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An Off The Clock Offer

Posted on Mon May 24th, 2021 @ 5:42pm by Commander Ta'mas & Lieutenant Commander Lena Vazquez

Mission: To Keep Moving Forward
Location: Magellan Orbital Station
Timeline: 2388/09/01 0915 (Mon. Sept. 01 2388 9:15am)

His hands lightly fisted, rubbing his forefingers with his thumbs, Ta'mas stared out the viewing window of the Orbital Docking Maintenance Chief's office. Something was off but he couldn't put his finger on it. There was the familiar hiss of a door opening, but the departing ship he'd been watching seem to imprison him from looking to see who it was. Although he knew.

"Oh! You are here." Lena jumped a little as she entered her new office. Even though she'd been told that the Commander would be meeting her here, it had still made her react like she'd been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Her eyes immediately wandered to the tin of biscuits on her desk and then looked back at Ta'mas, remembering her place as she added "Sir."

Ta'mas had turned and, with a small smile, raised an eyebrow when he saw her. The sight of her lifting his spirit, he said, "Hello, Lena." And then looked down at her very large tummy, "And of course, Mireya," his smile growing as he looked back up to her. "It appears you are due any day now."

"Do I look that huge?" Lena looked a little crestfallen, "Scrap that...I'm bigger than a blue whale." she walked over to him and said "And you're right, I don't have long to go at all now. Starting to get a bit scared actually." she wrinkled her nose. Then she smiled and said, "But that's enough about me, it's really good to see you Ta'mas."

"It is good to see you, too, Lena." And it was. She had been his assistant engineering chief on their last assignment, had become his friend during that time, a difficult time between him and his cousin, Antonio, to who she was now married. His inner brows had raised at her stating she was getting scared about the birth of the baby. "How are you?" he asked, and in a way that made it clear that he really wanted to know, wanted an honest answer, not the usual positive, polite, and common response.

"Apart from scared you mean?" She chuckled, "Tired, my ankles are sore and the indigestion is killing me...but apart from all of that, I'm great." she held her arms wide and added "Ok...and maybe a little bit excited too."

The last of what she said caused him to smile again, and with a familiar, wishful, feeling that he and Paige were already starting their own family. As per usual, he placed the feeling aside and went over to her desk, pulling out the desk chair with both hands. "Please take a seat and rest those ankles."

"I won't say no to that." Lena grinned as she bustled over and lowered herself down into the chair and sighed happily "I don't think that I'll ever get up again. Walking is over-rated."

"I can only imagine." Then with a raised eyebrow, he walked around the desk to face her again. Lowering his head, he regarded her thoughtfully. "Lena, while I appreciate you reporting in, I'm officially placing you on maternity leave." he put up a hand to block any protesting on her end. "However, feel free to get to know your department."

Despite his hand held up, Lena looked up sharply and said "No! I mean...I may look tired but I can still work." her eyes pleaded, "If I stay at home, I'll just eat all day and get even larger than I am right now." she pouted.

One of his eyebrows raising, Ta'mas remained firm. Well, mostly. "You can hang out here, but off the clock. Lite work, only. Deal?"

Lena beamed at him and leaned forward to hold out a hand, "Deal."

Her beautiful smile always infectious, Ta'mas gave a boyish smile in return and bracing himself for the touch, took her hand.



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