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Requesting Approach And Landing

Posted on Thu Feb 16th, 2023 @ 2:53pm by Captain Jayam "Jay" Vidod & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Mundy

Mission: To Keep Moving Forward
Location: Runabout Kennedy/Magellan Station
Timeline: 2388/09/01 0650 (Mon. Sept. 01 2388 6:50am)

The runabout continued to approach the colony.

Mundy opened a channel. "Serene Colony orbital station. This is the Federation Runabout Kennedy, requesting approach approval."

On Magellan's orbital station, one of the small vessel clearance team's FCOs verified its authenticity after receiving the proper clearance code and contacted the ground station. A moment later, he activated his comm and responded to the runabout, "Runabout Kennedy, clearance has been given for atmospheric entry, forwarding the required frequency for air traffic control. Welcome to Serene Colony, Sapientia."

"Thank you. Starting approach. Kennedy out." Mundy hailed the air traffic control. "Air traffic control, this is the runabout Kennedy. Requesting flight instructions."

A moment later, they were sent; the coordinates and instructions to the assigned landing bay he was to land on. A large Orion and Trill hybrid man watched the Kennedy land and started walking over to greet him.

After landing, Mundy shut down the engines. He moved to the hatch, opened it, and walked towards the officer approaching him.

The Orion hybrid smiled as they met, "Lieutenant Commander Mundy, welcome." He extended a hand to shake Mundy's and continued, explaining, "I'm Captain Vidod, chief of flight operations. Your department head, Commander Solmarr, is off-world, won't be back until tomorrow, and asked me to greet you."

Mundy shook the captain's hand. "Pleasure to meet you, captain."

"The pleasure is mine," Jay responded, releasing the other man's hand and starting them walking. "I read your file, and it says you're more than good as a pilot. That's good to know."

"Thank you, sir. I wanted to be valuable at any post I was assigned." Mundy responded.

Jay nodded at his response and directed the other man towards the exterior entrance to a large turbolift that had an interior door as well. It was obviously connected to a very large windowed small craft bay. "I thought we start by showing you where your office is. Any questions as we head there?"

Mundy nodded. "If I have any, I will make sure to ask you, sir."

Oh yes, the quiet type, Jay thought with a smile and nodded, accepting Mundy's answer. "Alright," he said and then led Mundy into the turbolift.

A short time later they arrived at the operations command building, where once inside the entryway, Jay stopped them. "From here, you're on your own," he said to Mundy Pleasantly. "Get your access code, communication gear, and apartment assignment orientation packet from one of your quartermasters. Settle into your office, go for a walk, and meet some of the crew. Up to you, but take the day to start getting acclimated. You'll be on call, of course, so keep that in mind."

"Understood, sir!"

At that, Jay inwardly chuckled. "Relax, Lt. Commander, but definitely be on standby. We'll talk later." Then he turned and walked away.


Captain Jayam "Jay" Vidod
Chief of Flight Operations
Starbase Magellan/Serene Colony

Lt Commander Alexander Mundy
Assistant Chief of Operations
Starbase Magellan/Serene Colony


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