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New Doc in the House

Posted on Sat Apr 24th, 2021 @ 2:47pm by Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D., M.S. & Lieutenant Francesca Grant M.D.

Mission: To Keep Moving Forward
Location: Magellan Station Corridor/
Timeline: 2388/09/01 0910 (Mon. Sept. 01 2388 9:10am)

Reclined back with his feet propped up on the usual corner of his desk, Cole stared at the monitor screen going over his schedule for a second time that day. A new physician was to be reporting in at any time, and he was hoping she wouldn't be late so he could get back to his rounds.

He was reaching for his coffee cup when he spotted someone he recognized from her file, a pretty woman no less, walking by, and with his office door opened, shouted out to her, "Hey...Doctor Francesca Grant!"

Francesca Grant moved through the corridor with an air of confidence she didn't entirely feel on the inside. She would have to break down and ask the computer for directions if she didn't find her destination soon, but she was determined to find her way based on her own study of the station's schematics. Still, it would be worse if she ended up being late for her reporting in meeting. A positive first impression was key.

She was just about to admit defeat despite being convinced she had to be close when she heard her name called aloud. Startled and not at all convinced she'd heard correctly, she stopped and turned toward the voice, spotting the man and his pips. "Pardon, sir?"

Standing now in the doorway, Cole now smiled out to her, "Would you happen to be looking for a Doctor Cole Dering?"

Francesca's heightened tension was immediately eased by the polite smile she saw on the other man's face. No doubt she looked lost and were it not for the uniform, she might've looked like a tourist. He could've been graph with her but instead, he had taken a genuine interest. " as a matter of fact, I am, sir. Do you know where I might find him?"

"I do. In fact, I am standing in his office," he teased.

Francesca felt the heat hit her cheeks, but she hoped she managed what would be considered a charming smile as she offered, "I suppose it's fortunate for me then. Do you perhaps have more time to talk with me beyond giving an absent minded family doctor directions?"

Cole's smile grew as he saw hers. "I certainly do. Come on in, Doctor Grant, I've been expecting you." Stepping out of the doorway, he waved her on in.

Despite some lingering embarrassment, Francesca found her own smile widening in response. At least Cole seemed personable and good-natured… Not unexpected for a healer, but not guaranteed either. She entered as directed, turning to meet him, electing not to sit until she had been invited.

"I was about to get another cup of coffee," he said, thumb gesturing towards a small beverage replicator in the waiting area across from them. "Can I get you something while I'm at it?" he asked, reaching over to grab the mug already sitting on his desk.

"No, but thank you," Francesca replied with some chagrin. "I think if I have caffeine, I just might launch into orbit. I was worried I was going to be late, so I'm afraid my body is operating on more adrenaline than I care to admit right now."

"Ahh," he smiled, nodding, "I understand. Well, please take a seat and I'll be right back." With that, he took off. A quick moment later he returned, placing his coffee down and retaking his seat. He pressed on his keyboard while staring at his computer screen, "Alright...there you are," having pulled up her file. Then his eyes seem to capture hers as he looked away from the screen. "I've really been looking forward to meeting you."

Francesca used the time he stepped away to truly settle herself. She wasn't kidding when she said she was afraid she would launch into orbit, but she knew he needed her to be the professional she was and not seem as jittery as someone fresh out of the Academy. By the time he returned, she had settled herself in her seat, her back straight and she was perched on the edge of the chair. Watching him consult his computer screen, she was prepared for this to be a standard introductory meeting and was completely caught off guard by what he said. He was genuine and warm, but it was still unexpected. "Thank you. I expect my background isn't much different than most of the physicians you meet."

Cole raised an amused eyebrow. "That is true...with the exception of Pipeline training. The percentage of physicians with that in their background is very small."

Not one to throw around her accomplishments, she simply offered, "That's fair. To be honest, I still can't believe I got through it. I'd be lying if I said there weren't moments when I wasn't sure I would make it."

Cole nodded and blew out a breath. "Oh, I can relate. The course is rough. I don't think I would believe anyone who would say otherwise. Anyways, here we are." he smiled, lifting his cup towards his mouth, "I'm the evacuation commander of the unit you're assigned to."

"Oh, I see," Francesca replied. "I didn't realize that. It's good that we're meeting like this. I wasn't sure how quickly I might be deployed or what we might be dealing with as a medical team."

"As a SAR medical team, we'll be on a standby roster per usual for most units," Cole explained after taking a drink of his coffee, and then decided it was time to inform her as well, "As for your primary position as a family physician, most of the time you'll be working over at Phlox Medical. I arranged for you to report in here instead of there so we could meet."

"I appreciate that," Francesca replied. " I anticipated that, but it's nice to receive confirmation. I realize my specialty is a bit unusual in this day and age when some might argue all medicine is family medicine, especially within Starfleet."

"Well," Cole thought about that, "not so much on a large starbase or colony. Regardless, I think you'll be plenty busy with your specialty. Any questions?"

Francesca considered whether she had any questions. She was sure she would have plenty as she explored her new surroundings, but at the moment, she was just anxious to get started. "Not at the moment, sir. I'm sure I will later, but I don't want to keep you any longer than necessary."

"Well, I really appreciate that." He lifted a datapad while rising out of his seat, "it's going to be a busy day." and then sighed at that thought, taking another look at her. "It's been very nice to meet you, doctor."

Rising to her feet, Francesca offered, "You too, sir. I'll leave you to it, but if there's anything you need, I hope you won't hesitate to ask."

Cole grinned as he said, "I won't hesitate. And that goes both ways." Then came around his desk to join her. "I'll walk with you to the turbolift."

"Thank you," Francesca replied with a genuine smile. The conversation had been pretty straightforward, but she could honestly say she was happy with the way it went and was looking forward to working with Cole in the future.



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