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A Beautiful New Beginning

Posted on Sat Jun 6th, 2020 @ 11:47pm by Lieutenant Commander Antonio Vazquez "Houdini" & Lieutenant Commander Lena Vazquez

Mission: To Keep Moving Forward
Location: Orbital Station/Colony Station
Timeline: 2388/09/01 0730 (Mon. Sept. 01 2388 7:30am)

Holding her hand, Lieutenant Antonio Vazquez lead his wife over to large viewing window where they both could get a good view of the planet below. "We made the right decision, Lena," he said looking over at her and squeezing her hand.

Placing a hand over her rapidly expanding abdomen, Lena smiled up at him and said "I think our baby will thank us for the opportunity to grow up somewhere like's beautiful."

"Yes it is," Antonio smiled back to her, and then turned back to look at Sapientia, their new home, "very beautiful." Making the decision to transfer to new positions, to move there, felt like a new beginning, one he felt they both really needed. Looking up at a wall clock, he said, "We still have time before reporting in to our department about we check in with the quartermaster and our apartment first."

"I'd like that." Lena nodded wearily, "I'm tired." she added suddenly realising how much the travel had taken out of her.

Antonio nodded before leading her away, reminded again of the happy addition that would soon be joining them.

A short time later they entered their apartment, and he stood there watching her, enjoying the look on her beautiful face as she looked around them.

"It's huge!" Lena turned in a circle as she took everything in. Having lived on starships for years now, space like this was something she'd long forgotten. She waddled over to the doors to the balcony and opened them. "Oh you have just got to come and see this view." she said excitedly.

Walking up behind her, Antonio wrapped his arms, barely, around her middle and looked out at the mountain scenery, "It's breathtaking. Sometimes..." he pressed the side of his head against the top of hers, the words not immediately there, "it feels a little surreal."

"Being here?" Lena asked, leaning back against him as her eyes drank in the view.

"Here, us, our baby," he kissed her temple and then smiled, "Life couldn't be any more perfect."

"Seems like a dream." Lena nodded with a contented sigh, "Although, I do have to say that the way things have progressed have really freaked me out. And who is to say that the birth will be normal?" she added uneasily, her brow furrowing with concern.

"You'll do wonderful," Antonio smiled, although inside he was feeling uneasy too. "Here, come with me." and he took her hand to lead her down a short hall into one of the bedrooms. It was empty and filled with natural morning light. "This will be Mireya's bedroom," he smiled brightly. "What d'you think?"

"Perfect." Lena smiled, already imagining what it would look like as a nursery. "We'll have to get going pretty quickly on preparing it for her though...given everything that's happened, she's probably going to be early."

He sighed, "That's true," then took in a deep breath. "She's healthy, " he added, needing to reassure himself as well as her.

"I know...I'm just scared." Lena admitted sheepishly, "Because we're not ready for her to arrive yet."

"We will be, I promise you," he had smiled back down to her, although his nerves had twisting up inside of him. So he pulled her into a hug, holding her as closely to him as possible with the baby between them. "We could put in an order today to the quartermaster," he continued, "supplies for however you want to decorate. And how about a bassinet? It can go next to our bed."

"That sounds perfect." Lena nodded, "Let's do it and that way I won't have to worry about early arrivals." she smiled lovingly at him.

"Okay," he grinned, and then softly added, "but first this..." and bent his head down to kiss her tenderly on her soft lips, moving a hand up to caress the side of her face.

"Oh I always like this." Lena breathed as her arms wrapped around his neck, her huge bump keeping him frustratingly at arms length.

"I know," his grin lessened to a wry smile. "It's too bad we have to report in yet. So how about we get that over with, come back here and figure out how you want to decorate our daughter's bedroom, get that order in, and then spend the rest of the day...well you know..getting settled in."

"I think you're full of good ideas." Lena grinned at him before kissing him again softly, "So I guess we should go...the sooner we do this, the sooner we can get to the settling in part."

"I agree," he fully smiled, and then looking just a little bit concerned, drew his head back, "You still alright with the possibility of another little addition to this family?"

"The dog?" Lena looked at him, "Of course you can have him or her but I've never had a dog so don't look at me for help in raising him." she chuckled.

"No worries, and I promise you," he raised an eyebrow, taking her hand as they walked out of the bedroom, "you won't regret it."

"I hope not." Lena replied, in truth a little nervous of having a pet in the house with the baby on the way.

Antonio stopped them just outside the entrance to their apartment and kissed her on the forehead. He then nearly whispered "Thank you," and gave her a reassuring smile as they headed away.


Lieutenant Antonio Vazquez
Campus Security Chief/Sabre Deputy
Magellan Campus/Station


Lieutenant Lena Hartley
Maintenance Chief
Magellan Orbital Station


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