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The Scan part two

Posted on Mon Apr 1st, 2019 @ 7:55pm by Lieutenant JG Joey Corwin
Edited on on Mon Apr 1st, 2019 @ 8:00pm

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Campus Security
Timeline: 2388/08/30 1200 (Sat. Aug. 30 2388 12:00pm)

When lunchtime rolled around, Joey found herself glancing toward the entrance of Security, half expecting to see Commander McCall stroll through. Rising to her feet, she stretched out and closed her eyes. In just under two hours, she’d be running patrol, and maybe… if she was lucky… she’d notice something unusual that would aid them in their current investigation.

At one minute past noon, Devin walked into Security and looked around. Spotting Lieutenant Corwin, he went over to her. “I apologize for being late, Lieutenant, but it took me a minute to get here. Now how may I be of assistance?”

Joey opened her eyes and looked to Devin when he approached her, then glanced at the chronometer. “You’re only a minute late, Commander. I hardly think that’s a reason for me to take you outside and give you ten lashings.” She offered him a smile to let him know she was clearly joking, then gestured for him to follow her to BJ’s office. “Lieutenant Reign and I require your assistance with the spycorder.” Of course, she spoke in a voice that only he was meant to hear. “When we’re done here, as my way of saying thank you for your help in clearing my name, I’d like to take you out to lunch.”

Devin laughed. “Only ten? Here I’m used to twenty, but I’ll let you off this time. If you’ll lead the way, I’ll be more than happy to instruct you and Lieutenant Reign in the fine art of using a spycorder. I probably should have told you when I first gave it to you.”

“I should have asked, too, but I got a bit distracted.” She said, making her way toward BJ’s office. Once they’d gotten there, she reached out once again to set off the chime inside. “I hope this finds something. I’m not at all fond of someone trying to frame me.”

“Enter!” BJ called out.

“Someone framed you?” Devin asked her, raising an eyebrow.

“I’ll tell you more once we’re inside.” Corwin said, moving into Lieutenant Reign’s office and stepping out of the way so he could join them. “Lieutenant BJ Reign, Commander Devin McCall. He’s the one who provided us the spycorder.” She made the necessary gestures between them.

BJ got up and shook Devin’s hand. “I wish I could say it was a pleasure to meet you, Commander McCall, but under the circumstances…”

“The pleasure is still mine,” Devin said, returning the handshake. My stars...are all the women in Security big breasted? he wondered as he did his best to find something to distract himself in her office. “Shall we get down to the nitty gritty of how the spycorder works while Lieutenant Corwin fills me in on the situation?”

Joey clasped her hands behind her back. “In a nutshell, there’s an active investigation going on, which I can’t divulge any details of.” She took a breath and let it out slowly, trying not to get angry all over again, but this situation threatened to bring out the worst in her. “There was a video involved… again, active investigation… and someone decided it would be a good idea to send an edited version of said video to a civilian. Doesn’t seem so bad, right? They took it a step further and got ahold of my access codes and sent it from my terminal remotely.”

Devin thought for a moment. “First, let me ask both of you if you’ve done an overlay of the two videos to see if they’re the same?”

BJ shook her head. “No, we were busy questioning all parties involved until just an hour ago and we’ve been waiting for you to show up so we could initiate the scans with your spycorder.”

He nodded and looked at Joey, making a point to keep his eyes on her face due to the fact that she had found a way to make her breasts stand out even more. “Do you have any idea who might hold a grudge against you to do such a thing?”

“The only person I can think of here on campus would be Commander Bannerman, and I’m not entirely sure he’d do something like this considering the civilian it was sent to.” Corwin replied, allowing her arms to go back to her sides. “If you’re speaking in general, then yes. Before I came here, my career path allowed me to piss off quite a few people. I foiled many attempts to keep others from being assassinated, and nearly died a few times in the process. Do any of them know that I’m here? It’s not likely, but stranger things have happened.”

“Commander Bannerman?” Devin asked her as he listened, a part of his mind going back to the conversation that he’d had with the man at Dev’s Place. He put that in his mental notes and looked at her again. “That’s a good point.” He looked at Lieutenant Reign. “Anything, Lieutenant?”

While they talked, BJ had pulled up the two videos and did an overlay on the screen. She magnified the images and muted them, then played them slowly. “If you look at this, you will see that they are several millimeters apart in the overlay, which means these videos came from two different sources.”

Joey looked to BJ. “Editing could also be a reason for the differences, too. The video that was sent to the civilian was clearly tampered with as it had no sound. That could alter things a bit.”

“Let’s see,” BJ said as she removed the mute and instructed the computer to do an analysis of the audio feed.

“There is no audio on the secondary overlay,” the computer reported.

“So something that only recorded video and not audio,” Devin said. “There is a number of devices that Intelligence uses which typically does both, but in general, we use both for practical purposes. May I see the tricorder, Lieutenant Reign?”

BJ handed it to him. “I’ve already linked it to Security’s sensors,” she told him. “Then we discovered we had to wait for you.”

