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Arriving to a Fresh Start

Posted on Sat Jun 6th, 2020 @ 10:57pm by Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Christina Hartley

Mission: To Keep Moving Forward
Location: Magellan Orbital Station
Timeline: 2388/09/01 0740 (Mon. Sept. 01 2388 7:40am)

If there was one thing Christina knew for a fact, it was that life could not get any worse than it had been. She stood near the window of the orbital station, looking out at the stars and the ships moving to and from the planet, and heading in and out of warp.

But she knew this was going to be her fresh start. She had been keeping to herself, but the message from Brady... it had been unexpected, but not unwelcome. After all, a chance to get off Earth, and a new home... that was definitely a welcome change from the norm.

A part of her wondered what she was doing here. Sure, she was a chef, fully qualified thanks to night classes whilst at Utopia Planetia, and back when she was at the academy, but to run her own diner... well, she had no idea if she could do it, but she wanted to give it her best shot.

She held her daughter Amy in her arms, smiling as she did. "That's our new home, sweetie," she said. Amy giggled, looking at Christina.

"Mama, Mama!" she said happily. Christina grinned; Amy had only started speaking words recently, and she was so proud of her daughter. She still wished Malcolm hadn't upped and left, but she was done waiting for him.

"Christina," came a gentle and friendly voice off to one side of her. It was Brady, who was walking towards them and carrying a lei of flowers. "Welcome to Sapientia, " he smiled widely as she saw him.

Christina smiled at Brady, turning to face him. Amy grinned as she saw him; she always smiled at people. "Brady," she said, as she approached him, and gently hugged him. "It's wonderful to see you in person again," she told him.

"Well, it’s wonderful to see you too,' he said, smiling widely in return, looking between the two, "besides on a monitor screen."

His eyes resting on Amy, he took a step back as if to get a better view of her. "Christina, her pictures don't do her justice. She’s beautiful,” he added gently and then remembered about the lei. "Oh here," he managed to place the lei over her head, situating it over her shoulders even with the little girl in her arms, "this is for you."

Christina smiled, looking at them. "It's beautiful, thank you," she said. She sniffed them happily. "Do you want to hold her?" she asked, offering her to Brady.

"I would love to," he replied, then extended his arms out to the little girl, wanting to hold her only if she was willing. "It's nice to meet you, Amy. May I hold you? We'll stay right by your mom."

Christina smiled, and handed Amy to Brady. Amy was very eager, reaching out her hand and gurgling happily as she took hold of Brady. "She's very friendly, I've shown her your picture before," she said, looking at the two of them. "I wish I had my camera," she added. She took another look out of the window, down at the planet below. "Thank you, for helping to get me here," she said.

"You're welcome. And I'm very happy you accepted," he smiled back to her. "Unfortunately, I'm a little short on time..." he continued, looking back to Amy, "so I already cleared things with the quarter master, giving me the chance to show you your new home, go over a few things." He then asked the little girl, "Would you like to see your new bedroom, Amy?"

Amy smiled as Christina kissed Brady on the cheek. "That sounds wonderful," she said. "I've brought a few things with me for the diner, some spices and herbs, a selection of meats and vegetables, they should be here soon," she explained. "I never thought I'd get the chance to do something like this," she confessed.

Brady had started them walking, still holding Amy in his arms. "Christina, I'm excited for you." He looked over to her thoughtfully, "You've come a long way, worked hard. You've earned this opportunity." He lowered his head, leaning sideways a little to express, "I'm very proud of you."

Christina couldn't help but blush at the compliment. She wasn't used to them, that was for sure. "I wouldn't have come this far without you, Brady. You supported me after the divorce, you gave me the support I needed when I wanted to join Starfleet, and you always helped me when I needed you. You went above and beyond, and that means everything to me. You know I'm looking forward to cooking for you at the diner," she said.

"I'm looking forward to it too," he smiled back to her, leading her into a waiting turbolift, and after giving their destination, continued, "Whenever the Solace docks here, I'll do my best to stop by and say hi."

Christina nodded. "I'm going to miss you, I had hoped we'd have more time together, but at least here I have a fresh start," she said, smiling. "How big a diner will I have? I'll need to find staff, but it won't be a problem. I just... I know I spent time at the academy, but I feel more excited about this," she added.

Brady grinned at her excitement, "I'm excited for you." He was then reminded, "Your diner's location is not far from another establishment, Dev's Place. It's own by a good friend of mine, Deveron Raziel. I'd like the two of you to meet."

Christina nodded. "Okay. As long as you're not trying to set me up on a blind date," she joked, with a smirk. "You've really done so much for me. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to thank you properly," Christina said, as Amy started to cry. "Oh sweetie, it's okay, we're going to our new home soon," she said, smiling at her in Brady's arms. "You're okay, it's only your Uncle Brady," she said, tapping her nose.

