

Nick stopped what he was doing. "Yes, there are," he replied as he watched her, thinking about how she was very pretty, and very young. "Are you a cadet?"

"Yes Sir." Phoebe nodded, "Security and Tactical." she added proudly.

"Okay," he nodded, his smile widening at the way she answered his question, "What's your name?"

"Phoebe Cavendish Sir." she answered quickly, still standing rather stiff as the nerves got the better of her.

Her nervousness not going unnoticed, Nick gestured to one of the barstools. "I'm Nick, Phoebe...and why don't you take a seat. How old are you?"

"I'm nineteen Sir." Phoebe replied as she seated herself on one of the tall stools and placed her hands in her lap, resisting the urge to bite her nails.

Nick nodded as he smiled, "Have you any restaurant or bar experience?"

"A little bit." Phoebe replied, "I helped out in my uncle's pub back home a few times." she smiled, "Worked in a local cafe during school too."

"Okay," Nick nodded again, looking impressed, "So what were your responsibilities at each one of those?"

"I served food at the pub because I was too young to be involved with the alcohol. And at the cafe, I made food to order, used the coffee machine for the various different varieties they sold and waited on tables." Phoebe explained, forcing herself to keep still because the impulse to fidget was great.

"That's good," Nick smiled placing the cleaning cloth he had been using under the bar, and then looking thoughtful, moved over to a nearby LCARS console built into the bar a little further down. He typed into it as he waved for her to join him there.

Phoebe nodded and followed him over, wondering what he was going to show her.

"What I need for you to do, Phoebe, is to enter in your identification code here," he directed to the console, "and I'll turn away as you do. The only information I'll then have access to is what Dean McKinney has authorized for colony employers to have on any students they hire; personal information such as a photograph, full name, age and species. Any reported work records, and your Academy grades," he smiled, " that is, when you start receiving them."

"Why do you need to know about my grades?" Phoebe asked as she did as he asked.

"In order to remain employed you'll have to maintain an average of a B grade or higher," Nick replied with his back to her, "Finished?"

"Yes." Phoebe replied as she turned back to him, "And it makes sense, you want to make sure that the job isn't interfering with school."

"That's right," Nick had turned back to her. "Okay..." he stared at the screen, "everything looks good...and Phoebe is your name," he smiled as his hand moved over the console, "There's a pay scale the Dean has put in place for cadets hired on campus. We'll start you out here," he said pointing to it. "So how about it?" he looked down to her, "Come back in about an hour and a half. We'll work out a schedule and you can help me behind the bar."

"Okay." Phoebe nodded eagerly, figuring that this meant she had secured the job so long as she didn't mess up. "I look forward to it." she smiled at him warmly.

"So do I." Nick returned her smile while extending out a hand to the side of him, wanting to shake hers, "Welcome to the working class of Dev's Place, Phoebe."

"Thank you Sir." Phoebe grinned as she shook his hand, vowing to make him glad that he had hired her.


Cadet Phoebe Cavendish
Security Cadet/Dev's Place Employee
Magellan Campus

Nicolas Giordano
Bartender/Assistant Manager at Dev's Place
Magellan Station


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