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Priming the Simulation

Posted on Mon Feb 18th, 2019 @ 1:10am by Commander Lilly Cavallo MD
Edited on on Mon Feb 18th, 2019 @ 1:10am

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Phlox Medical- Chief's Laboratory
Timeline: 2388/08/30 0400 (Sat. Aug. 30 2388 4:00am)

She shouldn't be surprised that there was this much depth to the research that Mrs. Tinsha had left her, but yet she was. This was years of research that the woman had done with such care that Lilly was even feeling the woman's yearning to have a child. Each genome was mapped out thoroughly with the sectors of mismatch carefully labelled. It even included the logs of the physicians that made the first Vulcan-Human hybrids. It seemed that while there was a low chance of comparability without any modification if the mother was a Vulcan. Statistically, there were more female Vulcans paired with human males than the opposite.

"I wonder if that's due to the hormonal cycle" Lilly muttered to herself and then made a note to look into managing that particular problem. They had male Vulcan cadets and hybrids who might in the course of their time here come into their 'fires'. That had potential for disaster if the situation arose without being controlled. She might have to talk to the other Lt. Commander Tinsha about the issue. She was certain that he'd be ameniable to the conversation.

Interesting If the mother was human there were some hormonal problems that arose. Vulcans of course made those amino acids and hormones naturally- but a human would have to get them from an external source. There was also an issue with antibodies. Vulcans by nature had copper based blood- and humans iron based, when the Vulcan and human bloods mixed, there was a significant immune response from the human which ended up killing the fetus at the point of erythrogenesis and making the mother seriously ill.

Glad that she wasn't the one pioneering the work, she sat back again to read through it. The human mothers of the first hybrids must have had such strength of will, to be willing to go through loss after loss before managing to carry a child to near term. The higher the psi rating on the human, the more likely the human was to carry the child to term. A moment later Lilly was looking at the psi rating of one Kasia Tinsha, and was relieved to cross that problem off her list.

"Shame their races weren't reversed- it would be biologically easier for them. Ah well. Lets see here..." Silvered fingers danced over the PADD making notes as she did so. "On one hand we have the careful suppression of the mothers immune system so it doesn't attack her baby. On another hand we have to find a manner to transfer oxygen to the baby in a copper based blood system. Polyphenol oxidase might work alongside hemoglobin, but I wonder if a hemocyanin molecule might do better in encouraging the fetus to build its own blood. Yet another hand is the physical response that young Kasia's body is going to have to vulcan hormone supplementation. " It was interesting that the beginning stages of pregnancy for Vulcan and human used the same hormones, except for a few that were unique to the Vulcan physiology. Of those, one could be eliminated for it was directly related to the fertility cycle, without it a female Vulcan could not ovulate. It was unnecessary for a human the other allowed implantation of a fertilized egg.

"Computer, run simulation. Subject Bioscan Lt. Commander Kasia Tinsha"

"Running...Full simulation will take 30 standard minutes."

"Initiate Polyphenol oxidase insertion intravenously prepregnancy and run simulation"

Now she would wait.

Lt. Commander Lilly Cavallo, MD
Magellan Campus


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