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First Session

Posted on Sat Apr 24th, 2021 @ 6:15pm by Counselor Noel Bello & Christina Hartley

Mission: To Keep Moving Forward
Location: Christina's home, colony
Timeline: 2388/09/01 0905 (Mon. Sept. 01 2388 9:05am)

Christina smiled as she sat on the floor in the lounge of the new house, rattling the toy in front of Amy. "You want this one, sweetie?" she asked. Amy smiled as she reached for the toy, and so Christina gave it to her, just as she saw someone walking towards the house. She smiled again at Amy and stood up, going to the front door. "Can I help you?" she asked, smiling at the visitor.

The visitor, a human woman with chocolate brown skin, smiled back to her. "Christina Hartley? I'm Noel Bello. I believe Brady Dering told you about me?"

Christina nodded. "Yes, he did. Please, come on in," Christina said, stepping aside to allow the woman to enter the house. "I appreciate your willingness to make a house call," she said.

Noel entered, her smile remaining as she looked around for a quick moment to take in the atmosphere, making sure to wave at Amy, before looking back to Christina. "It's absolutely no problem," she said gently. "I like to look at this as more like a welcome to the neighborhood visit," she added cheerfully.

Christina nodded as she closed the front door. "It's a beautiful neighborhood. I never imagined getting to live anywhere as lovely as this," Christina said, as she went to Amy, handing her the toy she was reaching for. "This is my daughter, Amy. She's my world," Christina said.

Noel grinned as she looked back down to Amy and then back to Christina. "She's very beautiful. What you said about how the neighborhood is beautiful, there are some lovely parks and gardens throughout the colony and a wonderful playground in walking distance from here."

"I'm looking forward to exploring the area properly. I've got a lot to do in setting up, especially with the cafe that Brady convinced me I'd be good at running, which I admit is kind of a dream of mine, and I need to sort out daycare and learn about the area so I can take Amy out for picnics and such. There's just so much to do when moving to a new place, but at least it's as far away from Earth and Malcolm White as I can get," Christina said.

"I would be happy to help you sort out the daycare," Noel said in response. "And please don't ever forget that You'll have a support system in settling in."

"Thank you," Christina smiled. "I'm a little worried about setting up the diner alone, but I'm sure I can work something out. I've got a number of plans," she added.

"Well," Noel leaned her head a little to the side and smiled, "how about the three of us go for a little walk right now and take care of a couple of those concerns, strike them off your list."

Christina smiled. "That sounds wonderful, thank you," Christina said, smiling as she scooped up Amy into her arms. "Wanna go for a walk?" she asked, smiling. Amy smiled at Christina, and she got her dressed in her outdoor clothes.

"Ready," Christina said, after getting herself ready. She smiled at Noel as she put Amy in the pushchair. "Where are we going?" she asked.

Noel returned her smile. "I was thinking we could make a stop at a park, check out the daycare right next door, grab some lunch. How does all that sound?"

Christina smiled. "Sounds like a good idea," she agreed, as she made sure she had a bag of toys for Amy. "I know I just arrived, but I like being busy," she added.

Noel nodded. "Busy is good," she agreed, her smile reaching her eyes as she liked to be busy too, "as long as it's done in a healthy way." She went over to the door and kept it opened for Christina and Amy.

"There's an unhealthy way to be busy?" Christina looked at the woman, frowning. "I always thought being busy was good no matter what," she said, as she pushed the buggy out of the front door.

Looking over to her, Noel shook her head. "It's not always. There's good busy and there's bad busy. We can talk about the differences if you like."

"What are the differences?" Christina asked, tilting her head slightly as she looked at Noel. "I just... I've always just kept busy, and never really thought of it any other way," she admitted.

They had continued walking and Noel thought about how to explain. "Well, for one, being busy can become a habit and when this happens to someone, they can end up burned out, depleted of energy, and then dreading their day. The key is to become acutely aware of what gives you energy and what depletes it. And to know when to delegate."

Christina thought for a moment, and nodded. "I guess that makes sense. I mean, since Amy was born, I've just done everything I can to make sure she's okay. I resigned from Starfleet because I didn't want to risk my life, not when I'm the sole guardian of my sweet baby girl. Her father took one look at her, and then left. He didn't even hold her, the bastard," Christina said bitterly.

"Holding on to that can't be healthy, either," Noel pointed out. "That is something else I would like us to talk about."

Christina sighed. "Maybe, but I don't know any other way to feel. I mean, the man was a senior officer to me, and promised me he'd always be there, no matter what. What kind of man looks at their baby and just walks off?" Christina asked. It was clear she was still bitter from the tone of her voice. "And to such a beautiful girl like Amy? When she asks about her father, I'm not going to be able to say anything positive because when I think back to everything, it feels like all he wanted was to get into my pants!"

At the moment, Noel didn't know what to say to all of that. She did feel sad for Christina, for all she had been through in what had been obviously a very unhealthy relationship. She gave her a sympathetic look just before spotting their first destination. With a smile, she gestured for Christina to notice, and hoped it would take her mind away from all the bitterness, at least for a while. "There it is, New Frontier Park. It has a great playground. I'm sure Amy is going to love it."

Christina smiled, nodding. "It looks beautiful here," she said, showing the park to Amy, who was giggling and pointing. "I think she likes it," she said. "Look Amy, we'll be able to have picnics here," she said.

"It is lovely," Noel sighed, along with the hope, that with the future looking so much better, Christina would be able to start letting go of all the bad things in her past.



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