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Silence and Contemplation

Posted on Sun Feb 12th, 2017 @ 9:16pm by Commander Christopher SilverShadowMoon
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:58pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Elliciea Fanci, Beta Quadrant, about a day away from the wormhole into the DQ.
Timeline: 2388/07/27 1500 (July 27 2388 1500)

*One Month before Present, on a planet in the Beta Quadrant, a days travel at warp 6 from Wormhole X747, the wormhole that leads into the D.Q.*

There was a rattle sound. Faint and low and moving fast. If he flinched, hesitated or acted too soon, it would mean a loss of a meal or even worse quite possibly his hand.

It was only experience that kept him unconcerned about the latter, though he could never dismiss the possibility. Sky blue feline like eyes remained focused on one point, tips of ears flicking back and forth as he tried to pinpoint exactly where it would come from. He was fairly sure the left, but the warning rattle had fooled him before.

Glancing up briefly, he exchanged a nod with the dark figure sitting a bit further up the tree top. The slight tilt of her head to the left told him she concurred with his assessment. Her experience out weighed his own and her actions told him she was confident in this. Bolster by this fact, Christopher moved down one branch set of the massive and twisted trunk, and closer to the bait, positioning himself not quite above where they figured the yseelvisa would come from.

The timing couldn't have been better. The yseelvisa must have picked up speed, its slithering movements now noticeable as it moved through the dense foliage of the canopy. Ready and waiting, the two Ellicieans watched as it exploded straight through the prickly leaves of aylsissica and towards the bait, a mushy pile of rotting entrails.

Still waiting they watched as it swung it's massive serpent head back and forth, tongue flicking out to taste the air. Once it seemed to have decided it was safe, the creature lunged viciously at the entrails, scooping some up and lifting it's body to swallow them down.

It was a good thing the yseelvisa's eyesight was poor, for it's head was tilted right up and it's eyes staring straight at Chris. Because of how it had coiled around the bait and positioned itself meant he could not give the killing blow. The chance was too high its blade sharp fangs and trap door jaws would catch him before he would succeed. Besides, with the remainder of it's long body still in the foliage it was too dangerous to react period. In order to successfully kill the king serpent and live, one had to wait till it wrapped its +30 foot body into a coil.

So they waited. Muscles tense, eyes and ears alert till the Yseelvisa began to pull more of itself in after virtually finishing off the entrails. Mostly full, and slightly engorged from its meal, it took its time coiling up for a sleep. Eventually the last of its body came out of the dense foliage and began to wrap around the rest of the body.

They had to strike now before the rattling tail tip wrapped itself safely under heavy coils. Christopher quickly reestablished his grip on the spear before jumping down. He hollered loudly as he did, not only to startled the serpent but to alert his companion who released the net.

In a matter of only a few seconds, the serpent looked up as a net came down over the main portion of its body, leaving the last of its tail outside.

Christopher speared the moving tail, using the full of his weight as he came down before rolling to the side and grabbing one of the net lines to act as a weight to keep the serpent pinned. His hunting companion had also followed the net and grabbed a line, swung with it under the branch and right back up the other side till the line was wrapped around the branch itself. The serpent had immediately begun to react, shifting and sliding. Restricted, however, by it's speared tail and the net that covered it.

It's one remaining defense was pulled into action. Though it's head was pushed down against its body, it spread itself flat so its head was now facing the top of the net. Jaws opened and snapped shut several times as it attempted to shred and tear the net. This was the very action they wanted.

Chris brought the line he swung from up and around the branch and secured it while his companion pulled the short hooked spear from its strap across her back and shoved it through the small portion of exposed 'neck' while the serpent snapped at its restraints. The spear pierced through the most vulnerable area with a sickly thud and right up into the skull. The Yseelvisa's jaws snapped open and shut several more times before its eyes rolled and head flopped to the side.

Both Ellicieans stood still, breathing slowing down for several minutes as they waited for the last of the muscle spasms that rolled through the serpent to pass. Once it lay completely still Christopher pulled the spear from it's tail tip and glanced over at his companion with a grin. If he was to hunt with anyone he always preferred it was her, his mother. Hunting wasn't a particularly favorite activity but he couldn't deny the pleasure of the adrenaline rush or how at ease Maya became afterwards. Hunting was a part of her nature, not only because she was female but because it was just her.