Tapping the display a few times, Devin looked at it, then at her terminal. “You may wish to activate the sensors, Lieutenant.”

“We’ve decided to wait until the standard time for a sweep in order not to tip our hands if someone is observing, Commander,” BJ said. “That was Lieutenant Corwin’s suggestion.”

“Perhaps, the hangar bay should be the first sweep since it appears there is a second camera in the area.” Corwin stated, unable but to wonder what she was doing there since it was clear that Lieutenant Reign and Commander McCall had things handled pretty well without her. “It seems that the two of you have this under control, so… with your permission, Lieutenant Reign… I’d like to go power down my terminal to keep anyone from accessing it while I’m at lunch.”

“Actually, Lieutenant Corwin,” Devin said. “Let me explain to both of you how the tricorder works, then we can go to lunch, if the offer still stands?”

“Of course.” Joey said, gesturing to the tricorder in his hand.

For the next fifteen minutes, Devin explained the ins and outs of the uses of the spycorder, making sure that each of them understood what each aspect of it. Finally, he stood back up. “And that’s all there is to it. You’re probably going to pick up every device on the compound that is capable of recording and transmitting information. However, we will be looking for devices that are low powered with a short range, which the spycorder is programmed to pick up. It won’t necessarily tell you what it is that it picks up, but we’ll have a location to investigate. The first of these locations is the one that Lieutenant Corwin suggested and work in a sweep from there. Most Intel devices have a limited range, and once more of them is found, we’ll be able to triangulate a location if the culprit or culprits have an area that they use as a base on the campus.”

“Thank you, Commander,” BJ said. “That was most helpful. Now both of you enjoy your lunch and I’ll see you back here in an hour, Lieutenant.”

“You’re welcome,” Devin said with a smile before turning to Joey. “Shall we?” He asked, gesturing for her to lead the way.

“Yes, Commander.” Joey said, then looked over to BJ. “Before I go, I’d like to suggest that we hold off on doing the scan just until we can get a team in place to be in the area should something be picked up on the scans.” The reason behind saying that, she wanted to be on said team… head it up, in fact. “If they’re able to pick up our sweeps, we don’t want whoever is behind this to get in there and remove their equipment.”

“Of course,” BJ said. “I’ll let you assemble the Investigation team and a Security detail when you return from lunch.” Getting up, she put the spycorder in a drawer and secured it, then shut her terminal down. “For now, let’s meet back here in an hour and begin the scan at fifteen hundred hours.”


BJ was in the foyer of Security speaking to a young Ensign in a Security uniform when sheJoey came in. “Dismissed, Ensign Tagway,” she said, looking up at Joey. “Lieutenant.”

“Lieutenant Reign.” Joey said, coming to stop next to BJ.

“Are you ready to assemble a team?” the Chief asked her assistant.

“I am.” The Assistant Chief replied. “I’ve already contacted the personnel I wanted to partake in this little expedition, though… once we run the sweep, and if anything is found, that will give whoever is behind this ample time to clean up any other bugs that might be around the campus. Commander McCall suggested leaving them in place, though. Of course, we’ll have a heads up and know that they’re there.”

BJ nodded. “Good idea until we have an idea of where all of them are and what purpose they serve,” she said. “Once we established that, we can triangulate the most likely area to search and we should have the person who tried to set you up.”

“I’d like to be the one to bring them in. If… you don’t mind.” Joey said as two other uniformed officers moved toward them. “We’re going to make it seem as though we’re conducting an investigation regarding the incident between Commander Bannerman and Cadet Anasov. Should anyone ask questions, that is.”

“Very good, Lieutenant,” BJ said. “I’ll leave that in your capable hands. Is there anything else you need in the meantime?”

“Not at the moment. We’ll move in, then I’ll contact you with some kind of code word if we find something.” Corwin said. “We certainly don’t want to tip anyone off that we’re on to them. Now… we just have to figure out what word to use.”

BJ thought for a moment. “Use the code word chest,” she said with a smile. “Male cadets are always looking at them, so if you find something hot, just say ‘Stop looking at my chest, cadet’ or similar and I’ll know.”

Joey canted her head. “Whatever I say will have the word chest in it. Begin the sweep the moment you see us walk into the hangar.”

“Remember,” she said. “Fifteen hundred hours sharp.”

“I remember. In the meantime… I’m going to run patrol to see we can spot anything out of the ordinary.”

“Okay,” BJ said. “Let me know when you’re in place.”

“Of course, Lieutenant.” Corwin replied, tapping her combadge. =^= Anderson, Hernandez… start your patrol of sector seven, then meet me at Flight ten minutes to fifteen hundred. =^= She looked toward BJ and tapped her comm a second time. “I’ll be in touch.”

“I’ll be waiting,” BJ said as she headed for her office, tapping her combadge. =^= Reign to….=^= she started as the door to her office closed behind her.

Lieutenant Commander Devin McCall
Intel Instructor
Magellan Campus


Lieutenant Billie Jean Reign
Chief of Security
Magellan Campus


Lieutenant Joey Corwin
Assistant Chief of Security/Senior K-9 Handler
Magellan Campus


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