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The Return Of The Silver Shadows of Many Moons

Posted on Sun Feb 12th, 2017 @ 9:58pm by Lieutenant Jaime Mallory & Commander Christopher SilverShadowMoon & Graken Soul Friend
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 6:15pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Starbase Flight Deck
Timeline: 2388/08/08 1643 (August 8 2388 1643)

Another yawn escaped in the few minutes since the shuttle entered the airway over Magellan Campus. While accustomed to cat napping with ease just about anywhere Chris had to wonder if he had slept a little more deeply then he originally thought.

Hefting his bag with ease, Chris was grateful to be able to stand up from the stoop he'd been in as he stepped out of shuttle. Stretching his lean muscular 7'1 frame to its full height he yawned again. Maybe he needed another nap? It didn't sound like a bad idea actually, see a bit of the colony (the changes anyway), check in, scrounge up some dinner and fall asleep.

When had he become like DozingBlue?

Shaking his head, he picked up his shoulder bag with his tail, stretching out more kinks in his back as he did. Finally only just where he was or that he was standing in the shuttles doorway still, that however, was not all he noticed.

A familiar presence tingled at the edge of his awareness. He rarely was able to feel anyone so clearly, only a few in fact. Christopher turned his head and grinned widely at the sight to greet him. The last of the fatigue draining away, forgotten.

She leaned casually against the back of another craft, not too far from him. Her Lavender eyes sparkling as they rolled over his tall sexy frame, and drinking him in as he did her. Of course she couldn't resist commenting with, "I see you're still dazed and confused as ever." The corner of her lip upturned in a smirk.

Chris tilted his head, "It's the smell, linger it does when you are near," years of teasing between them coming back effortlessly.

"Are you sure that's not you?" Jaime returned. The quirk of a smile grew into a grin before she could take it no longer. She sprinted the short distance to jump up into his arms, knowing he'd catch her, wrapping her legs around him. Uncaring who saw, breathing in his comforting scent, she pulled back to grin at him. "It's about damn time.'"

Then suddenly there were these beady little eyes staring at her from within his hair. "Chris!" she yelped, pushing away from him while landing on her feet, and then she realized, "Oh my gosh..." her hands went to her mouth out of even more excitement than she had already been feeling, and then back out towards him, "You have a Graken!"

"I do. " His grin matching her excitement. Chris held out his arm and made a series of quick trilling noise. After a moment a red-gold little dragon slinked quickly out from Chris's hair to stand on his arm, right next to his wrist.

Christopher lowered the Graken so Jaime could get a good look. "Essfliseean is his name. Found him wounded, on a hunt with Eska."

"Soul friend..." Jaime smiled in awe, remembering the meaning of the Elliciean word as she stared at the little dragon. "He's beautiful, Chris," she glanced over at him, "Will he let me hold him?"

"A bit timid he is, nor is he really a he. " Chris explained, tilting his head at the mini dragon. Sending it through their bond an image of what he wanted. Curious himself if Soul Friend would be brave enough to go to Jaime.

"Friend was found, at least a year old, so our bond is of his choice. Like a friend than family, and technically neither male or female 'he' is."

To his surprise the dragon inched forward to peer more closely at the petite blonde, it's multifaceted eyes appraising her before it gave a friendly chirp. However, Soul Friend made no move to go to her.

"Touch him you can."

Biting her bottom lip, Jaime did just that, reaching out a hand to run a finger along the nose ridge, and up between the eyes. "Hi, Soul Friend," she said softly, "I hope we can be friends. You sure are pretty."

Soul Friend chirped again as if confirming a friendship, Eyes closing, body relaxing into her touch.

Jaime smiled as she continued to pet him and then glanced up to Chris as she wondered, "So how is your Eska, and White Star?" referring to his mom and her Graken.

Christopher watched Soul, though not really seeing him as he thought of home. "WhiteStar old he is, is well but no longer hunts. Plays with children during day, is with Eska to rest. "

Soul, sensing his mood let out an inquisitive chirp. Chris ran his hand down the dragons back as he continued, refusing to dwell on the worries he had for his mother. Instead he focused on the steps forward she had made.

Picking up his bag, he was pleased when Soul Friend fluttered and took residence on Jaime's shoulder. Chris smiled at him. "Eska is...more herself. Pain is better, though she does not in the village live. Prefers solitude."

"Oh, I see," Jaime frowned. She missed Chris' mother, who was a former Starfleet officer by the name of Maya WalksTheFire, along with a few others her mother, Katerina, had served with when Chris and her were young children. Her eyes left the Graken on her shoulder as she reached far up to place a caring hand along one side of his face, "Chris, are you really okay?"

Chris covered her hand with his own. "Most of the time." He replied honestly, his blue eyes mirroring his words. "Sad, I feel more than anything. Starfleet she loves and can not have."

"Who knows what the future still holds for her," Jaime smiled, trying to encourage him on his mother's future, "and with that said," she put her arm through his and they started walking, "how about I help you get resettled back in?"

A fond smile, and a strong prehensile tail wrapping gently around her waist as they headed out of the bay, was her answer.


Lieutenant Jaime Mallory
Pilot/Flight Deck Supervisor
Magellan Campus


Commander Christopher SilverShadowMoon
Starfleet Ranger and Science Dept Head
Starbase Magellan, Sapientia


Soul Friend
Ellciiean Graken/symbiotic companion
Starbase Magellan, Sapientia


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