"Eska, do you wish to claim the tip?" Her words broke through his thoughts.

Christopher glanced down at it. "Deliver the killing blow you did, it is yours"

"Any more I have and sell them for tourists I could. You take.. Yseelvia territory you found."

Chuckling, Chris replied, "ha.. by accident." Tracking was a skill he did have but in this case it was accidental.

Maya smiled back and began to prepare the serpent for transport. Its meat would be a treat for the festival, Yseelvia were only eaten for special occasions. Christopher blew on the horn, the noise it made echoed around them only heard however by the Graken, miniature dragons the hunting parties had with them. Wild graken would hear it and perhaps come to watch but those trained would bring their companions with them and the hunting party would carry the beast off.

Once done, he joined her in the task, not minding the silence between them as they worked. Reminded of when they had lived on a starship when he was a young boy, his mother as she should be, well and serving Starfleet. They often spent time in compatible silence when she had been off duty. He could remember her stressing that silence would be a valued friend when he was older. Contemplation, a gift that should be cherished. Now on a break from his responsibilities in the Delta Quadrant, visiting his home world, he understood more then ever what that meant.

Silence and contemplation was interrupted by the sound of something rustling in the leaves further above them. Causing water droplets to fall from the broad leaves and on to his head as it did.

Growing still, he waited listening, sensing his mother was too. Neither was certain as to what they were hearing. Elliciea was full of predators, many seeming innocent or helpless when they were any thing but.

The loud frustrated squawk that suddenly rented the air around them caused Maya to tilt her head, ears twitching in recognition. A slight smile upon her lips as her tail flickered with an emotion he wasn't sure he could read.

"Go." She gave the one word command. Christopher furrowed his brows, borrowing a human trait as he looked at his mother.

She simply pointed up and continued with their task. Christopher stood and looked up wondering with a curiosity he hadn't felt in a while, what would make his mother react like that.

With no excuse and a dying need to know, Christopher began to climb up towards the intrusive sound.

There was a break in the disturbance overhead. Whatever frustrated creature it was above him, it was likely taking a breather. Another indication it was probably trapped or stuck. Elliciea was full of dangers, often plant life could be more hazardous then fauna. The most deadly usually were the prettiest or most benign looking.

He reached the next section of branches in the canopy, this set was a bit thinner and while most could still hold his weight he did have to be more mindful of his footing. The great leaves of the tree at this point were fuller and dense, easily hiding dangers that lived among them. It was also the first level in the canopy to collect decent amounts of water in the great leaves that would trickle on down to plants and animals below. He could feel the additional moisture as he careful made his way over to shaking leaves on a thick vine that coiled the branch. The squawking had also resumed and he began to see the flashes of gold peak through the various shades of blue and green. As he grew closer he could tell from the glint in the light beams that peeked through the canopy that it had wings.

Before he reached the spot Christopher had already figured out what was causing all the fuss and felt a thrill run through him. There looking up at him in exasperation and frustrated anger was the little golden head of a graken. The miniature dragon let out a honking squawk as if to ask for help.

Positioning himself, Christopher carefully reached a hand towards the little dragon, tentatively lifting a winding strand of vine that was pressing into its wings. The graken let out another squawk and hissed but made no attempt to harm him. Encouraged, Chris began the pain staking process of untangling the dragon from it's trap. He could tell before he finished the rescue that it's wings had been damaged and possible a hind leg broken.

The plant wasn't making it easy, he could feel it attempting to tighten up as he pulled. While his strength won out he couldn't freely rip as he would have liked without risking their lives at the hand of some possibly hidden predator tuned into the vines movements. With such a plant like the vine, it usually had either a deadly small animal hiding around it or another predatory plant. The vine was slow which meant something that moved faster was likely reaping the benefits. If he did this slowly and without too much fuss they'd likely go unnoticed if there was anything to worry about.

