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Posted on Mon Jun 28th, 2021 @ 10:04pm by Lieutenant Commander Antonio Vazquez "Houdini" & Commander Paige O'Halloran "Banshee"

Mission: To Keep Moving Forward
Location: Security Chief's office
Timeline: 2388/09/01 0903 (Mon. Sept. 01 2388 9:03am)

Paige was in her office, well her body was in her office. Her mind was deep in thought about personnel and training as she stared at the beautiful scenery outside her window. Her office had its usual bits and bobs, a few medieval weapons here, a few paintings there. She had depth but it's not like she hid who she was. Her mind worked at training options as she waited for her next appointment.

Her door open, suddenly there was a knock on the frame, and a tall Hispanic man peering inside. "Hola, Chief," he said with a smile that reached his eyes.

Paige looked up from her PADD her smile broad and genuine. "Hey Antonio," She said standing and gesturing to a chair, "Been a bit." happy to see him and under so much better circumstances than when she and Ta'mas had first gotten together.

"Yes, it has," he replied, taking the offered seat. He was really happy to be there. "I think the last time was dinner at Aunt Marisol's a few days after your wedding," he said, crossing one leg over the other in the letter four position.

Paige smiled, "I don't suppose she delivers?" Paige jokingly asked remembering the food. "Seriously though they are all well?" She asked after the family.

"They are doing very well, thank you," Antonio responded appreciatively and then his smile grew. "You may get a chance to eat Marisol's cooking again after all."

Paige looked at him a smile still on her face but her expression now held a hint of puzzlement. "How so? She's coming for a visit?" She asked pleased at the idea.

He nodded, "Yes, Sir. Actually, she's moving here to help out with the baby."

Paige nodded, "Good, I was getting a wee bit worried. I mean all women hope their pregnancies won't drag on but this is somewhat ridiculous. Is everything else going well?" She asked concerned.

"I believe so," Antonio replied. "but all things considered, we're both nervous as hell."

Paige nodded, "Ta'mas and I as well, I had to convince my family they did not need to descend upon you in mass with tea and stew but they're willing. Family tis family. Anything you need." She promised. "My father's an excellent doctor, he's offered to come ifin you need him." It's what O'Hallorans did, they circled the wagons around their own in times of need and they'd accepted Ta'mas' family as their own when Paige got married.

"Well, lucky for us they have great doctors here." Antonio nervously chuckled, blew out a breath, and then gave another smile. "I do appreciate the offer, but your dad would not get here on time. Most likely the baby is going to come any day now."

Paige nodded, "Point taken. If there's anything I can do...." She made the offer though a bit unsure what form that might take.

He nodded, "I appreciate it, I'll let you know. Meanwhile, I'm here to report in as your new Chief of Campus Security."

"Right of course." She replied changing gears, "And thank the gods you are here, I've never had a position with so many moving parts. All the fun of being a Chief of Security of a large Starfleet installation and Head of the city Guarda, a large city at that." She leaned back. "You get to be the first line for normal security functions for the campus while riding herd on hormonal baby adults. You feelin' good about that?"

Antonio half-smiled. "I'm feeling alright. But then this isn't my first time dealing with cadets." He said the last more as a reminder, figuring she already knew that. Once upon a time, he'd been an instructor, served his time.

"True but an instructor responsible to one class at a time, helping deal with infractions as they see them is a bit easier than an entire campus wherein your focus is security and busting illegal parties. A matter of degree I suppose." She grinned briefly, remembering a few of her own experiences. "Still you got good experience boyo, that's why you're here. And part of my job is ta make sure you are settled for yours. Have you had a chance to look around yet? Review your staff?"

"Ohh, not yet," Antonio said, after taking in a deep breath. "We only arrived about an hour and a half ago, checked in with the quartermaster, checked out our apartment. Then we decided to report in..." he smiled at his next words, "before shopping for the baby."

Paige smiled again, happy for the couple, "Oh aye. Priorities." Then a thought occurred, "Oh we've gifts so please let me know when we should pop over, alright? And in the meanwhile, I did do a quick check and your department had some good people in it, should be able to get on with things until you get yer sea legs."

"Alright, sounds great. May I start tomorrow?" he asked, actually looking forward to it but wanting to get settled in first, Lena and the baby considered.

Paige nodded, "I expect we can keep things reasonably on the rails for another day." She replied with another smile, then knocked on her wooden desk. "Just in case, don't want to tempt fate. And speaking of such as I don't want Lena on my head, you best be off unless you need anything else?" She teased gently.

Antonio shook his head and started rising out of his seat. "No, and I really appreciate the extra day. And, we'll be sure to let you know when we're ready for a visit."

"A Grand plan. My best to Lena." Another ready smile, "Tomorrow will be soon enough." She continued, making a gentle shooing motion.

"Okay.." he grinned, I'm out here," and with a wave, was out the door.



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