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Dev And The Kid

Posted on Sun Oct 30th, 2016 @ 12:40am by Deveron Raziel & Commander Jessica Deloia & Jasmine Deloia
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:57pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Space, on the way to Sapientia
Timeline: 2388/07/27 0100 (July 27 2388 0100)

Jasmine woke slowly and looked round nervously for her Aunt Jess. She still had bad dreams about her disappearing on her or telling her she didn't want her but the counsellor had told her those were normal so she tried to ignore them. Seeing an empty seat where her Aunt had been sitting and a guy in the one next to it she looked at him curiously "Hi."

"Hi," he smiled, and then gestured with a hand to the empty seat, "Your Aunt will be right back."

Moving to sit up she smiled "Ok ... are you a friend of Aunt Jess?"

"Well..." Dev looked thoughtful, "we've only just met. But I think it's likely we will be."

She grinned "Cool." Swinging her legs that were above the floor where she was sitting she asked softly "Think there will be anyone my age there?"

"Well, I don't know." Dev smiled, "but I bet", he tilted his head as he leaned forward, "it will be easy enough to find out." And then regarding her, he asked, "What is it you like to do in your spare time?"

"Swim and climb ... and Aunt Jess said I could take some classes in self defense if they ran them." Her eyes lit up at the fact her Aunt was giving what seemed to her amazing freedom by being allowed to take classes.

"It all sounds good." Dev nodded, furrowing his brow, "but I think..." he leaned back in his seat, "you're still going to have a lot of time on your hands. Have you thought about getting a job?"

She giggled "I'm 12 ... I still have to go to school ... and no one will hire a kid to work." She looked impish for a minute "Think if I could find one I could talk Auntie Jess into considering it 'work experience' for when I'm older?"

"Yes I do," he nodded and smiled. "I had a job when I was your age. I made sure it didn't interfere with my chores and homework. It helped keep me busy and I was able to save up for certain things I wanted to purchase. Made me feel like I was self-sufficient, independent, and..."

She looked at him curiously "And? .... Would it mean I can get Aunt Jess a birthday present?"

"Yes, and well..." Dev inhaled deeply, looking at her with uncertainty, "I don't know if I should say. It's sort of a scary word, especially when your twelve."

"I'm a smart 12 ... honest." She gave him her best 'you can trust me I know what i'm doing look' that she had practiced after seeing it on her Aunt in serious situations.

"All right..." and with a serious expression, Dev leaned forward again with one arm on a leg, "Now don't tell me I didn't warn you. The word is...responsible."

Giving him a teasing smile she laid a hand on her chest, made a 'gah!' sound and mimed passing out "You wound me good sir."

Dev laughed in return, he couldn't help himself. "I tell you what," he said stifling himself, "Very soon there will be a little cafe on campus, The Subspace Cafe. Tell the owner Dev sent you, and I can guarantee he'll hire you right then and there."

"Really?" Her eyes lighting up she nodded "Yes sir ... and I promise to work hard."

"I'll hold you to that promise," he smiled, "and one more thing, you'll need your Aunt's permission."

"My permission for what? What are you two hatching hmmm?" Jess looked at the two mock suspiciously.

Dev looked up at her, "I was just telling your niece about a job on campus, at The Subspace Cafe. It's just perfect for a twelve year old and she's interested."

Jess grinned "It wont interfere with her school work or keep her out to late?" She was pretending not to see the pleading look from her niece.

"Nah." he gave a 'no way' expression. "I know the owner personally and it's perfect."

"Hmmmm ...." She took pity on her bouncing niece with a grin "It's fine."

Jasmine jumped up and did a little dance.

Dev watched with an amused wry expression. "Now remember," he said as he pushed himself up and out of his seat, "to tell them at the cafe that Dev sent you."

Nodding Jasmine remembered her manners, "Yes sir."

Looking at him over Jasmines head Jess mouthed, "Thank you."

Dev gave a smile back before saying, "Well Ladies, if you'll excuse me, it's my turn for a nap."

Jess smiled back "Enjoy your nap ... and thank you for the support earlier." She liked what she had seen of Dev and wouldn't mind spending some time with him in a relaxed environment.

"Thank you and any time. I'll be seeing you both planet-side." Giving another half smile, Dev gave a casual salute before walking away.


Jasmine Deloia
Sleeping child
Magellan Campus

Deveron Raziel
Club & Cafe Owner
Magellan Campus

Lt. Cmdr. Jessica Deloia
Chief Medical Officer
Magellan Campus


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