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Babies and New Friends

Posted on Sat Feb 18th, 2017 @ 6:06pm by Ambassador Geminik Odar & Samantha Fraiser-Odar & Commander Jessica Deloia
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 6:21pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Diplomat Dept offices, Medical Center
Timeline: 2388/08/11 1600 (August 11 2388 1600)

Sam watched Gem with a small smile before going slowly over to him at his desk, wrapping her arms around him from behind and leaning her head on his shoulder. "Nearly ready to see the Doc love?"

They had made an appointment to see the new CMO to check on baby and get their first look.

Pressing his head affectionately against hers, Gem smiled while hitting a button to shut down his console. "Ready", and then placed a hand over hers, "Dinner out afterwards?"

Leaning in against him she nodded with a smile "Sounds good."

Gem caressed the side of her head before causing her to move as he rose from his chair. Turning to face her, he took her hand and kissed it, "I'm looking forward to this, Samantha..." and then he paused to look her over, "You look beautiful...radiant."

Smiling shyly she said "Thank you ... and Im looking forward to this too ... Are we still agreed we don't want to know the sex til baby is here?" She didn't want to know the sex she wanted to be surprised but if Gem had changed his mind she would.

As they headed for the door, his arm slipping around her waist, Gem nodded, "We are still in agreement." he smiled and then slightly teased as he shook his head in amazement, "One of the Universe's greatest mysteries..."

Grinning impishly she teased back "I can't believe your mother didn't tell you ... or Odar ... he really is slipping." Snuggling into his side she quipped "You see when two people love each other ... a stork comes by and leaves a baby on their doorstep...." Sam tried to keep a straight face."

"Samantha, I was referring to..ohhh.." Gem chuckled, "You win..this time."

Giggling Sam walked with him


Entering medical Sam looked round and smiled as Jess came over to them "Ambassador ... Admiral .... All ready for your scan?"

Jess led them over to a bio bed as they were talking. Sitting Sam on it she put it in a semi reclining position so it was more comfortable for the other woman.

Gem sat closely down next to Sam and held her hand, placing his other hand lovingly on her abdomen while Jessica activated the scanner.

Smiling at the two of them Jess asked Gem "Could you move your hand slightly up an inch Ambassador?"

"Oh.." Gem smiled a little embarrassed, and breathing in deeply to calm all his nervous energy, did as he was asked. "Forgive me, Doctor," it was Odar's side of the blended personality now speaking, "as I am a former would think I would know better..."

Looking fascinated at the change Jess asked tentatively "Odar? ... No apology necessary ... I can understand the nerves of your host and his mate ... this is the first child for them both?"

Gem smiled; he knew she would know the answer for Samantha, it would be on her medical record, but for him, it would not be so. "First child for the both of us, Doctor..although I have many memories of becoming a parent from past hosts."

Jess smiled at that "You may have an advantage over some new parents then ..." She looked at the results she was getting and smiled "Would you like to see your baby?"

Gem and Sam's eyes met, and there was no doubt. "Yes, we would Doctor." they unintentionally chorused. Gem chuckled inwardly.

Giggling at the stereo from the two of them she asked "How much detail do you want?"

"As much as you can give us doctor," Gem answered a little enthusiastically, "without revealing the baby's gender."

"Right now, some things we won't be able to tell yet ... like how much of its characteristics it takes from which parents ... but ... Lets have a look." She tapped a few controls and brought up a slowly revolving 3D image of their little one, it was perfectly formed but fuzzy on the details and floating curled in a way that the sex couldn't be ascertained. She giggled when she watched a thumb sneak into its mouth.

Sam watched the baby with awe, feeling a little tearful "That's really our baby? ... And look ... " She thought the fact it was sucking its thumb had to be one of the cutest things ever.

Gem was just as touched....and it showed in his expression. It was because of Odar, he understood that for the symbiont within each host, every pregnancy, each child's birth, was just as special as the last. At this moment for Gem, who once thought he did not want children, nor to ever marry, found himself thankful more than ever for Sam, and for this little one, his and Sam's child.

He leant down, kissed her, and then looked back to the image.



Adm Samantha Frasier Retired
Diplomatic detachment/advisor
Magellan Academy

Ambassador Geminik Odar
Dept. Head - Diplomatic Corps
Magellan Academy

Lt. Cmdr. Jessica Deloia
Chief Medical Officer
Magellan Campus


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