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What Security Can Do For You

Posted on Sat Jan 9th, 2021 @ 3:22pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Molly Seol & Cadet Freshman Grade Hunter Belmont & Cadet Freshman Grade Jesse Grant & Cadet Freshman Grade Sakar & Commander Sonia Dalca & Cadet Freshman Grade Catherine Wells & Cadet Freshman Grade Teryn Sera & Cadet Freshman Grade R'Maia

Mission: To Keep Moving Forward
Location: Lecture Hall 3
Timeline: 2388/09/01 0825 (Mon. Sept. 01 2388 8:25am)

Commander Sonia Dalca, flattened her already neat dark hair as she looked around the lecture hall and the rows of empty desks. She was a little nervous. It would be her first class as a teacher, though she loved teaching her younger officers an entire class with a course syllabus was new to her. Fortunately, she'd had a lot of time to prepare and as the sun streamed in from a set of windows she bent back to her PADD checking her plan as waited for the students to begin to arrive.

Sadie strolled into the classroom, annoyed that she was the first. Being first meant she did not get to choose who she sat by. People would either choose to be by her or avoid her. Annoyed, she sighed. However, she immediately brightened when she realized that by being first, she also would have the opportunity to see who desired her and who did not. And that, in of itself was rather useful and valuable information. Oh, to make the boys drool in this rather unfashionable cadet uniform. Yes, that was the best plan. Perhaps I shall just linger and wait to pick a chair. Oh, yes! That's a much better plan.

Teryn knew why she had to take this class, but she wasn't sure she liked it. It reminded her of things she'd rather leave behind on Bajor. Still, the Academy curriculum said she had to take it, so she was here. Entering quietly, she took a seat in the third row back -- not close enough to get called on too regularly, but not far enough back to be mistaken for those who paid no attention to the material. Nope, third row was the Goldilocks Zone for classes.

R'Maia walked in to the lecture hall and skipped down the steps, humming to herself as she took a seat and extracted a PADD from her bag, ready to take notes once the lecture began. This wasn't a class that she particularly wanted to be taking but she understood why it was needed and so as with all of her studies, she intended to give it her all.

Jesse had immediately sat beside her and smiled at her as he extracted his own datapad. He then leaned over slightly to quietly say, "Hi," glad to see they were in the same class.

"Oh hey!" R'Maia turned to face Jesse, "I didn't know you were taking this class." she smiled at him, glad to see someone that she recognised.

"The same." He returned, "I think we were having too much fun the other night to talk about school. I know I had a great time. Which reminds me, we never got together yesterday."

"I'm sorry." R'Maia's ears drooped a little, "I got carried away studying and lost track of time." she explained, feeling awful that she hadn't made the time.

"Well, same here," Jesse admitted. He had noticed her ears and not wanting her to feel bad, continued, "And hey...that's nothing to be sorry for. How about we get together early this evening? We could eat dinner, study, and listen to music." He smiled encouragingly.

"I'd like that." R'Maia visibly brightened, "Shall we meet after the last class ends?" she suggested.

Jesse thought about that and feeling certain, nodded, "Sounds good."

Sonia nodded to the arriving Cadets noting their demeanor and where they chose to sit but mostly worked on her PADD not wanting to glare them into stress as the class filled up. That information btw said a lot about a cadet and would help her modify her lessons to hopefully reach more of them.

A large group of cadets had come walking in and Hunter Belmont was among them. He moved on down an aisle, feeling uncertain about how he felt about being there, until deciding on taking a seat next to the one that was right behind Teryn.

Tery sensed someone approach and sit near her. Turning, she looked to see who it was -- her Walls were up as they always were in public, and so she had not gotten more than that sense that someone was near her, a sense honed during her time on Bajor. Seeing Hunter and recognizing him from their breakfast conversation, she smiled. "Hey again, Hunter." She did need to make more friends than Charlie, after all. The Elliciean girl was great company, but Tery knew she needed to expand her circle. So this was an attempt, as was breakfast, at beginning that process.

"Hi," he smiled back to her. "Teryn," he added, remembering her name, and his smile grew.

Cathy entered with Molly and immediately went to find seats nearest the front but not in the front.

While she did, Molly started looking around at who was there, and grinned happily when she saw Sadie, who seemed to be a bit preoccupied. So Molly inwardly shrugged and caught up to Cathy, taking her seat.

Sadie saw Cathy and Molly walk in but what started her more was that Hunter arrived. And there was a girl talking to him?! Say, what?! Why that two timing, no good, smart ass! Did he not say that we were something or the other? Sadie marched right up to Hunter and decided to put her hand lightly upon his shoulder. "How are you doing, Hunter? It is SO good to see you again. Where are we sitting? Hmmm?"

With a momentary dazed look of bewilderment, Hunter's smile to Tery lessened and he turned slightly to look up at Sadie. "Well I don't know about you, but I plan on sitting here."

