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Settling In

Posted on Fri Dec 16th, 2016 @ 11:04pm by Lieutenant Julianna O'Brien
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 6:00pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Officer Housing Units
Timeline: 2388/07/28 1100 (July 28 2388 1100)

As Julianna stepped into her apartment she was immediately overwhelmed by the sheer size of the place. She'd expected to get housing but never expected it to be this... as she would put it...luxurious. It was, at least compared to the places she'd been given on previous assignments. She walked in further and explored a little bit, checking out first the kitchen. Beautiful counter tops and an authentic stove as she had requested since she preferred to cook real food rather than use a replicator. As she ran her hand along the smooth counter tops she smiled, thinking she wished she had someone to share this experience with but that would come in least she hoped it would. She just marveled at the granite, wondering how they got such materials way out here, that is...unless it was a material from this quadrant that she wasn't aware of.

Strolling further in she found the dining room and its six seat table. "Wonder why they thought I'd be needin this many seats? I mean I live alone." she said out loud to herself as she wandered slowly from the dining room into the expansive living room with its couch, loveseat and coffee table. On the way there was even one of those viewing screens, almost like a 20th century television. "Wow..." she said as she noticed boxes in various places in each room, each containing some of her things that she'd brought with her.

Turning she figured she might as well get unpacked, slowly working her way from room to room, starting in the living room and putting photographs of her family on the mantel around the viewing screen. She smiled as she looked at each of them before going to the kitchen and preparing herself a cup of coffee before settling on the deck adjacent to the kitchen to enjoy her cup of coffee and just relax.


Lieutenant Julianna O'Brien
Medical Officer
Magellan Campus


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