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Born to be Mild...Hmmm

Posted on Tue Feb 5th, 2019 @ 10:02pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Gwen Morgan
Edited on on Tue Feb 5th, 2019 @ 10:03pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Cadet Quarters
Timeline: 2388/08/29 1630 (Fri. August 29 2388 4:30pm)

Kelly moved around her room in the dorm that she shared with Gwen, setting up various items in one place before moving them to another before going back to the first place. A image of a young man and a pregnant woman was centered beside of her terminal in a static holo frame, with a smaller frame that held a obituary beside of it. Mounted in another frame beside of her bed was a red silk ribbon that had the words Admiral Khan on it and had a faint scent of chocolate.

Stepping back, she gave everything a once over and nodded even though no one could see her. Going into the small bathroom, she took a sonic shower before changing into a blue blouse and a pair of black slacks. Shoving her hair into a ponytail, she headed out into the living area to see if Gwen was back yet.

Gwen's side had family photos, pictures of them at various dig sites. She even had bits of other cultures around her side of the room. There was a backpack always ready for a camping trip, her parents called it a 'bug out bag' was nearby. She walked in from a class and grinned when she saw her friend, as time had gone on they'd gotten to know each other pretty well. "Howd the check up go?" She asked. She still wore her cadet uniform and her hair was pulled back for ease of movement.

"I still have counseling sessions as I feel that I need them, and I have to go in every day. Captain Dering is a good man, and he brings me real chocolate, but Doctor McKinney wants me to limit myself to less than one hundred milligrams of caffeine a day. How was class today?" Kelly asked as she sat down on her bed and picked up a PADD.

Gwen sat on her bed and pulled her boots off, "Actually it was pretty interesting double History with Federation and Starfleet today, couple cadets fell asleep though.." Her tone said she couldn't see why it was terribly fascinating. Because they were such good friends Gwen shared a secret, "awfully tempting impulse to plink something at their heads though..." She admitted quietly. "Glad to be out?" She asked laying down on her bunk, enjoying a few minutes before she had to study or something some more. Not that she minded but a cadets life could be a busy one.

Laughing, Kelly looked over at her. "We need to figure out a way to beam things from other angles so no one will suspect us. Did they cover anything about anything interesting enough to keep your attention?"

"All information is interesting to me so that's not saying much..." But she thought carefully giving serious consideration to the question as she did everything, "The creativity of the early members of Starfleet was particularly neat, taking things and situations then doing stuff no one had ever heard of before that was pretty stellar." She put her hands behind her head as she lay there, "You keeping up ok?" She asked.

"It's been so-so, so far," Kelly said. "I'm getting into the swing of things." She looked over at her thoughtfully. "I would like to do something special for you once I get the chance to show my appreciation for all that you've helped me with."

Gwen shrugged a little embarrassed "It's what friends do yes?" she said, she had a naturally helpful personality that aided her to overcome the difficulty she had in making friends. Considering her family moved constantly it was a challenge to make and keep friends growing up. Gwen was just pleased she'd be in one place for a few years.

"That's true," Kelly admitted. "That doesn't stop me from wanting to do something for you. Do you like chocolates?"

Gwen glanced over with a small smile, "Sure who doesn't? Don't tell me you're going to part with your hidden stockpile?" She asked in pretend shock.

"I might be convinced to part with a piece or two, especially since I have to cut back" Kelly said. "Or...I could share some recipes with you that have been in my family for three hundred years. I was thinking that maybe I could get a job baking desserts or something when we're not doing our band thing."

Gwen sat up with interest and another smile "But isn't a bit like..." She cast about for a proper analogy, "Rooster in the hen house?"

"A rooster in the hen house?" Kelly cocked her head to the side. "I'm not familiar with that saying."

"Ah.." She said embarrassed, she used old phrases in conversation because it was normal when brought up by scholars of ancient history, "Its old phrase meaning something like never leave latinum with a Ferengi..." She glanced to see if Kelly got the reference.

"Oh!" Kelly said, then got a sly grin that would make a Ferengi think twice. "What makes you think I'm going to give it away for free?"

Gwen blinked, "Definitely a bad idea then, I don't think the Kitchen would survive..."

Kelly laughed. "Or I might be persuaded to let you be my chief sampler."

Gwen laughed, "Or I might not survive I've seen what you like, it totally bypasses the health codes. I mean I like hiking but I'm not sure how much I'd have to to do to work that off..."

"I'm not that bad," Kelly laughed. "You know that I don't slack off on the health, either. Not that replicators will give us junk." She bit her bottom lip. "That aside, though..."

"I suppose but if anyone could make the 'old school junk food' I expect it'd be you..." She stood thinking to go change clothes. Poking through her closet as she spoke.

"I'd just need to procure the chocolate," Kelly said. "Cocoa beans are natural and can be processed and grown." She watched Gwen for a moment before turning her attention to a PADD she picked up from her desk. "I think we should have a regular student social, too. It would be a better ice breaker than just meeting in class. What do you think?"

Gwen headed to the sonic shower area clothes in hand and went around a corner. She poked her head back, looking thoughtful "Oh I would say so, I've been to the social points on campus, just to see where things were and there's a couple that would work for low stress gatherings. Some caffeinated focused place called 'Neutral Grounds' and 'Port of Call' which seems more clubish. I tried to check out Dev's Place and got shooed away..." She popped back around the corner and one could hear the shower.

"That sounds really good," Kelly said as she got up and paced the room. Turning, she headed back to her bed and flopped down again. "I think we should head over to this Dev's Place and see what's what and who's that. I know they have good food. My cousin took me there."

Gwen laughed and called from the other room "Well I am an intel cadet if I can't find out things I need to be kicked out..." The shower shut off and a few minutes later she came around the corner in bare feet wearing slacks and a t-shirt. She sat crossed legged on the floor and smiled at her friend, "Dev's Place is a pub/club for staff and 'adults' only. Its theme seems to be 20th century and it's security is pretty good. I was just wandering around by accident but they caught me pretty quick."

Kelly looked over at her violin case on her dresser and slowly smiled. "I have an idea, if you were serious about what we talked about before." Getting off the bed, she went and picked the case up and opened it, pulling the violin out. "You and me...Bardtastic. We could go and say that we're there to audition."

Gwen blinked, "I guess so" She was quiet for a moment, when she said that she was being a bit silly but she realized she couldn't just pay lip service to stepping out of her comfort zone and nodded, "I don't think it'll work, they seemed very stuck on the 'no cadets' rule." But she grabbed her socks and shoes as she spoke.

Smiling from ear to ear, Kelly put the violin back in the case with the battered PADD and closed it. Getting her socks and shoes on, she looked over at Gwen. "Then we'll stand outside and audition."

Gwen looked uncertain, slightly nervous and a little pale but nodded determinedly.

"C'mon hot stuff," Kelly said as she got up. "Let's go show them what Bardtastic can do."

Cadet Kelly Khan
Flight Cadet
Magellan Academy


Gwen Morgan
Intel Cadet
Magellan Academy


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