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Devaen, Francesca, and Grace

Posted on Thu Jun 16th, 2022 @ 7:40pm by Lieutenant Grace Soung M.D. & Lieutenant Francesca Grant M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Devaen Torr
Edited on on Tue Jul 12th, 2022 @ 11:51pm

Mission: To Keep Moving Forward
Location: CMO's OFfice
Timeline: 2388/09/01 0935 (Mon. Sept. 01 2388 9:35am)

Devaen stood in the office for a moment, absorbing the place and the situation. That situation was that when he had arrived yesterday, he had been informed that rather than meeting his superior, the CMO of this facility, he had to step into that role himself, at least for the time being. He was not happy about this, but it was not because he didn't have the training for it; it was more that he really did not want to be in charge. But it didn't really matter what he wanted now; they needed him. So here he was. Taking a breath, he circled the desk and sat down behind it.

Doctor Grace Soung had just been notified that an Interim chief medical officer had arrived. So, she headed out of her office and down a short corridor, giving a polite smile to a couple of others walking by on her way. When she arrived at her destination, there was no medical yeoman and its door was opened, so she gave a light knock and peered inside. "Hi." She smiled and then asked, "Is this a good time for us to meet?"

Devaen glanced up at the sound of soft knocking on his door. Silently, he cursed himself. He should have heard her enter the office, should have smelled her as she neared his door. If this had been Filra, he might have gotten seriously hurt for his lack of vigilance. Fortunately, this was Starfleet, and she was not looking to harm him.

Smiling slightly, he motioned. "Please come in." Standing, he rounded his desk and offered his hand. "Devaen Torr," he introduced.

Grace walked in all the way, extending out her hand to shake his. "Grace Soung. I'm your anesthesiologist and a surgeon assistant on the side."

Devaen took the hand in a firm but gentle grip and gave it a shake then released it. "I'm pleased to meet you, Dr. Soung." He motioned to one of the chairs in his office if she wished to sit. "What can I do for you?" He turned and started to make his way toward the replicator in the office, paused, and looked back at her. "Oh, would you care for anything while we talk?" he offered.

Taking her seat, Grace smiled back to him. "Jujube tea sounds nice. Thank you." With her hands on her lap, she watched him with interest. She had never seen his species before and found him interesting, from his features to how gracefully he moved.

Devaen nodded, ordering her tea and a rriysshla for himself. When the machine provided them, he took them back and handed her the one she had ordered. Taking a sip of his, he frowned at it and sat back at his desk, setting the cup down. "So may I ask... what made you choose that specialty?"

Grace had taken a sip of her tea as well and was appreciating its taste while noticing he didn't seem to appreciate his as he asked his question. "Actually, I sort of fell into it." She replied, pleasantly. "As a teen, when deciding I wanted to become a doctor, I was mainly interested in pain management. I didn't realize until I was in med-school and looking at all my options that it's a big part of what anesthesiologists do."

After learning the interim CMO had arrived, Francesca debated whether she should introduce herself now or later. Deciding forthrightness would not only present a positive first impression but would help her know how to best be of service, she decided to introduce herself. Pressing the chime outside the office, she waited, feeling guilty she didn't have a welcome gift.

Devaen had nodded to Grace before his feline hearing noted the arrival of another person in his outer office. So when she rang the chime to his still-open door, he was already looking at her. He smiled and stood, rounding his desk once more to offer her the customary handshake. "Greetings! I'm Devaen Torr."

Francesca's cheeks slightly reddened as she realized it would've been better to clear her throat and just speak. With no actual barrier between the three of them, Francesca had thought it would still be polite to announce her presence in the customary way. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Francesca replied, returning the handshake firmly. "I suppose ringing your chime was a bit silly, but I didn't want to interrupt any deep conversations," she added with a chuckle.

Devaen chuckled softly, giving her hand a firm shake then releasing it. His entire manner exuded warmth and understanding. "Quite all right," he assured her as he moved back and motioned for her to come farther into the room and make herself comfortable. "Please come in. Be comfortable. I was just getting to know Grace here. We can all get to know one another."

Francesca still felt a bit silly, but she could see Devaen's chuckle was not meant to be mocking and his sincerity genuinely came through. She entered, spotting Grace and offering a friendly, "Hello" before taking a seat. "I'm happy to join the party."

Grace had been smiling and now reached out a hand to shake the other woman's hand. "Welcome to Serene and Phlox Medical. I'm doctor Grace Soung, anesthesiologist."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Francesca replied, "and thanks for the welcome. Officially, I'm Dr. Francesca Grant, Family Medicine."

Grace smiled warmly again in return. It was great to be meeting more staff. So far she was loving it at Phlox Medical.

Devaen was purring softly, pleased that they were all getting along so far. Oh, he knew that things could come up that would create tension in his staff eventually, but he was glad that the basic relationship, at least at the start, was amicable. "Would you care for anything to drink, Doctor Grant?" he offered, using the more formal as they didn't know one another well enough yet for him to assume that he could use her given name.

Francesca hesitated a moment before grinning mischievously. "I'd love a mocha raktajino, please. Just don't tell my doctor."

Devaen chuckled softly, tail flicking in a way that expressed that same amusement. "Oh, I assure you that I am the epitome of discretion," he answered, his own eyes glittering with the playfulness of the banter even as he moved to the Replicator to order the requested beverage. Retrieving it from the machine, he brought it back and handed it to the other doctor.

Accepting the strongly caffeinated chocolatey flavored drink, Francesca offered her thanks, letting the steam from the freshly replicated drink warm the outside of her, anticipating the comfort she would feel on the inside.

"So, ladies, did you choose this assignment or did Starfleet choose you for it?" He was curious as there seemed to be a combination of these choices on the colony so far. Some had requested to come all the way out here into the unknown -- or was it barely known -- while others had been sent here. He, personally, liked being out here. He just wasn't sure yet whether or not he wanted to be the head of this place permanently. Time would tell, he supposed. He did like his staff so far, so that was something in favor of remaining in charge of them.

"I chose it," Grace replied pleasantly. "I felt it would be good for my son and a delightful change for us both. So far, it seems I was right. We love it here."

Devaen grinned. "Excellent! It is a lovely planet." His gaze traveled back to Francesca. "And you?" he asked her, curious. Ah, cats. Always curious.

Before she could answer, Francesca's comm badge chirped, and the computer's voice came through, "S.A.R. active alert!" And as if on cue, Devaen's desk terminal chimed.

Devaen frowned at his terminal. As he moved to check it, he saw Francesca leave the office. Reading the alert message on his screen, he sighed and grabbed a PADD he used for notes and looked at the only other person in his office. "I'm sorry, Grace, but I need to cut this short," he told the lady with a note of apology in his tones. "It seems that something has happened, and I have been summoned to the Command Hub."

Having already given Francesca an understanding expression, Grace nodded, "Understandable, Sir," before following him out of the office.


Lieutenant Commander Devaen Torr
Assistant Chief Medical Officer/Interim Chief
Magellan Station, Serene Colony

Lieutenant Grace Soung M.D.
Magellan Station, Serene Colony

Lieutenant Francesca Grant M.D.
Physician/Family Medicine
Magellan Station, Serene Colony


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