"Oh, good, then I will sit here, too," she replied. Now, what in the world is his problem. "It might make it easier for our next study session."

"Uh..yeah...but this isn't a pre-med class..." Hunter replied and slowly, feeling a little more thrown off.

Tery frowned. What the hell was Sadie -- that was her name, right? -- playing at? "You can sit here if you want, Hunter," she offered. The look on his face suggested to her that he was not entirely comfortable, and she was offering to help. That was all.

He turned his attention to her and smiled before returning to Sadie, "Of course, that goes for you too, Sadie. So feel free."

"I was not aware that you wanted to limit our study sessions just to our pre-med classes, Hunter," Sadie replied with a pretty pout. Internally, she smiled at herself. "And thank you, I will happily sit with you, Hunter." She purposely addressed her comments to Hunter as if Teryn were not there.

"I just thought..." oh crap... He inwardly sighed and then managed to smile, not wanting to deal with it there. "We can talk about it later?" He didn't want to deal with it there and was started to regret having her as a study partner.

"Happily!" Sadie replied beaming at Hunter and then giving Teryn a sidelong glance. Don't you even think about it, girl. He wanted me first.

"Attention please, ground yourselves," Sonia called out and many of those cadets still looking for seats or chatting, immediately found seats and refocused on the instructor.

"My name is Commander Sonia Dalca and I am head of the Security and Tactical Department." She said in Romanian accented English. She stood and leaned against the side of the desk. "It may be odd to some to learn about our department vhen you will be elsevher. I can assure you security cadets are also learning about medical, science, engineering and others. Vhy? Because ve are a team and our life or death can be affected by vhat others do. In addition ve hope to teach you how to better survive the many things that may harm you in your career. In an emergency ve all have a role to play. Any questions before I begin?"

Tery had been wondering what the hell was Sadie's problem when the instructor had called the class to order; so she had discarded the thought as irrelevant (along with the other girl) for the moment and focused on what the instructor was saying. She noted not only the woman's name but her position and words.

Miss Dalca had a point, and Tery got it. A Resistance Cell was a team. Each had their primary function within the group, but any of them could be asked to perform other functions as needed by changing situations. Apparently, Starfleet was no different in that respect. So, for the moment, she had no questions and, therefore, remained silent, watching and listening.

The moment that the teacher called the class to order, Sadie's eyes were front and center. Knowledge was power and she knew it. She needed to know basic protocols if she needed to figure out ways around them. She also needed to know how someone might interact with her department. Let the other fools think this was unimportant. Sadie knew otherwise. No knowledge was wasted.

Hunter didn't want to be there even though he understood why the course was required. Although medical personnel weren't required to wear a phaser on away missions, one never knew when it would be necessary for them to use one.

Molly had questions, but she realized they were more on the engineering side of a phaser and this was probably not the time to ask. Holding her hands together in her lap, restraining herself, she kept quiet.

After a few moments of no questions but an attentive class, and Sonia definitely appreciated that, she nodded. "Very vell. To be begin these classes will cover three overall areas. One-Vhen ve can't get to you in time, this will include phaser use, basic hand to hand and the like. Two-Vhat the different emergencies are that we have been able to plan for and your role. Three-Vhat you can expect from security."

Tery listened carefully, noting everything on her PADD. The first sounded like it would not be too difficult. Having grown up during the Occupation, she already had a good handle on self-defense. She did wonder what new skills they would teach her though that she could add to her repertoire. The others would be new, so she made note of this as well.

Sadie wanted to cringe every time that she heard the teacher say a "w" as a "v." Nonetheless, she paid attention, stealing a quick look at Hunter and Tery.

Sonia nodded, "To continue ve'll start off vith what security actually does and how they operate." So then she went into a brief overview about what the security department actually did in different situations, how long one could expect a response best case, within minutes or seconds in a true emergency, or worst case, no reply at all. This took a bit of time as they did fair amount but Sonia was careful to keep it to basics while giving more time to areas other departments would notice. "By knowing vhat to expect that can aid you in planning during an emergency situation. Any questions before we go into the different emergency alert procedures?" She paused careful to give students time to answer, she'd had fire hose instruction before and did not always find it useful.

Tery's attention was now completely on the instructor. Her stylus moved quickly across the PADD as she took notes on everything the officer said. So far, there was nothing for her to question, so she said nothing but merely awaited the continuation of the lecture.

Get on with it already! Sadie thought to herself watching Tery frantically take notes. What are you taking notes on? All she's done is give a bunch of preliminary garbage? God, you're annoying! Why would Hunter even like you? she asked to herself as she studied the girl.

Only taking an occasional note, Hunter listened intently, determined to do his best no matter the class. There were a few "no ma'ams" in response if there were any questions, Hunter was among those that gave them.

