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The Scan part one

Posted on Mon Apr 1st, 2019 @ 7:53pm by Lieutenant JG Joey Corwin
Edited on on Mon Apr 1st, 2019 @ 7:58pm

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Campus Security
Timeline: 2388/08/30 1100 (Sat. Aug. 30 2388 11:00am)

Lieutenant Reign sat in her office after Joey had left, still annoyed at Commander Bannerman’s attitude and the fact that he claimed to have more experience in investigating the matters than Security did. Who does he think he is? she mentally muttered as she got up to get another mug of coffee. We’ll see how he is when I report him to Captain Sanchez. she thought as she sat back down and waited for her Assistant Chief to return.

After talking to the man she’d given the title of Instructor Gadget to, Joey returned to the Security department with the acquired modified tricorder, or what he called the spycorder. She couldn’t wait to see what the sweep would pick up, and who it implicated, so her name could be cleared. It wasn’t even a little okay that someone decided to use her name and access codes to do something so heinous. And while she was a lot of things… she certainly wasn’t a woman that would stoop to those means.

Making her way to BJ’s office, she reached out to place a finger on the panel that would let the Chief know she was there. The time had come to flush out the evil that had finally made its presence known on the campus. When it was revealed who the person was, she’d have no problems becoming the Queens of Hearts and taking his… or her… head. Oh, yes, she would get even.

When she pressed the chime, instead of the normal tone being sounded, a clip from Toccata and Fugue in D Minor played for a few seconds. BJ smiled when she heard her new ominous sounding door chime play and relished it for a moment before she stood up. “Enter!”

Joey walked in and held out the nifty new device she’d been given by the Intel instructor. “I got something that will help out the sensor sweeps. In theory, this should pick up anything that the regular sensors won’t.”

Accepting the device, BJ looked it over; it was much smaller than a standard tricorder and had a much different interface than what she was used to. Activating it, she studied the display for a moment before she saw the interlink for the sensors. Linking it to her terminal, she looked at Joey. “Did he tell you exactly how this worked?”

“One moment, Chief.” Corwin said, tapping her combadge once. =^= Lieutenant Corwin to Commander McCall… Instructor Gadget, your assistance is required in the Security office, please. =^=

In his classroom, Devin looked up from checking an assignment as the call from Lieutenant Corwin came through, accompanied by her calling his Instructor Gadget. Shaking his head and setting the PADD down, he tapped his combadge once, having a feeling that it had to do with the spycorder he had loaned her. =^=Is it something that can’t wait until lunch time, Lieutenant?=^= he asked.

=^= How does this nifty little thing you let me borrow work? Would it be easier if you gave the Chief and I a tutorial around lunch time? =^= Joey asked, wishing she would have asked him about it in person. Now… she felt like an idiot, but at least… it allowed her to talk to him a second time, and that was something.

=^=I’ll be there at twelve hundred hours, Lieutenant=^= Devin responded. He knew he could have simply transmitted the manual to them, but it was one of those devices where he didn’t want the information to be sent over standard methods of communication.

=^= We’ll see you then, and thank you, Commander. Corwin out. =^= She said, tapping her combadge once more to end the transmission. For his troubles… she would take him out to lunch, and it would also be her way of thanking him for his help in clearing her name. “He’ll be here at twelve hundred hours, but I’m sure you heard that.”

“So what do we do in the meantime, Lieutenant?” BJ asked her as she took a drink of her coffee. “Do you want some refreshment, or should we begin our own scans in the meantime?”

“Starting our own sweeps won’t hurt anything, unless whoever this is has the means to detect things like that. If that’s the case, we don’t want to give him, or her, the chance to remove any equipment they might have in place. I mean… if you think about it… it’s completely possible. They were able to gain my access codes, which now need to be changed, and send a file from my terminal when they were nowhere near it. We aren’t dealing with someone who is new to all of this.” Joey said.

“I’ve already changed it for you,” BJ said and handed her a PADD that was sitting beside her terminal. “Enter the new one and then change it. I put an encryption on it that will also require your voice print authorization, and it rolls over every twenty-four hours on a three-day basis, then changes to every twelve hours for two more days. I know it’s an inconvenience, but for the time being, it’s the best that we have. I agree with you when it comes to the sweep, but the only other thing we have to do is wait for Commander McCall.”

“Thank you, BJ. As inconvenient as it may be, I wouldn’t want anything like this to happen a second time.” She said.

“Now then...the matter with Commander Bannerman,” BJ started. “If I include you in it, your deposition and statement concerning his less-than-forthcoming comments may or may not implicate you in the matter. I have every intention of reporting him for violating the protocols of the campus and failure to follow Starfleet Rules and Regulations concerning such matters. Would you be willing to testify against him if called upon, Lieutenant?”

“I can’t say that I would be, Lieutenant.” Joey said, lowering the PADD to her side. “I’d much rather have as little to do with Commander Bannerman and his life as possible. I’m sure you can understand that.”

“So you would prefer that he be allowed to violate the Rules and Regulations, as well as interfere with Security’s investigations?” BJ asked her, raising an eyebrow.

“Not at all, but you don’t need my testimony to make it happen. You’ve got all the proof you need right there.” She pointed up to the security camera.

BJ glanced up. “Good point, Lieutenant,” she said. “I knew I chose you to be my assistant for a reason. Have you gone over the schedules for the shift changes that have been put in? Andrews and Watkins want to switch shifts and Jenkins wants to go back to his former shift.”

“I haven’t had a chance to go over them yet, but that will give me something to do until we can get the proper tutorial from Commander McCall.” Corwin stated.

“Okay. While you go over that and we wait for Commander McCall to show up, let’s get busy,” BJ said.

Joey nodded her head and excused herself from the Chief’s office so she could work on the new schedules.



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