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Hate at First Sight

Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2019 @ 6:27am by Cadet Freshman Grade Phoebe Cavendish & Cadet Freshman Grade Sadie Hawkins

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Sadie and Phoebe's Quarters
Timeline: 2388/08/31 1600 (Sun. Aug. 31 2388 4:00pm)

Going from a triple to a double was something that definitely interested Sadie. She was already tired of the cow girl's stories and Miss Molly Sunshine. She sighed some contented relief as she headed to her new room with her arms completely full.

When she arrived at her new room, she told the computer, "Computer unlock door on order of Cadet Sadie Hawkins, passcode, Alpha Omega Three." The door opened and Sadie got a glance of the bed and put her stuff down on it. She turned around to see the other bed and saw a familiar face. You must be kidding me! This is either too good or too awful to be true.

Putting on an overly eager smile, Sadie stuck out her hand and said, "Phoebe, right?"

"Right." Phoebe replied, looking up from the PADD she was reading, sitting cross legged on the bed, "And you're ummm...." she paused to put the name to the face, "Sadie." she reached out and took the proffered hand.

Sadie held Phoebe's hand at least a second more than necessary while looking at her potential frenemy squarely in the eyes. "Sadie Hawkins, at your service. Pre-med...."

"So you're my new roomie huh?" Phoebe set the PADD down, thinking that the other woman seemed to be giving off some kind of bad vibe...something didn't feel right.

"Did the luggage give it away?" Sadie asked sarcastically. God, what does Jondar see in her? She's not even bright. I need to break them up for his own good. She wondered why Phoebe did not take her hand. Perhaps Phoebe was just impolite. Sadie was not sure but the first impression thus far was not favorable, not that she expected it to be.

"Wow..." Phoebe retorted, "I was only trying to be friendly." she added, wondering exactly what she'd done to get a reaction like that.

"You are the sensitive one, aren't you?" Sadie chirped at Phoebe. Oh, this is going to be so much fun! "You can't handle a bit of sarcasm regarding your poor attempt at small talk? How is that going to work in the universe out there?"

Phoebe slowly stood and walked the short distance to where Sadie was standing and asked with a growl "Just what is your problem?"

"I'm not the one asking that question," Sadie responded calmly and with a sly smile. "Maybe you should question yourself first."

Shaking her head, Phoebe shoved past Sadie and said "Well if you're going to be like that, I'm gonna go see if I can get someone else to come live with you and your sarcasm because I don't need this." she stated, a sick feeling starting up in her stomach at the thought of just how she would cope if they turned down her request.

Sadie laughed at Phoebe. "Wow! And you think *I* have a problem. You're quite the character, aren't you? What does your boyfriend think of this sort of temper?"

"As if that's your business." Phoebe whirled to face Sadie and glowered.

"Oh, hon, you're just adorable!" Sadie responded with a snarky tone. "The way that you two PDA all the time, it is everyone's business."

"You're only saying that because you're probably jealous." Phoebe shot back.

"Jealous!" Sadie laughed. "I could have any guy that I wanted, if I wanted one." She then added, with distinct pleasure and malice in her voice, "Including your boyfriend."

"Dream on." Phoebe replied, "Jondar isn't the type to cheat. Especially with someone like you." she added spitefully.

"Cheat?" Sadie waved a hand in a disbelieving fashion at Phoebe. "Oh, dear, it would not be about cheating.... If I wanted him, I would make him mine. He would dump you like yesterday's news, which, of course, you would be."

"And I'm telling you to keep on dreaming because it's never gonna happen, Jondar knows a trollope whenever he sees one. "You're trash and it doesn't take a genius to see that." she looked down her nose in disgust.

Sadie's old pain came back to her. Memories of the false accusations of her and her high school boyfriend. "Well," she replied, finally huffing. "I certainly have been called much worse by much better. You'll have to try much harder than that to get under my skin, snookums."

"Yeah well I won't be around for long, I'm gonna go see if I can get new quarters away from you, you witch." Phoebe shot back, stomping over to her bed to pick up her PADD's and then reached under the bed to get her case.

Sadie cackled at that and replied in a tone mocking the Wicked Witch of the West, "I'll get you, My Pretty! And your little dog, too!"

"Oh grow up!" Phoebe snarled as she began to throw things into her case.

"Indeed. Pot, meet kettle. May I remind you that I'm not the one that could not handle a little sarcasm and fun, Miss Overly Sensitive. You're not going to last five seconds after the Academy with your sensitivities," Sadie told Phoebe seriously.

"Oh and I suppose you think that you're the expert on that." Phoebe huffed as she yanked open one of the dresser drawers and scooped out an armful of clothes.

"I *AM* going to be a medical officer, so, yes," Sadie answered simply and with a matter-of-fact tone of voice.

"Well god forbid anyone who lands up as your patient then." Phoebe replied, "I can tell already that your bedside manner is going to suck."

Sadie laughed at that. "Sticks and stones.... Maybe we should ask Jondar about my bedside manner?" She smirked at Phoebe, hoping a jealous streak would come out.

"You keep on dreaming." Phoebe virtually growled, "He'd never touch a woman like you." she added, filled with a sudden urge to go and find Jondar, she needed a hug.

"You're right," Sadie told Phoebe. "He would never touch a woman like me." She waited to see Phoebe's reaction before she dropped the hammer on her conclusion.

"Damn right." Phoebe shot back.

"He would do so very much more than just touch me," Sadie told Phoebe in a matter of fact voice.

With the last of her possessions hastily thrown into her case, Phoebe closed the lid and fastened it before picking it up and storming over to the door, "You keep dreaming, bitch." she turned to glare at the other woman, venom dripping in her voice.

Sadie gave Phoebe a small wave where her hand stood steady and her right fingers bobbed up and down. "See ya real soon!" She gave Phoebe a maliciously sweet smile. She wanted to tell Phoebe that there was no way that the staff was going to switch her rooms because Phoebe simply disliked Sadie but decided that it would be much more fun for Phoebe to find that out on her own.

"Not if I can help it." Phoebe replied, stepping out of the quarters and wishing that there was an old fashioned door on it that she could slam. Incandescent with rage, she set off to find Jondar, desperate for an ally to talk to.

Sadie started unpacking, smiling all the while.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Paige O'Halloran "Banshee" on Wed Feb 5th, 2020 @ 12:15pm

OH. My. Wow. Just wow. Teen girl viciousness in all its glory. Well written both.