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After A Long Day

Posted on Tue Feb 5th, 2019 @ 10:52pm by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Captain Madeline Sanchez
Edited on on Tue Feb 5th, 2019 @ 10:54pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Dean's Office
Timeline: 2388/08/29 1800 (Fri. August 29 2388 6:00pm)

It had been the end of a long day when Maddie had gotten the call over the comm from Connor to meet him in his office. Unable to resist going to freshen up before she left her own office so that she didn't look like the dog's dinner that she felt like she was, she headed across the outer office to Connor's door and tapped it lightly.

Connor was just setting a glass of melon water on his desk when he looked up towards the door. Nicole had left for the day locking the front office door behind her, so he knew it to be Maddie. "Come in," he raised his voice just loud enough to be heard and sat down.

"Hello you." Maddie smiled as she headed inside and approached Connor's desk, her eyes looking him over like she hadn't seen him in an age.

"Hi," he replied, a bit distractedly and then looked over at her and gestured to a chair. "Have a seat."

Ignoring the chair, Maddie moved around to Connor's side of the desk and opted to sit in his lap, "What's wrong? You seem worried."

He stared into her eyes for a moment and finally nodded. "Yeah...I am," he said quietly and trying not to think about it, started running his fingertips lightly over one side of her face.

"Want to talk about it?" Maddie said softly, amazed that such a light touch could do all sorts of things to her insides.

"No," he said, leaning back in his chair, and remembering what was discussed at his last counseling session,"I know I should but...not here."

"I can make you dinner whilst you talk?" Maddie suggested, "Or we can walk along the beach?" she offered, wondering if the fresh air might do him good because he looked tired and drawn.

"First dinner 'n' then a walk," he decided. Tilting his head to one side, he looked at her appreciatively, "How did it go with Ivy?"

"It went well." Maddie smiled, "She didn't seem to mind me either." she added, looking a bit sheepish because the thought that Ivy wouldn't like her had been her biggest fear.

"Thank you," Connor said quietly, and his eyes having taken in her expression, started to search hers. A moment later he took in a deep breath and released it as he forced himself back to business. They would have to talk more about Ivy later. He gestured with his hand towards the seat he had indicated earlier, "We have a few things we should go over before we bail." and reached past her to grab a datapad, handing it to her.

Shifting to take the seat, Maddie took the datapad and looked at him, "Okay, so what are we going to be talking about?" she asked as she opened up the PADD.

"Cadet Liza Anosov," he said glancing over at her, as he typed in the command for what was on his monitor to be available for her.

" heard." Maddie sighed deeply, remembering her conversation with the little snot.

Connor leaned back and crossed one leg over the other. "Yeah, I did," he nodded, looking at her as if he was studying her.

"It wasn't exactly my favourite part of the day." Maddie sighed then looked at him, "I made the right decisions didn't I?"

"Well, as far as I know. There's no report here on any decision regarding Bannerman."

"The man's an ass but in this instance he actually didn't do anything wrong." Maddie sighed, the report still sitting unfinished on her desk.

Running his hand down over his mouth and chin, Connor nodded, but still, "I want it made clear to him that if it happens again he is to report it to this office immediately. Chapter Fourteen (Relationships with officers of lower rank) Section Four, paragraph two does not apply when it comes to this. The cadet's were informed of this at orientation 'n' it won't be tolerated...not on this campus."

"Then perhaps you'd like to spell it out to him?" Maddie suggested, "Because that man makes me angry every time I see him." she sighed.

That caused him to wonder, "Is there something you should be telling me?"

"Just that he annoys me is all." Maddie shrugged, "With his constant innuendo and suggestive comments."

"Suggestive comments..?" Connor's brows drew together, "Maddie, what's been going on?"

"Nothing I can't handle." Maddie smiled at him, "He thinks I'm hot." she chuckled, "But I told him that I'm a one man woman...and besides, he seems to have struck up some sort of relationship with the owner of the White Lotus."

Stiffening, his jawline tensing, Connor got out of his seat to walk around his desk and over to a window. He was starting to feel angry, and so he stood there looking out over the landscaped gardens while running a hand down over his mouth as he worked on calming himself. "You won't be dealing with him again." he said a moment later, keeping his back to her.

"I can handle myself Connor." Maddie replied, "And there's no need to be jealous, you have my heart and always will." she added softly.

That caused him to wince and he closed his eyes. "I'm trying..."

"I know." Maddie got up and moved behind him, wrapping her arms about his waist and resting her cheek against his back, "No man in the entire universe will ever interest me again, I promise you that. You're my world now Connor." she whispered, giving him a reassuring squeeze.

With one arm he held onto hers, and with his eyes wanting to tear up he managed to smile, "You really don't know what you're getting yourself into, do you?"

"A lifetime of being with you." Maddie replied with a smile, "Warts and doesn't scare me Connor." she added, knowing that she'd love him forever whatever he said or did.

Wanting so badly to believe it, Connor closed his eyes again, and inhaled deeply. Then he let go of her causing her to release him as he pulled away. He turned to look at her and placed his hands on the sides of her face, and kissed her on the forehead allowing his lips to linger there.

"I love you." Maddie breathed as she leaned into him, her eyes closing as she drank in the feel of his lips.

Connor pulled away just enough to look into her eyes. "I love you too," he said quietly and lowered his hands to walk around her and back towards his desk. "Regardless.." he continued, needing to take in another deep breath. He sat back in his chair, his eyes going back up to hers, "From now on James Armstrong will deal with's part of his job as Supervisor of C 'n' I...after all."

"Very well." Maddie replied. She didn't really understand it but she knew that somehow it was feeding into the way he felt and as such, she wasn't about to argue the point. She loved him and that meant compromise.

"Okay...thank you." he said, tearing his eyes away from her for a moment as he looked at his monitor screen, "Liza Anosov. I had hopes for some other course of action, but after speaking with a counselor, it's clear she no longer desires to be a part of Starfleet...'n' she's been discharged."

"Good riddance too." Maddie replied, her eyes momentarily flashing with anger.

Connor shook his head, giving her a hard stare, "It's a bloody waste, Maddie."

"She was a bad egg." Maddie countered, "The fact she was willing to sleep her way to the top in my mind is unacceptable whatever other talents she has."

"She denied it, Bannerman denied it, so we don't know if it's a fact." Connor paused rubbing his hand over his mouth and chin, "Although, it could've ended up that way...the problem is her attitude." He leaned forward placing his hands together on his desk," I'm recommending the door isn't shut on her, that she can reapply to the Academy in three years. Maybe she'll grow up by then."

"I wouldn't count on it." Maddie replied, "I've known women like her my whole life. They never change but hey, you're the person with the final say around here." she added holding her hands wide apart, "I'm just saying."

Studying her, Connor's brows furrowed deeper, "Are you upset with my decision?"

"Upset? No." Maddie replied, "But I don't agree with it." she added honestly, "I just hope I never have to say I told you so." she added with a sad smile.

"Yeah." He hoped so too. "Maddie, if it's any consolation for what happened today, her announcement over the comm was heard in the administration offices only 'n' Nicole immediately handled any damage control needed."

"Well that's something at least." Maddie replied, rubbing her forehead as she felt the beginning of a headache coming on.

It had been a long day and Connor could tell it wasn't just him it had been hard on. So deciding everything else that had to do with work would have to wait, he rose out of his seat shutting down his computer.

"Let's go home," he said quietly walking over to her, and taking her hand as she extended it out to him, lead her out of there.


Captain Madeline Sanchez
Assistant Dean
Magellan Campus


Doctor Connor McKinney
Magellan Campus


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