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Meeting the Girlfriend

Posted on Tue Feb 5th, 2019 @ 9:33pm by Captain Madeline Sanchez & Specialist Ivy McKinney
Edited on on Tue Feb 5th, 2019 @ 9:34pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Dev's Place
Timeline: 2388/08/29 1200 (Fri. August 29 2388 12:00pm)

Maddie sat at the table in Dev's place, tapping her fingers nervously on the desk as she silently hoped that Connor had told Ivy about the lunch thing.

The youngest of the three McKinney children walked through the doors of Dev's Place and looked around, smiling when she spotted Maddie settled at one of the tables. When her brother told her she'd agreed to meet for lunch, Ivy could hardly contain her excitement. Moving toward the table, the young woman came to a stop and looked down at her companion. "Ah hope I haven't kept you waitin' long?"

"Not at all." Maddie smiled up at the younger woman, "I think I was a bit early." she added, gesturing to the seat opposite her.

"Thank you." She said, settling down across from Maddie. "Ah have to say... I'm lookin' forward to gettin' to know you bettah."

"You have?" Maddie replied, "Well, likewise. Connor hasn't spoken of his family much, with the exception of...of..." she wasn't able to bring herself to say their brother's name.

Ivy frowned as her mind went to Alex. Not knowing anything... it was killing her. "Do you... know anythin'?" She asked quietly.

The Assistant Dean quickly shook her head, "He isn't really keeping me in the loop." she sighed, "I want to be there for him but when it comes to Alex he's shutting me out." she looked down at the glass of water before her, looking sad.

"That's what Connah does." The young woman said quietly. She wanted nothing more than to shake her brother... tell him to get with the program... but it wouldn't do any good. He needed time. He needed to do things at his pace. "Maybe... he doesn't know anythin' more than we do. It's possible."

"I agree." Maddie nodded, "I just need to be patient, to let him handle this in his own sweet time."

"I just wish I knew somethin'." The young woman said softly. "The waitin'... not knowin'... it's killin' me."

"I can't even imagine what it must be like." Maddie replied quietly. Whilst it was true that herself and her sister Estelle were estranged. If she went missing then she wasn't sure how she would feel, "I truly do hope that you and Connor get some news soon. Good or bad I hear it's the waiting that's the worst part."

Ivy canted her head. She was having a hard time coping with it all, but it had to be worse for Connor. Alex was his twin, and it was no secret that twins had a certain connection with one another. She had to wonder, though... did Connor feel like Alex was gone... or just missing? Maybe she would ask him that the next time she saw him. "It is. Hopefully, we'll heah somethin' soon. If you happen to know somethin', will you let me know?"

"I will." Maddie nodded, "I promise." then she leaned forward a little and smiled, "How about we talk about something a little less sad? Tell me about you?"

"People think Ah'm... insane." The young woman answered, but there was a smile on her lips. Maybe she was, but it was only because she was a bit enthusiastic about what she did. "Ah can be a bit... passionate about my work."

"Okay...then tell me about your work." Maddie prompted, finding Ivy's attitude refreshing.

"Well... Ahm a Botanical Engineeah." Ivy said. "To most, it doesn't seem all that excitin', but to me, it is. Ah get to create new species of plants. Connah is lookin' into gettin' me a job heah on campus. Ah've already been to the gardens and looked around a bit... the Chief of Security escorted me. Ah've already got a few ideas about cross breedin' some samples Ah saw while I was lookin'."

Maddie smiled at the passion that Ivy showed for her work. "Just be sure not to create some man eating monster plant while you're at it." she teased light heartedly.

"Ah've created a cannibal plant before." Ivy said, waiting to see the reaction that was going to come with that. It was always fun to see them.

"Seriously?" Maddie's eyes widened, "It wasn't big enough to eat anything big was it?" she asked as she leaned forward a little as if searching for juicy gossip.

Ivy grinned and shook her head. "He was fairly large, but it only ate vegetables. When I talk about him to others, they assume I fed him people."

"The thought did cross my mind." Maddie grinned sheepishly as she took a sip from her glass and commented, "You know, you're nothing like I'd imagined you would be." then she paused before hastily adding "In a good way I hasten to add."

The young woman smiled. "Well, thank you. Most people think I'm insane, but that doesn't bothah me. I am a bit curious, though. How did you imagine I would be?"

"I don't know...more like Connor I guess." Maddie replied, "The pair of you seem like chalk and cheese."

Ivy couldn't help but laugh at the comparison. "I've never heard quite a comparison before. I like it."

Maddie chuckled and said "I picked that up from an old British friend of mine. And I kind of liked it too."

"I'm going to have to remember that in the future." The young woman said with a smile. She rather liked Maddie, and was quite pleased her brother was seeing her. With every fiber of her being, she really wanted things to work out for the two of them.

"Thanks for not giving me a hard time." Maddie smiled at the other woman, "I was worried that you wouldn't approve of me." she smiled sheepishly.

"Well, you shouldn't worry about that." Ivy said reassuringly. "I like you, and I do approve."

"I'm glad." Maddie smiled at Ivy thinking that the pair of them could be friends if the other woman was going to be sticking around.

"Can I ask you a question?" The young woman asked.

"Of course you can." Maddie nodded, reaching out to pick up her glass, "Ask away."

"How has my brotha been?" Ivy asked softly.

"Up until Alex went missing he's been doing well." Maddie replied, "But I won't lie to you, this news is screwing him up." she sighed, the worry she felt for the man she loved showing clearly in her dark eyes.

"It's hard on all of us." Ivy said softly, looking down at the table with tears in her eyes. "I... I wish we knew something more."

Maddie reached across the table and placed a hand over Ivy's, "I'm sure you'll hear something soon and until then, know that you're not alone. Your big brother is here and I'm here for you too."

"Thank you, Maddie." The young woman said, turning her hand to give the Captain's a gentle squeeze. "That means a lot to me. I'm glad my brotha has you to lean on when he needs it."

"I love him with all of my heart." Maddie replied, "And I'll be there for him until the day I die." she squeezed Ivy's hand back as she added "And by extension that means I'll be there for his family too."

"I really do appreciate it." Ivy said softly, wiping away the moisture under her eyes. "I'm glad you've been there for my brotha."

"And I always will be." Maddie replied with conviction, knowing that as far as she was concerned she would be.

Ivy McKinney


Captain Madeline Sanchez
Assistant Dean


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