Sonia nodded then continued, "There are going to be some emergencies ve can't plan for but Starfleet has tried to categorize as many as possible. Each will look and sound different and in each case you will have certain actions you must take depending on what department you are in. This screen." She gestured to the large screen behind her, "Vill go through each one. It vill be at the same decibels as though on ship or station."

She paused giving them a moment, "Starting vith Red Alert, highest combat status." She tapped a key on a PADD she'd picked up from her desk. A loud, long beeping, repeating sound filled the room as a 'Condition: Red Alert' all in red flashed on the screen. She let it play for a few moments before tapping the key again, "It is not meant to be subtle. It vill play on all consoles, over ship coms, everywhere as well all shipwide emergency notices. In this case you are in immediate danger of attack by another vessel or source. Medical personnel will be on full alert on posts and prepped for severe injuries related to the attack, engineers will be on station for Damage Control..." She continued along that vein ending with, "those without a direct duty may still be called if they have needed qualifications like field medic or engineering expansion courses. If not they are to report to their quarters and bunker down unless told otherwise."

Tery hated the sound of that Alert klaxon, but she figured that was the point, that it was so annoying you couldn't ignore it. She noted the information but realized that it was really kind of self-evident when one thought about it.

After a moment Sonia continued, "You will receive more instruction in your departments, as I said it helps us to know that you vill react in certain vays so as to aid and not hinder the situation. Does anyone have questions about their duties or the duties of security during a Red Alert? Or perhaps care to explain what they feel those duties may be?" She asked curious at what they were taking in.

Recalling some of what Sonia had explained earlier and glancing at her notes, Molly raised her hand and her eyes wide, spoke out, "I'd like to. During a Red Alert, there would be one or two security officers stationed on the bridge and engineering, one to four taking up stand-by positions on each non-engineering deck, and ummm... the possibility of four or more security officer detachments would be sent to the transporter rooms and hangar bays. As an engineering officer, I think where I would be assigned might depend on my normal shift. It seems to me that anything that would be shut down or offline would be on standby. That...any backup systems would be on standby?" She shrugged at the last.

"Close." Sonia smiled at the cadet, "All vital areas like engineering and the computer core vould get a small team in case it turns into an intruder situation. In that case they will be there to protect you while you conduct vital repairs." She paused then continued, "Barring an intruder situation, any security that can be spared with engineering extension courses may support Damage Control teams as the medical trained may go support medical. This is an optional framework open to command staff. If you are in duty as engineering you will likely be assigned to a Damage Control team, if security are being seconded you may find yourself in command of these being the senior officer in that situation. If you are off duty, report to engineering. Everyone is on at that point. Clear enough?" She asked.

"Clear enough," Molly nodded, having returned her smile. "I recall now what you said earlier about damage control teams."

Sitting a couple of seats down from her, Sakar then added, "I recall in our required reading that for basic emergency preparedness, that at least 40% of a crew is required to be cross-trained in various secondary assignments such as emergency medicine and other disaster response functions, such as fire suppression, as well as support for engineering and security. Those cross-trained with primary assignments considered non-critical would then be available for their secondary assignments as necessary."

Tery listened not only to the instructor but to the other students. Some of them sounded like they'd grown up on starships, and she thought that might mean that she could learn something from them too. Of course, nothing said went into her notes without corroboration by the instructor. She was starting to feel very behind though. Terok Nor was nothing like Starfleet ships, after all.

Sonia smiled at Sakar, "Just so. As universe gets creative at throwing curve balls so we too must be adaptable so as you train here you will be learning other specialties. For example life sciences, science officer will likely train as a backup medic that sort of thing. Well said." She finished before continuing.

"This next one is perhaps the most open as it is used for concerning situations. Including, but not limited to, environmental hazards to the crew, main power failure, docking and separation maneuvers, and landing protocols, for ships with that capability." She tapped another key and the Blue Alert symbol and sounds filled the room for a few moments, "This would ideally be followed by a message informing as to the nature of the concern and more for areas Vhere there is not an active attack." She paused again and walked gracefully in front of the desk, "If you lose power or have an environmental issue at a Blue Alert, security actually can take a back seat to engineering, medical and science. Their posture sometimes being more to defend and aid than attack an opponent."

Sadie's ears perked up at the mention of a blue alert. She knew of red and yellow, but this was the first time that she heard about a blue alert. Once she heard it explained, she felt that she could have kicked herself. After all, blue made sense. They would have to have something for medical personnel to be deployed. She gave an eager grin. Finally, something that would get her directly involved on a ship. Knowing that this was hers and Hunter's department, she stole a quick look at him to see if he was as rapt with attention as she was now.

Hunter happened to glance over to her at the same time and, with her expression, had to smile. Perhaps the class would be more interesting than he had originally thought it would be, perhaps they would be doing blue alert scenarios. As the instructor continued onto the next emergency, he turned his attention back to her, focusing more on what she had to say.

~End Post


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