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Generosity In Making Things Clear

Posted on Wed Feb 6th, 2019 @ 1:20am by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Staff private beach area
Timeline: 2388/08/29 1853 (Fri. August 29 2388 6:53pm)

Miach strode into the living area of their quarters. He moved with swift sure steps towards the refrigeration unit. A soft voice speared the silence.

"Da, think we can head out to the beach for a little archery?" it was the voice of his daughter Brighid. He turned to face her and allowed his momentum to carry him a few paces back as he nodded.

"Sure sweetheart, do you have the target packed?" He asked as he spun back around to open the fridge and pull out a carafe of juice. Pouring himself a glass he slipped the carafe back into the door of the fridge and bumped the button to close it.

"Aye, it's packed from the last time we went out." He nodded between sips and said "I'll go slip on some beach wear, are you Irishing it up or just going as is?"

She tilted her head and shrugged "I think I'll stay modern. Just slip on the arm guard so I don't get twanged while I'm twanging."

"Sounds like a lovely evening." Miach downed the juice and flipped the cup upside down in the sink before heading into the bedroom and changing into a pair of light grey shorts, with a soft blue shirt. His feet were adorned in soft brown sandals.

After he came out he grabbed the target and watched as she came out of her room with bow and arrows slung over her back. They moved out into the corridor and headed to the transport pods to wait for one that would take them to the beach or the closest drop point to the beach.

Down at an area of the private beach, near some woods, there was Connor sitting on a beach chair, staring out into the ocean. His guitar and a small cooler sat on either side of him, and his toes were buried in the sand.

Miach's eyes caught sight of Connor when they strode onto the beach. He was at the far side and Miach waved at him as he moved to set the target up for Brighid. He walked to the edge of the water line and set up the target so should she miss, which rarely happened, it would go into the water and not into anyone.

Once done he walked up to her and spoke. "Get your brace on and remember pull, breath control and release." he kissed her on the top of the head and turned to walk towards Connor. His movements smooth as he closed the distance.

Connor turned his head and saw Miach walking towards him, and leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing as he took in Brighid and what she was doing. He continued to stare, only glancing over at Miach on his approach.

"Hello Captain." Miach said as he got close enough to speak. He followed his eyes and saw he was watching Brighid who was, with the rythem of the waves crashing against the beach, pulling an arrow from her quiver. Nocking it, drawing the bow, and firing with each wave that hit the shore.

"Oh, begging your pardon Captain, I hope you dont mind, I figured it would be ok considering there is no one out in the water." he motioned to Brighid who was now on her third arrow, all of which were within the center two rings of the target.

Considering his words, Connor watched her for another moment, and then nodded, "Okay, that's fine." Taking in a deep breath and then releasing it, he resigned himself to pointing over to another beach chair, intended for Maddie when she arrived, that was folded up next to one of the many boulders that lined along the beach. "Please join me, Professor."

Miach nodded "Thank you Captain. We were pleased when we found out that we would be stationed here and the Academy was so close to the beach." Miach said as he moved to the beach chair that Connor had motioned to. "I taught her how to shoot the bow on one of the beaches of Ireland. The crashing of the waves is her tempo. That's why when we can we like to come to a beach and shoot." Miach eased his tall large frame onto the chair and leaned back letting his muscles relax as he too listened to the sound of the waves and gave the man beside him time to speak or not as he chose.

Connor reached into the cooler, pulled out a beer, and offered it to him.

Miach took it from him and cracked the top taking a small sip. "Thanks for the beer Captain." He leaned back and closed his eyes listening to the sound of the waves and the draw, fire, flight and hit of the arrows.

Remaining quiet, Connor nodded, continuing to lean forward as he looked out over the waves. He had gone there ahead of Maddie to clear his mind, but there were things he needed to speak to the professor about, things he felt needed to be addressed, and a decision he made in regards to the professor and his family.

"Where is Morrigan?" he asked a moment later.

Miach raised an eyebrow at the question then closed his eyes and touched the mind of Morrigan. "At current she is watching a documentary on the 'wild wild west' it seems. In our quarters." Miach cut his eyes across to look at Connor for a moment then looked back out over the water. There was something on his mind and he needed to say it. Miach would give the man time to formulate his thoughts to his liking.

"The 'wild wild west'..." Connor smiled amused, and then looked over at him, "I've been informed your wife, Kasia, has a Sehlat...Loki?"

Miach nodded "Yes Loki is one of Morrigan's cubs. I gave him to her before we parted on the Columbia."

"Two Sehlats in an apartment, 'n' above the ground level, doesn't sound like an idea situation."

Miach snorted "True enough we will have to see what happens, both are accustomed to living in smaller areas. Though it has also been some time since they have seen each other." He raised his eyebrow and looked at Connor curious now as to what he was driving at.

Connor nodded, sitting back in his chair, and took a swallow of his beer. "I made a decision, what I feel may be a solution," he said a moment later, holding the beer between his hands, "I would like your family to live in one of the lakefront homes built for staff over near the science buildings."

Miach paused mid sip and lowered the bottle as he turned to look at Connor. He blinked "I.." he paused again and then chose his words carefully. "If that is your wish Captain then will you join the family and myself for dinner when we get moved in? As a thank you for your generosity. I know that Kat would want to thank you as well."

Having turned his head to see Maddie walking along the shoreline heading towards them, Connor nodded an affirmation, and remembering it was the weekend. "I would like you 'n' your wife to meet with me outside the main entrance of the Hoshi Sato science building so I can take you there. How about tomorrow morning, 0900 hours."

Miach nodded "That would be most enjoyable, would you mind if Brighid and Morrigan joined or would you prefer just dual Lt. Commanders?" He took a deep pull from his drink and grinned "As always you will be able to come by, a refuge if you like."

With that, Connor locked eyes with him. It was the second time the unusual Vulcan had made a friendship offer and he hesitantly considered it as he stared at him, feeling so incomplete as he was. He took another swallow of his beer and looked away for a moment before answering, "Bring the whole family...'n' one more thing, Professor..."

Miach nodded "Yes Captain?" wondering what else Connor might say.

"It's very important that you 'n' I have good communication, that we understand each other."

Miach nodded "I wouldn't have been a very good counselor if I didn't have that set of skills Captain. That and total amnesia about certain conversations." He shot the other man a grin and pulled another swig from his bottle.

His demeanor becoming more serious, Connor then replied, "Take it slow with Morrigan. Ease her into the Campus population."

"That's what I'm endeavoring to do. She downy come out of the apartment unless myself or Brighid is with her. " Miach leaned back in the chair and enjoyed the warmth of the sun on his skin.

"Good," Connor nodded watching him, "It's an order, Professor, not a request. I hear your interested in training her for Search and Rescue operations, we'll see where we are in this regard when the time comes." he lifted both eyebrows, "Clear?"

Miach nodded "Of course Captain, it was never taken as anything other than that in your office sir."

Connor nodded and smiled, "Okay," and lifted his beer to clink with his.

Miach grinned and raised his bottle. "Sl'inte." He said as Brighid's bow could be heard twanging away.


Miach Ap Tinsha
Lieutenant Commander
Philosophy Professor/Surgeon
Magellan Campus


Brighid Tinsha
Magellan Campus


Doctor Connor McKinney
Dean/Campus CO
Magellan Campus


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