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The First Tenant of Gaia's Red Rose

Posted on Fri May 8th, 2020 @ 8:43pm by Doctor Jarek Pele M.D., D.V.M.-M.S. & Mitys

Mission: To Keep Moving Forward
Location: Gaia's Red Rose
Timeline: 2388/09/01 0820 (Mon. Sept. 01 2388 8:20am)

=/= Begin Log =/=

Mitys was in the shop just standing there and admiring what she had accomplished so far. Plus she loved the aroma of her shop and that it wafted up into the upper floors. Mitys was wearing simple light pink tank and pastel colored floral panties and of course barefooted. She hated shoes unless she really needed to wear them which was mostly when she went on walks.

“Pim.” Mitys said when’s he saw her oversized rabbit bound into the shop. You would think that each bound would make large bang but oddly enough each bound was oddly silent. “Breakfast it is I guess,” Mitys said chuckling watching Pim’s nose wrinkle and unwrinkle. But before she could get Pim her food a knock at the front door, “who could that be?” She asked looking at Pim.

Standing up and not even really thinking about that she was not wearing any pants she walked over to the door and saw there was a man. Unlocking the door and opening a little bit, “apologies but we are not open yet. But we well be in a few hours.” Mitys said giving the man a small smile.

Upon seeing how she was dressed, he immediately looked away with thoughts that maybe this wasn't such a good idea. "Oh... Are you the owner?" he pushed himself to ask anyways. “I’m here about renting a room.”

“Oh..yes I am,” Mitys said still very unaware of how exposed she was. “Oh yes — right I do that. Um..yeah please come in.” Mistys said opening the door, “oh don’t mind Pim she’s harmless.” Mitys said looking back at the large rabbit.

Jarek took another glance over to her and then looked away again. "How about I come back later, after you've had a chance to get dressed?"

“Oh…oh I I am so sorry,” Mitys said chuckling a little bit looking around, “…please please come in. I’ll go find some bottoms and I’ll be right back.” And with that Mitys ran back to her room and quickly pulled on a pair of leggings before heading back down. “…again I am so sorry…umm culturally well…never mind. Anyways I am the owner of the Gaia’s Red Rose."

Jarek been crouched down rubbing Pim's ears and now stood, watching her with near an amused smile at her usage of her culture. He extended out a hand to shake hers, "I'm Jarek Pele, the colony's veterinarian."

Pim purred or more whistled than a purr as she enjoyed being petted and getting attention from someone else that wasn’t her owner. “She likes you,” Mitys said with a big grin on her face. “Oh…right tea,” Mitys said as she scurried about getting things ready, “…ye yes this is a good one.” She said to herself getting two cups some sugar, milk/cream along some honey and lemons.

She then set up a table, "…alright a nice cup of tea." She said pouring some into both cups. “So…what brings you here again? Or did we discuss that already?"

Jarek raised an eyebrow and then decided to take a seat. "I'm here about renting a room. And thank you" he said, reaching out for the sugar.

“Excellent!” Mitys said trying to hide the nervousness in her voice. She had kinda figured out the tea shop and tea room. But the renting of rooms was gonna be something new. “…so for room renting pay what you can basically. And you are actually the first to come and rent a room so I am gonna be trying new things until I perfect the business plan. Does that work for you?”

Having glanced back up to her as he finished preparing his tea, Jarek nodded. "It does. I am sure you are well aware the colony's basic form of currency is the Federation credit. But there is also the option of trading goods and services, and of course donating when wanting to. So, I'll would not only pay what I can, but also offer free veterinarian care for Pim. Speaking of which, she'll need to come in for a check up."

To Mitys this concept weirdly foreign yet at the same time made sense. "I do like the idea of trading goods for services. The credits are well…I am still getting used to that part. Growing up outside of the Federation I am used to GPL (Gold pressed latinum)." Mitys said with a chuckle, "…and yes of course I can bring Pim in whenever you have time."

"I have time later this morning around eleven hundred hours," he said, finally really seeing her features for the first and noticing how really pretty she was. "Will that work for you?"

“Yes that can work opening the shop a little later in the day won't hurt anything.” Mitys said with a smirk giving Pim a few scratches behind the ear as she sipped on her tea. "Um...I'll also bring you a sampling of my tea something...hmm I think I need to get to know you better to kinda figure out what tea best suits you."

"Well, I'm not well versed in teas," he replied, suddenly uncomfortable, and then took a swallow of his tea. As he placed his cup back on the table, he asked, "May I see the rooms you have available?”

Mitys was about to start asking some questions so she could start working on making a personal tea for the man. “Oh…of course. Follow me.” Mitys said standing up, “…um all the rooms are the same size. A small sitting area which also has a small kitchenette and dining area, the bedroom has a full size closest along with full bath.” Mitys added as she opened up one of the rooms.

Jarek looked around at the small empty room, imagining each area at her direction. "When will it be available?" he asked as he starting walking around, stopping to open a door that revealed a bathroom.

“Thursday at the latest…um that’s when all the furniture is being delivered. But…this should give you am idea of what I can offer as for room. Eventually I’ll have staff and the kitchens setup but for now it’s just the rooms and tea.” Mitys said with a smile.

Jarek nodded as he continued to walk around, finally stopping to look out a window. He knew with time, more of the area between there and the station would be filling up with more homes and certain businesses, but this establishment would still be on the outskirts. With a view of the woods, the overall rustic feel of the place, it felt like it was the sort of atmosphere he was looking for.

"It all sounds good," he said turning back towards her. There was a pleasing look in his eyes as he glanced at his chronowatch.

"Okay, I need to be going. But I'll be seeing you and Prim in a few hours.”

“Yes! And it was a pleasure meeting you, looking forward to having you being one of my tenants.” Mitys said with a smile.

"I'm looking forward to it too," Jarek replied with near certainty, almost surprising himself. Her smile causing him to smile back. He started heading for the door, having felt suddenly a little awkward from still standing there. "Umm...bye," he half smiled and then left.

“Bye,” Mitys said giving him a small wave before turning her attention back to Pim. “I think he’ll be a very good tenant plus we now have someone to make sure you stay healthy.



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