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Flight of the Scumbag

Posted on Mon Apr 1st, 2019 @ 6:14pm by Petty Officer 3rd Class Leo Carpenter & Lieutenant JG Joey Corwin
Edited on on Mon Apr 1st, 2019 @ 6:26pm

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Campus Hangar Bay
Timeline: 2388/08/30 1450 (Sat. Aug. 30 2388 2:50pm)

Joey approached the other two Security officers when she got to the hangar bay. “Right… anything we find is going to stay where it is for the time being. Our story… we’re there to conduct a physical investigation of the premises regarding an incident that happened here not that long ago. If you come across anything that could be useful to the investigation, we’re going to take it with us. We do not want to set off any red flags. Understood?”

“Understood,” Anderson and Hernandez said as she approached them; they were in the vicinity of the hangar as she had ordered them, and each of them had a Security tricorder that was linked to the sensors that were set to scan at fifteen hundred hours.

“Let’s get moving, then.” With that, she reached for her own tricorder and led the way into the hangar. It wasn’t every day that uniformed Security personnel invaded such places, but given the events that happened recently, it wouldn’t come as too much of a surprise.

The two officers stepped in place behind her and headed in with her, their eyes and tricorders taking in every inch of the place.

“Can I help you?” Leo frowned, coming out of the office as he heard the footsteps echoing in the large hangar.

Joey looked toward Leo when he came out of the office. “We’re here as part of an investigation. I’m sure you’re aware of what investigation I’m speaking of, too. We would have been here earlier had the incident been reported properly.” She made a gesture with her hand that Anderson and Hernandez would understand as permission to move forward.

Hernandez and Anderson moved in opposite directions of her, beginning to sweep the area with their tricorders at the moment the campus Security sweep began. They studied their readings as they moved around the location that was the area where Commander Bannerman and Cadet Anosov had been.

“Uh...I’m kind of thick that way.” Leo replied eyeing the team suspiciously, “So maybe you’d better spell it out for me.” he prompted Joey.

“There was an incident here that wasn’t reported after it happened. Now that it’s come out, we’re required to conduct an investigation and look for any physical evidence that might have been left behind.” Joey stated. “We’re aware that since some time has passed there is a chance we won’t find anything, but we have to follow protocol. I’m sure you understand.”

“You’re still harping on about that?” Leo looked surprised, “Isn’t that old news? Geez...we’ve all be raked over the coals already.”

“It’s still an active investigation, so it’s not over until we’re satisfied there’s nothing left to be found. You don’t have to like it, you just have to stay out of the way.” Corwin stated.
“Anyone ever tell you that your manners need working on?” Leo glared at her, hating the way she was just acting like she owned the place.

“I’ve been told my manners are lacking a time or two, and I certainly do apologize if you’re feeling a bit offended.” She was actually being sincere. “As this is still an active investigation, and the area has already been greatly compromised, I’m trying my best to work against time.”

Hernandez walked along the perimeter of the hangar on the same side that the Security camera was on and kept looking at his tricorder. Anderson was in the vicinity where the camera had recorded the cadet with the Flight instructor.

“Cleaners come in every day you know.” Leo commented wishing Jake were here to give them what for.

“I’m aware of that, but we still have to do our jobs. Believe it or not... “ Joey began, wondering why. “This is in Commander Bannerman’s best interest. Had this been reported in a more timely manner…” She shook her head.

Leo rolled his eyes and said “You sound just like your boss...does everything have to be done to the letter? Tell me you haven’t done stupid stuff in your lifetime.” he glared at her.

“Oh, I’ve done plenty of stupid shit in my lifetime… more than the average person in fact, but what you and Commander Bannerman don’t seem to realize is that Lieutenant Reign and I answer to a higher power.” Corwin stated. “We don’t have a choice but to do things by the book. I don’t care much if you or the Commander don’t mind your asses being on the line, but I can’t say I want the same for myself.”

“Hey! I did nothing wrong!” Leo replied hotly.

“No one said you did anything wrong, Mister Carpenter.” The Lieutenant stated. She was trying really hard to keep her cool, but it was fast becoming a struggle. “We’re simply here to follow up as part of the investigation.”

“Fine.” Leo finally gave in, “Knock yourself out and don’t let your asses get hit by the door on the way out when you’re done.” he growled as he stalked off to get to work.

Joey moved toward Anderson and Hernandez. “Someone has his panties in a bunch today. Let’s see what we can find here.” Of course… she was the only one who knew the real reason they were in the area.

The moment the Assistant Chief reached Hernandez, the sensor sweep went over the hangar and his tricorder beeped once. His automatic reaction was to turn in the direction the reading had come from, but Anderson stopped him with a laugh at what Joey said, but his eyes were on his tricorder as well. “Looks like we’ve established that Anosov was here, Lieutenant,” he said, shooting Hernandez a look. “Along with several hundred other people.”

“Yeah..that’s what I picked up, also,” Hernandez finally said as he lowered his tricorder to his hip,

“That’s what I figured.” Joey stated, looking down at her own readings. She turned toward Leo once more. “Looks like we’re done here, Mister Carpenter. Thank you for cooperating. This is one part of the investigation we can finally put to bed. Now… we’ll be on our way.” With that said, she gestured for Anderson and Hernandez to make their way out.

The two Security officers nodded and left the hangar, glad not to have to deal with the obnoxious hangar petty officer.

“Bet that was really worth it.” Leo grumbled as he watched them leave, still not understanding why they had felt the need to drop by in the first place. It was too long ago. Of course they wouldn’t find anything. “Whatever.” he shrugged before getting to work.

NPC Security Officers
Lieutenant Billie Jean Reign
Chief of Security
Magellan Campus


Lieutenant Joey Corwin
Assistant Chief of Security/Senior K-9 Handler
Magellan Campus


PCO3 Leo Carpenter
Shuttle Technician
Magellan Campus


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