Once free the graken started to fuss wildly as lifting it caused it pain. Chris quickly clamped a hand over its jaw and held it close to his body. Holding his breath he listened and heard an ever so slight ticking noise. He couldn't be sure where it was coming from but it wasn't a good sign. Something was around and had finally taken notice.

Quickly as possible Chris moved back the way he came, using his tail and one arm to head down to the branch level where his mother waited.

His mother did not look surprised at the very tiny wiggling bundle in his arms. Rather a mixture of wistful and sad competed over her features. Of course with White Star, her own graken's, recent decline in health, it was understandable she'd feel that way at the sight of a young one.

Maya finished securing a strap for the serpents transport and moved to her son's side for a closer look. "Ah, a Algesicy." she indicate the slight colour pattern along his back ridge, "Usually prefer cliff sides they do."

Christopher began to thrum, or as his human friends would say, purr . Hoping the very young graken would be comforted by it much the same way White Star or Elliciean children were. The deep noise vibrated through his chest where the tiny graken was firmly held against.

It didn't take long for the little dragon to succumb to the calming affect of Chris's purr. With half lidded eyes it suddenly went limp as the adrenaline rush wore off, also considering the amount of pain it had to be in it wasn't surprising that the poor guy dropped off in exhaustion. Christopher ran a finger down its ridge, able to take in how very young it really was. New born, it was not, but it wasn't fully grown either.

Young enough still to fall prey to a basic predator trick. Christopher looked up and around, "Evidence of a thunder I do not see." Usually when a grouping, or a thunder of Grakens, were in an area long enough signs was left behind. There was none in this case and with one so young it meant it had been separated, probably as the thunder passed through in a hunt of their own.

As small as grakens were and as helpful as the 'tamed' ones could be, grakens were capable of being either a danger or a menace in the wild. They aptly deserved the title of thunder as when roused in anger or obnoxious behavior they sounded like a storm.

Maya spoke up, though her voice was quiet it startled him out of his thoughts, "Was trapped?"

Nodding, Christopher shot a glance at the Yseelvia, relieved to see it was ready. "Yes it was. A leerisian vine ?"

Frowning Maya looked up. "Means many predators hunt here."

"Yes. We should leave but.."

She patted his shoulder before moving back to the serpent to gather her gear, "Worry you should not. Mel'sdra should be here soon, feel them I do." Any large group of Ellicieans would deter whatever had been ticking up above them.

As if summoned, not even two minutes later, several female Ellicieans seemed to appear out of nowhere. It always amazed Chris how the Mel'sdra could blend so well into their surroundings, the fluidity of their movements coupled with the fierceness of their natures. Female hunters who spent their entire lives dedicated to the hunt and stewardship of the lands outside their villages. They were both a vital aspect to the success of any village while a mystery, having their own customs and way of life.

Feeling intimidated, he stood silently off to the side to let his mother talk to them. While she wasn't one of them she was familiar with them and he could tell from her body language they did not concern her. A part of him wondered if he was wrong, if perhaps they had adopted her as one of their own on some level. The M'hon, leader of the Mel'sdra, gave him the impression she respected his mother.

To earn that respect was a valuable thing and it relieved some of his worry he had for Maya. It would make leaving her to return to duty easier if he knew she wouldn't be so isolated.

Once the Mel'sdra began to head off with the Yseelvia, Maya came over to Chris.

"Home we should go. " She ran the tip of her tail gently over the back of the passed out dragon, "This one will wake soon, much pain he will be in."

Christopher nodded and grabbed his pack and with his mothers help gently placed the little graken inside. Trying not to form an attachment already when there was no guarantee it would feel anything back. The symbiotic relationship Ellicieans and Grakens formed was usually done at hatching. Yet, it was hard not to find himself hoping.

His mother seemed to be able to read his thoughts. "Oh Eska... time and care can do much, heal much, this I promise."

Christopher hoped so. Not just for himself but for her. That she'd finally heal and not be so alone.


Christopher - The Silver Shadows of Many Moons
Starfleet Ranger and Science Dept Head
Starbase Magellan, Sapientia


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