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Engineering Types

Posted on Fri May 31st, 2019 @ 11:18pm by Commander Thavanichent th'Dori & Cadet Freshman Grade Catherine Wells

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Engineering Department, Magellan Campus
Timeline: 2388/08/31 1630 (Sun. Aug. 31 2388 4:30pm)

It wasn't hard to track down the Engineering Department Head even on a day off. Unless they were trying to hide, which th'Dari didn't seem to be. Catherine wore a pair of brown multipocketed cargo pants, with random stuff in the pockets and a white, sleeveless shirt with a short jacket that matched the pants. Battered dark, brown boots completed the look. It also had many pockets. Her hair pulled back in its standard pony tail as dark, brown eyes skimmed the engineering holographic research lab. Finally her eyes alighted on the one she sought and she eagerly went over. She watched him work a moment trying to be polite and wait until he pulled his head out of an open wall panel he was working at before speaking. "Commander th'Dari?" she drawled.

Anichent turned towards her, his antenna turning forward in interest as he stared at her, his brows only slightly furrowed until he recognized who she was. "Cadet Wells. You are to be in uniform when in this lab and permission is to be granted before entering."

Catherine blinked, this was her work outfit but she understood he meant differently or she figured he wouldn't have said anything. Just how many rules were there? She was going to have a hard time keeping it all straight. "Sorry Sir, I didn't know." She paused. She'd been so eager to talk to him she hadn't thought about it and did her usual barge in routine. "Well may I come in or do I gotta change first?"

He stared at her another moment, and then decided, "As you are, Cadet. Now tell me why are you here?"

Relieved she wasn't being sent away, she replied, "For a job Sir. I was told you'd be one to see about an engineering gig. On a part time basis as it were..."

"What exactly is it you think you can do?" he asked her, his antenna turning slightly towards each other in skepticism. She was among the large minority of the campus cadets; young and fresh, not long out of her secondary education, and untrained by Academy standards.

She heard the challenge in his tone and rose right up to it. Her back stiffened and her eyes flashed but she controlled her temper. "Well Sir I'ma bit short on Starfleet specific but I am familiar with civilian replicators, ground vehicles, large scale computer systems used by civilian businesses, water craft, field pumps, basic coding." She flinched a little, honestly forcing her to admit "Strictly speaking I'm best with computer coding and fixin' ground vehicles while getting by on water craft. I was just getting into atmospheric craft when I left. My family's in the way of large scale farming business and well I like to keep busy..." She looked at him squarely and honestly. Her body still toughed by of serious work but relaxed, mostly.

th'Dari gave her a harsh stare before turning away to walk over to a control console in the center of the room. He touched on it's panel causing a holographic image of sensor circuitry to disappear. Then he waved for her to follow, "Come with me, Cadet," and lead her through an open doorway into a large office.

"Well that's not a no..." She thought as she followed, keeping her face blank even as "Commander Porcupine" popped harmlessly across her mental landscape.

Glancing over at her, he directed her to a chair in front of a desk, "Have a seat."

CJ sat wondering if he just wanted to tell her off in private, though he didn't seem to have a problem before in the lab. So she waited wondering what he would do next.

Sitting down behind the desk, th'Dari regarded her, recalling her file. Her entrance scores were impressive, placing her among the top five with strengths in engineering. He decided to ask, "Why did you join the Academy, Cadet?"

Catherine blinked once, she hadn't expected this but replied with a blunt honesty she was known for among those familiar with her. "Well now to serve, explore and learn. I'd say that about summed it up....Sir." She remembered to add the last just in time but not entirely sure where he was going with this. She loved her family's business and how she grew up but she did want to serve the Federation, as her Dad always said, "You gotta give back when things have been good to you..." And she did want to learn, she'd give her left arm to get her hands on Starfleet techniques and equipment. Add that to the chance to explore. She was sold.

"You could've enlisted," he replied strongly back, "So I ask again, why the Academy?"

She was really beginning to wonder about this guy but reigned in her urge to ask just what the sam hill he was going for answer wise. "The Academy has the most advanced training programs around, more detailed and comprehensive then enlisted training." She said and she'd done her research too. She put her hands on her legs as she sat trying not to cross her arms in challenge.

"So you're here to learn as much as you can?"

She tried not to fidget but his questions were driving her crazy. She wanted to get her hands on something technical, not be grilled for what felt like hours. "Yes, Sir." She replied, doing her best to show what her mother called 'Good Southern Manners' before her impatience got her into trouble...not for the first time.

She wanted to learn all she could...and have an outlet for the energy that always seemed to be burning in her in the form of ideas and actions.

Anichent studied her for another moment, recognizing that energy, before getting out of his seat, "This way."

Pleased there was at least motion, CJ stood, well nearly jumped to her feet, but kept it cool. And followed the Professor, wondering what he had up his sleeve this time.

"The four areas of engineering, what are they?" he asked her while activating one of the lab tables.

Catherine took a moment to order her thoughts then replied, "Propulsion Systems, Material Engineering, Components Engineering, and Programming, Sir" She remembered to add at the end.

Anichent nodded, pulling up a holographic menu. "Any one of those areas most interest you and why?"

She wondered if 'All of it' would be considered acceptable and decided it likely would not. "If I were forced to choose, I'd guessin I'd say Material Engineering." It was hard to put into words why but she tried, "Always liked designing and improving, a lot you can do with good source material, as it can overlap with other sections in engineering as well so it's not like its an island either." She replied.

Anichent's eyes nearly shined, as he was pleased. He picked up a datapad placed off to the side of the table and looked back to the holographic menu. "It is only suggested that you select one, or more, engineering skills to specialize in. I find it interesting that if you were forced to choose, that it would be in the area you scored the highest on your exam...more so than computer coding and ground vehicle mechanics. Yet, there was nothing in the area of material engineering on your list of prior experience..." He inputted into the datapad and then handed it to her, "Here is a starship schematic with many discrepancies within its design. Find at least two, isolate them in the programming, and I will give you a job."

Catherine took the PADD. She'd always liked fixing things on her parents farm, making them run better but had always been curious about the 'source materials' as she called it. Could she make the design better? She never seemed to have the time but she'd always meant to poke at it. Now was her chance. She glanced down at the PADD than back at her new mentor, and nodded. "Can do, Sir." She said with the confidence of youth.

Anichent angled his head, regarding her in silence. "We shall see," he said a moment later. "If there is nothing more, Cadet, I have work to do," he added a bit more firmer, wanting her to leave.

Momma didn't raise no fool. She knew she'd gotten further than she really expected and it would be best not to push her luck. Besides her mind was already wanting to tear into the problems set before her. She nodded and headed off as she walked through the door, her head bent to the PADD.



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