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Heading To The Colony

Posted on Thu Aug 18th, 2022 @ 2:37pm by Lieutenant Commander Alexander Mundy

Mission: To Keep Moving Forward
Location: In A Runabout
Timeline: 2388/08/21 0625 (Mon. Aug. 21 2388 6:25am)

A solitary Federation runabout glides through the vastness of space. On board, a pilot mans the helm. He is the only person on board.

Soft music fills the little ship.

"Personal log, Lieutenant Commander Alexander Mundy, stardate 2388/08/21 0625. On board the runabout Kennedy, enroute to Serene Colony, where my next assignment is. This is the beginning of a new phase for me. I will be the assistant Chief Flight Officer, a task that will be new to me, but I have been researching the position, so I think I will adjust to the new role."

"Computer pause recording."

"Recording paused."

"Change the music to soft jazz please." The computer responded, "There are 528 different varieties of soft jazz. Please specify." Mundy settles on Earth jazz, circa early 21st century. The computer changed the music to the one specified.

"Resume recording." The computer beeped, indicating that he may continue. "Another thing I am looking forward to, my baby sister, Lucy, is stationed there. She's a cadet assigned to the cadet's area on the station. I haven't seen her in 3 years, so it will be interesting to see how much she has grown. Mom and dad contacted me when they heard that I was going to the Colony.....they want me to keep an eye on her. Left on her own, she might get into trouble. I'm making sure that the rest of the station knows that I am her older brother and that they shouldn't try anything with her. Close log."

Alex stood up, and started stretching. He'd been at the helm for 3 hours, and he was a little stiff. He dropped to the floor and did some pushups. Then he went to the replicator for an iced green tea, which he carried back to the helm console.

"Computer. Can you create a 3D chess board, so we can have a game or two to pass the time?" Mundy was a ranked player at the Academy, winning several tournaments.

"Affirmative." A holographic chess board appeared on the console. All the pieces were in their right place.

"Computer, I will play white the first game."

Mundy played his first move, pawn to King 4, and the computer countered with its move, Pawn to King 5. The game lasted 3 hours.


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