"I think my time is up," Brady said, handing Amy over to her mother, and then smiled in thought as the turbolift doors opened. "Deveron's a man of many talents, a good man, a good listener. And I'm recommending him when it comes to business matters. I happen to know he'd be happy to help in regards to your diner," he continued as they stepped out.

Christina smiled back, taking Amy and gently rocking her in her arms. "I'd like to meet him. If you like him, then he has to be a decent guy," Christina said. "It's okay Amy, it's okay," she cooed softly, kissing Amy's forehead. "Come on baby, it's okay," she said. She looked at Brady. "I hate Malcolm for the fact that he hasn't even held her. He saw her then just left. Kinda put me off men, if I'm honest," she admitted.

Brady gave her a nod with a look of understanding, not saying anything more. He could have easily gone into a counseling session from there, but it was neither the right place nor the right time.

With his credentials he had a transporter room on hold for them, and within a few moments later they were beaming to the main transportation center down on the planet. He lead her through a crowd to a hover car waiting for them outside. Getting in and sitting beside Amy who was buckled in between them, he gave instructions to the location of her and Amy's new home.

As the hovercar raised and lifted off the ground, he said over to her. "So what do you think so far?" referring to the landscape and the mountains in the distance.

"Honestly? It's beautiful. Clean skies, not as busy, and a fresh start. I started back up with my painting and art not long ago, I thought I'd give it a go. I'm getting there, but it feels kind of inspiring here," Christina replied. "I wish I was confident, but I have to try and keep some faith. I know, I've got a lot to live for with little miss here, but I just... well, I'm just hoping to maybe find some kind of peace here," she admitted.

Pleased to hear about her painting, Brady reached over Amy and placed his hand over hers, giving her an encouraging smile. "I think you will, if you give it a chance." He pulled out a small pocket datapad, handing it out to her. "This is yours. You can use it as a guide to the different areas within the colony, including the location of your new counselor. I already inputted her information. And it's also useful as a journal and planner."

Christina nodded, accepting the datapad. "Thank you Brady. I swear, I don't know what I would have done without you," she said, looking at the datapad, calling up some basic information. "The place you got for me and Amy to live, you didn't say anything about it. What's it like?" she asked.

"It's lovely," he smiled back to her. "Located not far from the Promenade end of the base is small housing development of starter homes. I think the both of you are going to love it there."

Christina smiled happily. "Thank you," she said. "I know Amy will, she needs somewhere like this. I'm just... well, I won't let you down. You've done so much for me, I'll make sure this works. I promise," she said. "I still... well, I thought Malcolm was a better man than this," she said. "But I don't need anyone in my life. I have Amy, I have a diner, and I have you as a friend. What else do I need?" she asked.

"An understanding that you don't owe me anything." Brady's eyes locked onto hers. "Do this for yourself as well as for Amy...and know that you aren't alone. There are many others starting over here too. And there's a great support system here."

Christina looked at him, and nodded softly. "Everything I do, I do for her. She is... well, I hate Malcolm right now, but I'm grateful to him for giving me this bundle of joy," she said, kissing Amy's forehead, watching her giggle. "Brady... I am grateful, beyond anything I can say. I probably would have gone mad back on Earth. What about you, though? Exciting times ahead for you, right?" she asked.

Having been taking in everything she said, he now smiled. "Right. I've been given my first starship command, which is nothing I planned for, but I'm really looking forward to whats ahead." He was about to say more when the hovercar came to a stop and so, instead, pointed out through her door window before opening his. "What do you think?" he smiled before getting out of the vehicle.


Christina gasped as she looked at it. "Brady... it... it..." she struggled with the words. "Gods, it's gorgeous!" she exclaimed. "I love it so much!" she added before racing to him and hugging him tightly.

Brady grinned at her initial reaction, walking around and towards her as she stepped out of the car. He hugged her tightly back, but only for a moment, smiling back down to her, "I am so glad." He let her go and then reached into the car to unbuckle Amy.

Christina looked back at the house, and giggled slightly. "I... I always dreamt of having a place like this," Christina said. "Oh wow... I'm gonna need to get some baby safety gates up, but that won't take me too long. And the air is just so fresh!" she said. She kissed Brady's cheek again. "I don't know how I can ever thank you," she said.

"You just did." he handed Amy over to her and started them walking. "Wait til you see the inside..." He looked at his watch, "I can walk you inside but then I'm going to have to take off."

Christina nodded, smiling as she held Amy. "Wanna see your new home?" she asked, kissing Amy's forehead. "Let's go see with Uncle Brady," she added, walking to the front door.

Brady pressed in the key code and then moved out of the way, looking forward to their reactions once they took a step inside.


Captain Brady Dering
Former Counselor
New CO of the USS Solace

Christina Hartley
Owner of Hartley's Diner
Magellan Station Promenade


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